6,329 research outputs found

    Pattern formation in the basilar papilla: evidence for cell rearrangement.

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    The avian basilar papilla is composed of hair and supporting cells arranged in a regular pattern in which the hair cells are surrounded and isolated from each other by supporting cell processes. This arrangement of cells, in which the apical borders of hair cells do not contact one another, may be generated by contact-mediated lateral inhibition. Little is known, however, about the way in which hair and supporting cells are organized during development. Whole mounts double-labeled with antibodies to the 275 kDa hair-cell antigen and the tight junction protein cingulin were therefore used to examine the development of cell patterns in the basilar papilla. Hair cells that contact each other at their apical borders are seen during early development, especially on embryonic days (E) 8 and 9, but are no longer observed after E12. Hair and supporting cell patterns were analyzed in three different areas of the papilla at E9 and E12. In two of these regions between E9 and E12, the ratio of supporting cells to hair cells does not change significantly, whereas there is an increase in both the number of supporting cells around each hair cell and the number of hair cells that each supporting cell contacts. In the third region examined, there is a dramatic rise in the number of supporting cells around each hair cell, which although accompanied by a small, significant increase in the ratio of supporting cells to hair cells cannot be accounted for by an increase in supporting cell numbers. These data show that a rearrangement of hair and supporting cells with respect to one another may be a fundamental process underlying the development of a regular pattern in the basilar papilla

    A Novel Antigen Sensitive to Calcium Chelation That is Associated with the Tip Links and Kinocilial Links of Sensory Hair Bundles

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    Tip links are extracellular, cell-surface-associated filaments of unknown molecular composition that are thought to gate the mechanotransducer channel of the sensory hair cell. They disappear from the hair bundle in response to calcium chelation and lanthanum treatment and resist degradation by the protease subtilisin. A monoclonal antibody derived from a hybridoma screen identified a novel antigen associated with tip links, the tip-link antigen. The tip-link antigen is also associated with kinocilial links, subtilisin-resistant filaments that are sensitive to calcium chelation and connect the kinocilium to the tallest stereocilia of the hair bundle. Furthermore, the tip-link antigen is expressed in the retina, where it is associated with the ciliary calyx, a ring of microvilli that surrounds the outer segment of the photoreceptor. The tip-link antigen rapidly disappears from the surface of the hair bundle in response to calcium chelation. It is also subtilisin resistant, relative to the ankle-link antigen, an antigen associated with another type of hair bundle link. The tip-link antigen is lanthanum sensitive and, like tip links, reappears on the surface of the hair bundle after calcium chelation. The monoclonal antibody to the tip-link antigen immunoprecipitates two concanavalin A-reactive polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 200 and 250 kDa from detergent extracts of the retina. These results provide the first identification of a cell surface antigen associated with tip links, indicate that tip links share properties in common with kinocilial links, and reveal a second epitope that, along with the ankle-link antigen, is common to both sensory hair bundles and the ciliary calyx of photoreceptors

    Relationship between frontal dust storms and transient eddy activity in the northern hemisphere of Mars as observed by Mars Global Surveyor

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    We have compiled a catalog of frontal dust storms in the northern hemisphere using Mars Orbiter Camera daily global maps spanning ~2.3 Martian years of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) observations (from 1999 to 2003). The most vigorous frontal storms that flush dust to the low latitudes occur in early-mid fall and mid-late winter, away from the northern winter solstice. While many streaks are observed in the polar hood during the winter solstice period, no frontal dust storms are observed in the vicinity of the north polar region. We have also analyzed simultaneous MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) temperature data and found statistically significant negative temperature anomalies associated with frontal storms. In the lowest scale height of the atmosphere, the geographical and seasonal distributions of temperature standard deviations associated with transient variations agree well with the distributions of frontal storms. The correlation deteriorates with increasing altitude, suggesting that lower-level temperature waves are associated with the frontal dust storms. Specifically, eastward traveling m = 3 waves with periods of 2–3 sols appear to be closely related to the development of flushing frontal storms

    Neighbourhood deprivation and biomarkers of health in Britain: the mediating role of the physical environment

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    Background: Neighborhood deprivation has been consistently linked to poor individual health outcomes; however, studies exploring the mechanisms involved in this association are scarce. The objective of this study was to investigate whether objective measures of the physical environment mediate the association between neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation and biomarkers of health in Britain. Methods: We linked individual-level biomarker data from Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey (2010–2012) to neighborhood-level data from different governmental sources. Our outcome variables were forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1%; n=16,347), systolic blood pressure (SBP; n=16,846), body mass index (BMI; n=19,417), and levels of C-reactive protein (CRP; n=11,825). Our measure of neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation was the Carstairs index, and the neighborhood-level mediators were levels of air pollutants (sulphur dioxide [SO2], particulate matter [PM10], nitrogen dioxide [NO2], and carbon monoxide [CO]), green space, and proximity to waste and industrial facilities. We fitted a multilevel mediation model following a multilevel structural equation framework in MPlus v7.4, adjusting for age, gender, and income. Results: Residents of poor neighborhoods and those exposed to higher pollution and less green space had worse health outcomes. However, only SO2 exposure significantly and partially mediated the association between neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation and SBP, BMI, and CRP. Conclusion: Reducing air pollution exposure and increasing access to green space may improve population health but may not decrease health inequalities in Britain

    Are income-related differences in active travel associated with physical environmental characteristics? A multi-level ecological approach

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    Background: Rates of active travel vary by socio-economic position, with higher rates generally observed among less affluent populations. Aspects of both social and built environments have been shown to affect active travel, but little research has explored the influence of physical environmental characteristics, and less has examined whether physical environment affects socio-economic inequality in active travel. This study explored income-related differences in active travel in relation to multiple physical environmental characteristics including air pollution, climate and levels of green space, in urban areas across England. We hypothesised that any gradient in the relationship between income and active travel would be least pronounced in the least physically environmentally-deprived areas where higher income populations may be more likely to choose active transport as a means of travel.<p></p> Methods: Adults aged 16+ living in urban areas (n = 20,146) were selected from the 2002 and 2003 waves of the UK National Travel Survey. The mode of all short non-recreational trips undertaken by the sample was identified (n = 205,673). Three-level binary logistic regression models were used to explore how associations between the trip being active (by bike/walking) and three income groups, varied by level of multiple physical environmental deprivation.<p></p> Results: Likelihood of making an active trip among the lowest income group appeared unaffected by physical environmental deprivation; 15.4% of their non-recreational trips were active in both the least and most environmentally-deprived areas. The income-related gradient in making active trips remained steep in the least environmentally-deprived areas because those in the highest income groups were markedly less likely to choose active travel when physical environment was ‘good’, compared to those on the lowest incomes (OR = 0.44, 95% CI = 0.22 to 0.89).<p></p> Conclusions: The socio-economic gradient in active travel seems independent of physical environmental characteristics. Whilst more affluent populations enjoy advantages on some health outcomes, they will still benefit from increasing their levels of physical activity through active travel. Benefits of active travel to the whole community would include reduced vehicle emissions, reduced carbon consumption, the preservation or enhancement of infrastructure and the presentation of a ‘normalised’ behaviour

    Evolution of the UK banking system

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    The financial system provides three key services: payment services, intermediation between savers and borrowers, and insurance against risk. These services support the allocation of capital, and the production and exchange of goods and services, all of which are essential to a well-functioning economy. While the basic financial services are relatively timeless, the characteristics of the system providing them change continuously, in response to both economic and regulatory developments. This article tracks the evolution of a core component of the financial system in the United Kingdom, the banking sector, describing how technology has transformed the economics of banking, and how deregulation in the 1970s and 1980s freed banks to take advantage of new opportunities through globalisation and financial innovation. The result has been the emergence of large, functionally and geographically diverse banking groups. Post-crisis, public-policy attention has been focused on the costs of a banking sector dominated by large and complex institutions that are seen as too important to fail.

    Electrode support for gas arc welding torch having coaxial vision

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    An improved electrode mounting structure for a gas tungsten arc welding torch having a coaxial imaging system. The electrode mounting structure includes a support having a central hub and a plurality of spokes which extend from the hub generally radially with respect to the axis of the torch into supporting engagement with the interior walls of the torch. The spaces between the spokes are optical passages for transmission of light to form the image. A tubular collet holder is threadedly engaged at its upper end to the hub and extends downwardly toward the open end of the torch. The collet holder has an inwardly tapering constriction near its lower end. An electrode-retaining, tubular collet is mounted within the collet holder and has a longitudinally split and tapered end seating against the tapered constriction. A spring seats against the upper end of the collet and forces the split end against the tapered constriction to wedge the split end radially inwardly to grip the electrode within the collet

    Measuring the Embodied Carbon Content of Concrete Paving

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    This paper summarises the outcomes of a PhD research project by Richardson (2009) to measure the embodied carbon content of concrete paving and to reveal the barriers to its accurate measurement. This is a current area of research due to the concerns arising from the anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide which has been identified as a key cause of climate change. The work was carried out in co-operation with a major manufacturer of concrete paving revealing the practicalities of energy auditing within an existing factory using its unmodified infrastructure, methods of energy metering and recording. The work involved identifying all of the energy inputs involved in the manufacturing process during a financial year. The auditing boundaries were restricted to the main manufacturing facility and its immediate suppliers of raw materials commonly known as cradle to gate. The energy applicable to the paving material had to be apportioned from site wide energy usage. The energy used to supply the raw materials and operate the manufacturing facility was then converted to an amount of carbon dioxide released using standard conversion factors. The barriers to accurate auditing were identified and an embodied carbon coefficient for the raw materials and finished product determined. The embodied carbon contents that were determined differed from those found in the national database. A number of factors are identified that could have contributed to this and suggestions for further research made
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