232 research outputs found

    Penerapan Konsep Business Intelligence untuk Percepatan Penyelesaian Perkara pada Panmud Perdata Khusus Mahkamah Agung RI

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    Surat Keputusan Ketua MA No. 214/KMA/SK/XII/2014 tentang Jangka Waktu Penanganan Perkara diMahkamah Agung yang kini tengah menghadapi lonjakan jumlah perkara. Kelambatan penyelesaian perkarameningkatkan tumpukan perkara dan penyelesaian perkara yang lama berimplikasi dengan semakin besar biayadisertai dengan prosedur panjang menimbulkan kerugian dan ketidakpastian hukum bagi pencari keadilan.Business intelligence merupakan sistem aplikasi yang mampu menganalisa data operasional dan data transaksionaldi masa lampau ke dalam bentuk knowledge untuk mendukung keputusan dan perencanaan organisasi. BusinessIntelligence sebagai alat bantu untuk mengolah dan menganalisa data register perkara perdata khusus sehinggadapat memberikan informasi yang akurat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menerapkan konsep business intelligence dengan pengklasifikasian algoritma yang tepat dalam percepatan penyelesaian perkara. Beberapa algoritma yang diuji, yaitu algoritma decisson tree, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Stump dan k-NN. Validasidilakukan dengan menggunakan 10 fold cross validation, Area Under Curve (AUC) untuk model evaluasi kinerja.Metode klasifikasi yang diusulkan dilihat dari perbandingan akurasi dan AUC, lalu melakukan uji t-test untukanalisis uji beda. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan persentase perkara yang diselesaikan tepat waktu

    Biomass Nutrient Profiles of Marine Microalgae Dunaliella Salina

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    The unconventional micro algal sources for the production of feed, food, food additive, pharmaceutical, and fine chemical is growing in important. Researches in the field are expanding worldwide. Nutritional composition of marine micro algae Dunaliella salina data included proximate composition, nitrate, RNA, and pigments were analyzed under various conditions in semi cultured medium. On average, nutritional composition of biomass was highly influenced by external irradiance and residence time in bioreactor. The biomass collected for short residence times was richer in protein

    Performance analysis of wireless LANs: an integrated packet/flow level approach

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    In this paper we present an integrated packet/flow level modelling approach for analysing flow throughputs and transfer times in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. The packet level model captures the statistical characteristics of the transmission of individual packets at the MAC layer, while the flow level model takes into account the system dynamics due to the initiation and completion of data flow transfers. The latter model is a processor sharing type of queueing model reflecting the IEEE 802.11 MAC design principle of distributing the transmission capacity fairly among the active flows. The resulting integrated packet/flow level model is analytically tractable and yields a simple approximation for the throughput and flow transfer time. Extensive simulations show that the approximation is very accurate for a wide range of parameter settings. In addition, the simulation study confirms the attractive property following from our approximation that the expected flow transfer delay is insensitive to the flow size distribution (apart from its mean)

    Produktifitas Primer dan Laju Pertumbuhan Fitoplankton di Perairan Pantai Bekasi

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    Observasi dan eksperimen telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi produktifitas primer dan laju pertumbuhan fitoplankton serta estimasi pemangsaan fitoplankton oleh zooplankton di perairan Muara Bekasi, Muara Jaya, dan Muara Sorongan,Kabupaten Bekasi di lokasi muara sungai (Stasiun S), perairan antara sungai dan laut (Stasiun SL) dan laut di depannya (Stasiun L). Produktifitas primer diukur dengan menggunakan metode botol gelap-botol terang, sedangkan laju pertumbuhan fitoplankton diukur dengan metode penyaringan. Pengukuran dan eksperimen dilakukan pada bulan Februari , Maret, dan April 1993. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatkan nilai rata-rata produktifitas primer sebesar 428,16,322,55, dan 343,97 gC/ml/tb berturut-turut untuk Stasiun S, SL, dan L. Laju tumbuhan fitoplankton adalah 16 %, 54 %, dan 26 % penggandaanlhari untuk Stasiun S, SL, dan L. Klorofil yang hilang di Stasiun S, SL, dan L berturut-turut adalah sebesar 2,28, 3,81, dan 2,38~tlhari, atau sekitar Ix )0-4, 3x )0-4, dan 0,7x 10-4 ~Cl1t/zooplankter/hari ditransfer dari fitoplankton ke zooplankton .Kata

    Peran Bussines Intelligence dalam Menentukan Strategi Promosi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru

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    Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al-Kamal (ISTA) menggunakan sistem penerimaan mahasiswa baru onlineberusaha untuk menarik siswa-siswi SMA dan sederajat untuk menjadi mahasiswa di ISTA. Permasalahan yangterjadi adalah masih besarnya persentase calon mahasiswa yang tidak melakukan registrasi ulang padahalsudahdinyatakan lulus seleksi sehingga target kuota mahasiswa baru tidak tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmelakukan mengelompokan data mahasiswa ke dalam beberapa cluster berdasarkan kemiripan dari data tersebut.Sehingga data mahasiswa yang memiliki karakteristik yang sama dikelompokkan dalam satu cluster dan yangmemiliki karakteristik berbeda dikelompokkan dalam cluster yang lain, dengan memanfaatkan proses data miningyaitu metode smart clustering k-means. Sistem Bussines inteligence pada penelitian ini berperan untukmeningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif institusi melalui pendayagunaan berbagai data, informasi dan pengetahuanyang dimiliki oleh institusi sebagai bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang digunakan adalahCRISP-DM dengan proses business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluationdan deployment. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan tool RapidMiner 7.3 untuk membantu menemukan hasil yangakurat untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini digunakan sebagai salah satu dasarpengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan strategi promosi berdasarkan cluster yang terbentuk oleh pihakmarketing ISTA

    The combined effect of chemoprophylaxis with single dose rifampicin and immunoprophylaxis with BCG to prevent leprosy in contacts of newly diagnosed leprosy cases: A cluster randomized controlled trial (MALTALEP study)

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    Background: Despite almost 30 years of effective chemotherapy with MDT, the global new case detection rate of leprosy has remained quite constant over the past years. New tools and methodologies are necessary to interrupt the transmission of M. leprae. Single-dose rifampicin (SDR) has been shown to prevent 57% of incident cases of leprosy in the first two years, when given to contacts of newly diagnosed cases. Immunization of contacts with BCG has been less well documented, but appears to have a preventive effect lasting up to 9 years. However, one major disadvantage is the occurrence of excess cases within the first year after immunization. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of chemoprophylaxis with SDR and immunoprophylaxis with BCG on the clinical outcome as well as on host immune responses and gene expression profiles in contacts of newly diagnosed leprosy patients. We hypothesize that the effects of both interventions may be complementary, causing the combined preventive outcome to be significant and long-lasting.Methods/design: Through a cluster randomized controlled trial we compare immunization with BCG alone with BCG plus SDR in contacts of new leprosy cases. Contact groups of around 15 persons will be established for each of the 1300 leprosy patients included in the trial, resulting in approximately 20,000 contacts in total. BCG will be administered to the intervention group followed by SDR, 2 months later. The control group will receive BCG only. In total 10,000 contacts will be included in both intervention arms over a 2-year period. Follow-up will take place one year as well as two years after intake. The primary outcome is the occurrence of clinical leprosy within two years. Simultaneously with vaccination and SDR, blood samples for in vitro analyses will be obtained from 300 contacts participating in the trial to determine the effect of these chemo- and immunoprophylactic interventions on immune and genetic host parameters.Discussion: Combined chemoprophylaxis and immunoprophylaxis is potentially a very powerful and innovative tool aimed at contacts of leprosy patients that could reduce the transmission of M. leprae markedly. The trial intends to substantiate this potential preventive effect. Evaluation of immune and genetic biomarker profiles will allow identification of pathogenic versus (BCG-induced) protective host biomarkers and could lead to effective prophylactic interventions for leprosy using optimized tools for identification of individuals who are most at risk of developing disease.Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register: NTR3087

    Desain Kemasan Minuman Sari Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) untuk Meningkatkan Pemasaran di UD Manjur Makmur

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    One of the variant of Morinda citrifolia fruit drink is called noni juice and known as Noni Super Power’s brand name at UD Manjur Makmur. This beverage is naturally fermented by spontaneous fermentation at 28-30°C during six months in a bottle that has been cleaned and tightly closed. During the marketing process to consumers, the design packaging of noni drink is needed to attract consumers buying. Meanwhile, the primary packaging of noni juice at UD Manjur Makmur is less attractive to consumers, there is also no secondary and tertiary packaging and it became the product's packaging weakness. So, label and packaging for noni juice products are needed to design to promote product identity and display product visuals to raise the consumers’ interest. This study was conducted to solve these problems. In this research, benchmarking of products, the Guide on Labeling of Processed Food Agency for National Drug and Food Control (2020), and the observation, imitation, modify methodology were applied. This research resulted in the design of primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging for noni fruit juice drinks. Following the benchmarking, the guide of processed food label requirements, and evaluating the packaging and labels (2020), the new design packaging and labels were better than before. As packaging of noni juice, plastic bottles with new design label are used for primary packaging, followed by rectangles (boxes) made from samson paper (size of 6,3 × 6,3 × 18 cm) for secondary packaging, and cardboard boxes made from corrugate (size of 30 × 20 × 40 cm) for tertiary packaging. Furthermore, the new design packaging (especially tertiary packaging) can accommodate a large amount of noni juice bottles during the marketing and distribution of its product. Keywords: consumers’ interest, noni juice, label, packagin

    Penerapan Data Mining dalam Menangani Kemacetan di Jakarta

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis akurasi Algoritma C4.5 dalam mendeteksi Kemacetan yang paling sering terjadi di Jakarta, penulis mencoba menawarkan strategi menangani Kemacetan di Jakarta, dengan konsep Business Intelegencie(BI). Jurnal ini menawarkan modelpenerapan Angkot Sekolah online berbasis BIdengan MetodeCRISP-DM, Algoritma A*, TSP-BAB. Penelitian ini memakai Populasi dan sampel sebanyak 50 Responden. Hasil penelitian 1).Analisis C4.5ditemukan bahwa Kemacetan terjadi Pagi dan Siang, Jam 07:0008:00 WIB, nilai paling besar adalah Jakarta Timur Jam 07:00 WIB panjang kemacetan 10,45Km, kemudian hasil Statistik yang Mengendarai Kendaraan Pribadi 9x lebih banyak dari pada Kendaraan Umum, terjadi kemacetan. Waktu Pagi Jam 07:00–08:00 WIB dan Sore Jam 17:00 WIB panjang Kemacetan 10,45Km dengan tingkat Akuras tersebar dibeberapa titik kemacetan Jalan Raya Jakarta Timur. 2). Penggunaan Algoritma A* dalam mencari Rute terpendek efesien digunakan 3).Penerapan Angkot Sekolah online menggunakan Metode TSP-BABdalam Minimalisir Biaya Perjalanan menjemput Siswa dapat mengurangi macet, mengurangi kecelakaan, mengurangi waktu keterlambatan siswa, minimalisir ongkos perjalanan. Saran yang diberikan yaitu menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi Pemerintah dalam menangani Kemacetan di Jakarta, secara efisien, aman dan transparan
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