7 research outputs found

    Das Konnektom der Basalganglien der Ratte

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    Der Begriff Konnektom umfasst die Gesamtheit aller neuronalen Verbindungen innerhalb des Nervensystems in einem Organismus. Tract-Tracing-Studien, bezogen auf die Kerngebiete der Basalganglien der Ratte, wurden ausgewertet und mit Hilfe des Programmes neuroVIISAS umfassend analysiert. Bei der Auswertung wurden neben ipsi- auch kontralaterale Konnektivitäten auf mehreren hierarchischen Ebenen berücksichtigt. Besondere Bedeutung kommt den Kerngebieten der Substantia nigra pars compacta und des Caudatus-Putamen-Komplexes zu

    The Intrinsic Connectome of the Rat Amygdala

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    The connectomes of nervous systems or parts there of are becoming important subjects of study as the amount of connectivity data increases. Because most tract-tracing studies are performed on the rat, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the amygdala connectome of this species resulting in a meta-study. The data were imported into the neuroVIISAS system, where regions of the connectome are organized in a controlled ontology and network analysis can be performed. A weighted digraph represents the bilateral intrinsic (connections of regions of the amygdala) and extrinsic (connections of regions of the amygdala to non-amygdaloid regions) connectome of the amygdala. Its structure as well as its local and global network parameters depend on the arrangement of neuronal entities in the ontology. The intrinsic amygdala connectome is a small-world and scale-free network. The anterior cortical nucleus (72 in- and out-going edges), the posterior nucleus (45), and the anterior basomedial nucleus (44) are the nuclear regions that posses most in- and outdegrees. The posterior nucleus turns out to be the most important nucleus of the intrinsic amygdala network since its Shapley rate is minimal. Within the intrinsic amygdala, regions were determined that are essential for network integrity. These regions are important for behavioral (processing of emotions and motivation) and functional (memory) performances of the amygdala as reported in other studies