45 research outputs found

    Diseño de un plan de mejoramiento para minimizar los tiempos muertos en el proceso de cargue de una empresa de carpintería metálica

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    For this project, a sampling system of methods and times study was used to make a preliminary diagnosis of the loading process in a company dedicated to metalwork, for decision­making. In effect, it was possible to identify activities that directly affected the operation, but that could not be intervened because they were tasks of the process that must be carried out in the same way, in order to achievethe objective; Likewise, activities that could be intervened and improvements were identified in order to mitigate the dead times that delayed the operation. Through a Pareto analysis, it was possible to identify the activity that was generating greater downtime, orresponding to the transfer to download photographic records of shipments, for which an app supported by a web application that allows working from a smartphone and, in turn, transfer to the cloud was designed, in order to track uploads in real time.Para este trabajo, se utilizó un sistema de muestreo de métodos y tiempos de ingeniería para realizar un diagnóstico preliminar del proceso de cargue en una empresa dedicada a la carpintería metálica, para la toma de decisiones. En efecto, se logró identificar actividades que afectaban directamente la operación, pero que no podían ser intervenidos por tratarse de labores propias del proceso que deben realizarse de la misma forma, para poder alcanzar el objetivo; así mismo, se identificaron actividades susceptibles de ser intervenidas y plantearse mejoras con el fin de mitigar los tiempos muertos que retrasaban la operación. Por medio de un análisis de Pareto, se logró identificar la actividad que estaba generando mayores tiempos muertos, correspondiente al traslado para descargue de registros fotográficos de los embarques, para lo cual se diseñó una aplicación soportada en un aplicativo web que permite trabajar desde un equipo móvil y, a su vez,transferencia a la nube, con el fin de hacer seguimiento de los cargues en tiempo real

    Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños escolares

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    Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de obesidad en niños escolares de seis a diez años del distrito de Cercado de Lima. Material y Métodos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro instituciones educativas de nivel primario del Cercado de Lima, las cuales fueron seleccionadas al azar. La población estudiada fue de 600 escolares, de seis a diez años de edad, de ambos sexos (300 del sexo masculino y 300 del sexo femenino), distribuidos en cinco grupos etarios. Los valores del índice de masa corporal (IMC) fueron analizados según las tablas del CDC, teniendo como valores diagnóstico entre percentil 85 y 95 para sobrepeso y percentil más de 95 para obesidad. Resultados. Se halló una prevalencia de 22% (132/600) de sobrepeso y un 22,8% (137/600) de obesidad. Según sexo, en varones: sobrepeso 19,7% (59/300) y obesidad 28,7% (86/300); y, en mujeres: sobrepeso 24,3% (73/300) y obesidad 17,0% (51/300) en mujeres. Hubo diferencia significativa en la prevalencia de obesidad. Y, hubo mayor obesidad en los niños de ocho años (mujeres 13,3% y varones de 38,3%) y nueve años (mujeres 11,7% y varones 30,0%) (p = 0,003 y p = 0,02, respectivamente). Conclusiones. Hubo una elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso (22,0%) y obesidad (22,8%) en los escolares del cercado de Lima

    Polarization and Strong Infra-Red Activity in Compressed Solid Hydrogen

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    Under a pressure of ~150 GPa solid molecular hydrogen undergoes a phase transition accompanied by a dramatic rise in infra-red absorption in the vibron frequency range. We use the Berry's phase approach to calculate the electric polarization in several candidate structures finding large, anisotropic dynamic charges and strongly IR-active vibron modes. The polarization is shown to be greatly affected by the overlap between the molecules in the crystal, so that the commonly used Clausius-Mossotti description in terms of polarizable, non-overlapping molecular charge densities is inadequate already at low pressures and even more so for the compressed solid.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Implication of adipocytes from subcutaneous adipose tissue and fatty

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    The role of subcutaneous adipose tissue adipocytes and the effects of fatty acids on carrageenan-induced skin inflammation in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) were studied. Fish were injected intramuscularly with phosphate-buffered saline (control) or λ-carrageenin (1%), and skin samples collected at the injection site at 3 and 6 h post-injection (p.i.) were processed for histological study. In addition, the presence and levels of lipid classes, fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and eicosanoids were evaluated in the skin samples obtained from the injected areas. Histological results indicated an increase in adipocyte area in fish sampled at 3 h p.i. with λ-carrageenin compared to fish in the control group. Furthermore, the frequency of adipocytes between 4500-5000 μm2 was increased at 6 h in the λ-carrageenin group compared to the control group. Analysis of lipid classes found that fish injected with λ-carrageenan showed increased free fatty acid (FFA) and sphingomyelin content at 3 and 6 h, respectively, compared to the control group. An increase in saturated fatty acids (SFA), n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and a decrease in the values of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), n-3 PUFA and minor fatty acids were observed in fish skin at 6 h after λ-carrageenin injection, with respect to the values obtained in the control group. Regarding the analysis of eicosanoids, an increase in hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) was detected in the skin of fish at 6 h post-carrageenin injection compared to the control group. The presented results indicate the contribution of adipocytes and fatty acids in the development and regulation of the inflammatory response triggered by λ-carrageenin in gilthead seabream skin

    The 3′ Untranslated Region of the Rabies Virus Glycoprotein mRNA Specifically Interacts with Cellular PCBP2 Protein and Promotes Transcript Stability

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    Viral polymerase entry and pausing at intergenic junctions is predicted to lead to a defined polarity in the levels of rhabdovirus gene expression. Interestingly, we observed that the rabies virus glycoprotein mRNA is differentially over-expressed based on this model relative to other transcripts during infection of 293T cells. During infection, the rabies virus glycoprotein mRNA also selectively interacts with the cellular poly(rC)-binding protein 2 (PCBP2), a factor known to influence mRNA stability. Reporter assays performed both in electroporated cells and in a cell-free RNA decay system indicate that the conserved portion of the 3′ UTR of the rabies virus glycoprotein mRNA contains an RNA stability element. PCBP2 specifically interacts with reporter transcripts containing this 72 base 3′ UTR sequence. Furthermore, the PCBP2 interaction is directly associated with the stability of reporter transcripts. Therefore, we conclude that PCBP2 specifically and selectively interacts with the rabies virus glycoprotein mRNA and that this interaction may contribute to the post-transcriptional regulation of glycoprotein expression

    Diseño de un plan de mejoramiento para minimizar los tiempos muertos en el proceso de cargue de una empresa de carpintería metálica

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    For this project, a sampling system of methods and times study was used to make a preliminary diagnosis of the loading process in a company dedicated to metalwork, for decision­making. In effect, it was possible to identify activities that directly affected the operation, but that could not be intervened because they were tasks of the process that must be carried out in the same way, in order to achievethe objective; Likewise, activities that could be intervened and improvements were identified in order to mitigate the dead times that delayed the operation. Through a Pareto analysis, it was possible to identify the activity that was generating greater downtime, orresponding to the transfer to download photographic records of shipments, for which an app supported by a web application that allows working from a smartphone and, in turn, transfer to the cloud was designed, in order to track uploads in real time.Para este trabajo, se utilizó un sistema de muestreo de métodos y tiempos de ingeniería para realizar un diagnóstico preliminar del proceso de cargue en una empresa dedicada a la carpintería metálica, para la toma de decisiones. En efecto, se logró identificar actividades que afectaban directamente la operación, pero que no podían ser intervenidos por tratarse de labores propias del proceso que deben realizarse de la misma forma, para poder alcanzar el objetivo; así mismo, se identificaron actividades susceptibles de ser intervenidas y plantearse mejoras con el fin de mitigar los tiempos muertos que retrasaban la operación. Por medio de un análisis de Pareto, se logró identificar la actividad que estaba generando mayores tiempos muertos, correspondiente al traslado para descargue de registros fotográficos de los embarques, para lo cual se diseñó una aplicación soportada en un aplicativo web que permite trabajar desde un equipo móvil y, a su vez,transferencia a la nube, con el fin de hacer seguimiento de los cargues en tiempo real