22 research outputs found

    Сахар из можжевеловой ягоды: [брошюра]

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    0|3|Сахар из можжевеловой ягоды [c. 3]0|7|Инструкция по сбору, сушке и хранению можжевеловой ягоды [c. 7]0|8|Инструкция по переработке можжевеловой ягоды на сладкие экстракты и сироп для школ, госпиталей, столовых и домашнего быта [c. 8]0|11|Использование экстракта и сиропа [c. 11


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    <p>Breteau Index represents number of positive containers per 100 houses inspected. Stars indicate surveys with nil detection.</p

    Assessment of breath volatile organic compounds in acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness: a protocol describing a prospective real-world observational study

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    Introduction Patients presenting with acute undifferentiated breathlessness are commonly encountered in admissions units across the UK. Existing blood biomarkers have clinical utility in distinguishing patients with single organ pathologies but have poor discriminatory power in multifactorial presentations. Evaluation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath offers the potential to develop biomarkers of disease states that underpin acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness, owing to their proximity to the cardiorespiratory system. To date, there has been no systematic evaluation of VOC in acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness. The proposed study will seek to use both offline and online VOC technologies to evaluate the predictive value of VOC in identifying common conditions that present with acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness. Methods and analysis A prospective real-world observational study carried out across three acute admissions units within Leicestershire. Participants with self-reported acute breathlessness, with a confirmed primary diagnosis of either acute heart failure, community-acquired pneumonia and acute exacerbation of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will be recruited within 24 hours of admission. Additionally, school-age children admitted with severe asthma will be evaluated. All participants will undergo breath sampling on admission and on recovery following discharge. A range of online technologies including: proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry, gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry, atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry and offline technologies including gas chromatography mass spectroscopy and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry will be used for VOC discovery and replication. For offline technologies, a standardised CE-marked breath sampling device (ReCIVA) will be used. All recruited participants will be characterised using existing blood biomarkers including C reactive protein, brain-derived natriuretic peptide, troponin-I and blood eosinophil levels and further evaluated using a range of standardised questionnaires, lung function testing, sputum cell counts and other diagnostic tests pertinent to acute disease. Ethics and dissemination The National Research Ethics Service Committee East Midlands has approved the study protocol (REC number: 16/LO/1747). Integrated Research Approval System (IRAS) 198921. Findings will be presented at academic conferences and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dissemination will be facilitated via a partnership with the East Midlands Academic Health Sciences Network and via interaction with all UK-funded Medical Research Council and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council molecular pathology nodes. Trial registration number NCT0367299

    Airway Remodelling in Response to Novel Asthma Therapies

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    Airway remodelling encompasses a range of structural changes seen in the airways of asthma patients, and can be assessed in bronchial biopsy samples. However, there is a paucity of data investigating remodelling responses to asthma therapies. The relationships between airways remodelling and airways inflammation are also not fully understood.In this thesis I present an overview of asthma pathogenesis, including specific mechanisms underlying both airway inflammation and airway remodelling, before investigating the responses to two novel asthma therapies. I firstly examine the changes seen in airway inflammation and airway remodelling following 12 weeks of treatment with an anti-interleukin-13 antibody. Secondly, I investigate the remodelling responses to bronchial thermoplasty. Where remodelling changes are observed in response to therapy I investigate how this relates to clinical outcomes.Inflammatory and remodelling responses to anti-interleukin-13 were not significantly different to placebo, despite reductions in exhaled nitric oxide and immunoglobulin-E demonstrating engagement with the target receptor. This established that inhibition of interleukin-13 in isolation does not lead to significant remodelling or inflammatory changes in moderate-to-severe asthma.Bronchial thermoplasty led to significant improvements in airway remodelling (airway smooth muscle mass, reticular basement membrane thickness and epithelial integrity), although direct relationships between these changes and clinical improvements appear weak or absent. Data from a small number of patients suggests that improvements in epithelial integrity may be more important to clinical benefits than reductions in airway smooth muscle mass, but further investigation is needed.This thesis contributed new data to the understanding of remodelling and inflammatory pathways in asthma. It also reports the largest study undertaken examining remodelling changes, and their relationships to clinical outcomes, in response to bronchial thermoplasty. Finally, it has provided new evidence of significant epithelial repair after thermoplasty, which may be a key contributor to clinical improvements.</div

    Results of forced-choice contrast manipulation experiment.

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    <p>The percentage of trials for which the high contrast face was judged younger is shown in the dark bars and the percentage of trials for which the low contrast face was judged younger is shown in the light bars. Results are shown for three age classes.</p

    Contrast manipulated versions of a face.

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    <p>The left image shows a face with facial contrast increased and the right image shows the same face with facial contrast decreased.</p

    Labelling of facial regions.

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    <p>The dashed lines demonstrate how the features and surrounding skin were defined.</p

    Figure 2. Decrease in contrast with age.

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    <p>L* contrast of the eyebrows (left) and a* contrast of the mouth (right) as a function of age of the face. Each point represents a particular face.</p