55 research outputs found

    Managing an Academic Career in Science: What Gender Differences Exist and Why?

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    ABSTRACT Title of Document: MANAGING AN ACADEMIC CAREER IN SCIENCE: WHAT GENDER DIFFERENCES EXIST AND WHY? Gayle Patrice Richards, Doctor of Philosophy, 2006 Directed By: Professor Bart Landry Sociology Department The present study examines the career trajectories of academic scientists during the period from 1993 to 2001 to explore gender differences in mobility. Data from the National Science Foundation's Survey of Doctorate Recipients are used to examine and compare gender differences in the odds of promotion. The effects of age, marital and family status, duration of time to complete doctorate, academic discipline, cumulative number of publications and time in the survey are considered as explanatory variables. Event history analyses are conducted for all scientists, for scientists in four major academic disciplines and for scientists in various academic ranks. While no overall gender differences were observed in the odds of promotion, several important similarities and differences were evident. Expectedly, publications had a significant and positive relationship with advancement for both women and men. The role of parent influenced promotions quite differently for women and men. Contrary to expectations based on prior research, academic women scientists who were mothers advanced at similar rates as women without children. Consistent with expectations based on traditional roles, married men and men with children generally advanced more quickly than single or childless men, respectively. Two surprising patterns emerged among subgroups of women. Marriage was associated with greater odds of advancement for women engineers and motherhood was associated with greater odds of advancement for among assistant professors. Possible explanations for these findings are presented

    Building and Delivering a Successful Dementia Research Portfolio through Collaboration.

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    Conference poster presented at Clinical Trials Symposium, RD&E 5/11/15.Collaboration between Devon Partnership Trust and Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

    Intervention planning for the REDUCE maintenance intervention: a digital intervention to reduce re-ulceration risk among patients with a history of diabetic foot ulcers

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    Objectives: To develop a comprehensive intervention plan for the REDUCE maintenance intervention to support people who have had diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) to sustain behaviours that reduce re-ulceration risk. Methods: Theory-, evidence- and person-based approaches to intervention development were used. In phase 1 of intervention planning, evidence was collated from a scoping review of the literature and qualitative interviews with patients who have had DFUs (N=20). This was used to identify the psychosocial needs and challenges of this population, and barriers and facilitators to the intervention’s target behaviours: regular foot checking, rapid self-referral in the event of changes in foot health, graded and regular physical activity, and emotional management. In phase 2, this evidence was combined with expert consultation to develop the intervention plan. Brief ‘guiding principles’ for shaping intervention development were created. ‘Behavioural analysis’ and ‘logic modelling’ were used to map intervention content onto behaviour change theory to comprehensively describe the intervention and its hypothesised mechanisms. Results: Key challenges to the interventions’ target behaviours included patients’ uncertainty regarding when to self-refer, physical limitations affecting foot checking and physical activity, and, for some, difficulties managing negative emotions. Important considerations for the intervention design included a need to increase patients’ confidence in making a self-referral and in using the maintenance intervention, and a need to acknowledge that some intervention content might be relevant to only some patients (emotional management, physical activity). The behavioural analysis identified the following processes hypothesised to facilitate long-term behaviour maintenance including; increasing patients’ skills, self-efficacy, knowledge, positive outcome expectancies, sense of personal control, social support, and physical opportunity. Conclusions: This research provides a transparent description of the intervention planning for the REDUCE maintenance intervention. It provides insights into potential barriers and facilitators to the target behaviours and potentially useful behaviour change techniques to use in clinical practice

    IgG Antibodies against Measles, Rubella, and Varicella Zoster Virus Predict Conversion to Multiple Sclerosis in Clinically Isolated Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND:Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by a polyspecific B-cell response to neurotropic viruses such as measles, rubella and varicella zoster, with the corresponding antibodies measurable in CSF as the so-called "MRZ reaction" (MRZR). We aimed to evaluate the relevance of MRZR to predict conversion of patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to MS, and to compare it to oligoclonal bands (OCB) and MRI. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:MRZR was determined in a prospective study over 2 years including 40 patients that remained CIS over follow-up (CIS-CIS) and 49 patients that developed MS (CIS-RRMS) using ELISA. Using logistic regression, a score (MRZS) balancing the predictive value of the antibody indices included in MRZR was defined (9 points measles, 8 points rubella, 1 point varicella zoster, cutpoint: sum of scores greater 10). MRZR and MRZS were significantly more frequent in CIS-RRMS as compared to CIS-CIS (p=0.04 and p=0.02). MRZS showed the best positive predictive value (PPV) of all parameters investigated (79%, 95%-CI: 54-94%), which could be further increased by combination with MRI (91%, 95%-CI: 59-99%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our data indicate the relevance of MRZR to predict conversion to MS. It furthermore shows the importance of weighting the different antibody indices included in MRZR and suggest that patients with positive MRZR are candidates for an early begin of immunomodulatory therapy

    A Bayesian Belief Network to assess rate of changes in coral reef ecosystems

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    It is crucial to identify sources of impacts and degradation to maintain functions and services that the physical structure of coral reef provides. Here, a Bayesian Network approach is used to evaluate effects that anthropogenic and climate change disturbances have on coral reef structure. The network was constructed on knowledge derived from the literature and elicited from experts, and parameterised on independent data. Evaluation of the model was conducted through sensitivity analyses and data integration was fundamental to obtain a balanced dataset. Scenario analyses, conducted to assess the effects of stressors on the reef framework state, suggested that calcifying organisms and carbonate production, rather than bioerosion, had the largest influence on the reef carbonate budgetary state. Despite the overall budget remaining positive, anthropogenic pressures, particularly deterioration of water quality, affected reef carbonate production, representing a warning signal for potential changes in the reef state

    Redefining advertising in research and practice

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    With advertising practice and research changing significantly in the last decade, it is likely that the definition of advertising also needs some transformation. Rather than broadening the definition to eliminate key dimensions, this study seeks to redefine advertising by replicating Richards and Curran (2002) study, which suggested the current US-based definition. Using Delphi methodology, consensus is reached among a global panel of advertising experts. The relevance of five key dimensions of advertising–paid, mediated, identifiable-source, persuasion and action–is investigated in relation to its current practice, research and teaching. The resulting definition is compared to previous iterations and differences between academics, practitioners and geography, developing important implications for theory and practice.</p

    Competitive advantage for life: an industry view of marketing communication education

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    A competitive advantage is the desired outcome of a sound marketing communication strategy. However, there are scant explorations of how marketing communication education can build competitive advantages for students entering the workforce. Taking an industry perspective, a leading CEO reflects upon marketing communication practice and raises questions about disciplinary changes in practice and the necessary response of marketing communication education. We explore these questions and derive insights through a literature review which assembles existing research in marketing communication education, and we explore these insights further using Collective Intelligence. Thought leaders in the marketing communication industry interact and share ideas, revealing key insights into necessary skill sets. The paper concludes with a discussion of marketing communication education and its competitive advantage for both work and life.</p

    Older Adults with Dementia: Association of Prayer with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, Cognitive Function, and Sleep Disturbances

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    Protective factors that slow dementia progression and improve quality of life are needed. Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS), cognitive decline, and sleep disturbances are commonly found in dementia, indicate progression, and increase caregiver distress. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of private prayer with NPS, cognitive function, and sleep disturbances in older adults with dementia. We analyzed data from the Health and Retirement Study in 2000, 2006, and 2008 and Aging, Demographics, and Memory Sub study in 2001–2003, 2006–2007, and 2008–2009 among 40 older adults (age 70–100 years, mean age = 84.67, 29 females and 11 males, 73.9% non-Hispanic White, and 19.2% Non-Hispanic Black, and 3% Hispanic, cognitive function = 1.169 indicating mild cognitive impairment) using correlational analysis. The results indicated that increased frequency of private prayer was significantly associated with lower NPS, better cognitive function, and lower sleep disturbances. In total, 100% of Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic participants reported praying at least once per week. Findings could be due to use of cognitive processes used in prayer during supplication, requesting aid, and through communication with the divine, reducing loneliness. Longitudinal studies including historically underrepresented populations are needed to examine these associations over time

    Measures of religion and spirituality in dementia: An integrative review

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    Abstract Introduction Literature on the association of religion and spirituality (R/S) and health is growing. However, it is unclear how R/S affects outcomes and is assessed in persons with dementia (PWDs). In this integrative review, we evaluate published R/S measures and synthesize R/S findings for PWDs. Methods We searched five databases (ATLA Religion, CINAHL, PsychInfo, PubMed, SocIndex) and identified 14 of 1043 studies for review. We assess the studies’ information, quality, measures, and results. Results We identified 17 measures for R/S: six were adapted for use with PWDs and only two were validated for PWDs; most studies reported only measures’ reliability, with Cronbach's alpha. The studies’ findings support significant positive associations between R/S and cognitive function and negative associations between R/S and depression and behavioral expressions. Discussion The two validated scales indicated acceptable validity with overall good reliability. Nevertheless, diverse samples and rigorous study designs are needed to improve R/S measures and to examine associations over time for PWDs. Highlights Few scales for measuring religion and spirituality (R/S) have been validated in persons with dementia (PWD); additional testing is needed. Most R/S measures only reported scale reliability with Cronbach's alpha. Studies supported positive associations between R/S and health yet few studies exist. conducted. Only one spiritual intervention, spiritual reminiscence, was found for PWD. More rigorous R/S studies are needed to examine health outcomes in dementia
