5,180 research outputs found

    Beyond the Margins: Identity Fragmentation in Visual Representation in Michel Tournier’s La Goutte d’or

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    In Tournier’s novel, the goutte d’or also corresponds to a symbolic object: a Berber jewel. It is the jewel that Idriss brings with him, but which he also subsequently loses upon his arrival in Marseille. From the very moment that the French tourist photographs him, a marginalization of Idriss’s identity occurs. Marginality, quite literally, refers to the spatial property of a location in which something is situated. Figuratively speaking, marginality suggests something that is on the edges or at the outer limits of social acceptability. In this essay, I explore the construction of the marginalized postcolonial self (the “Other”) through an examination of the function of visual representation in the development of a postcolonial identity in La Goutte d’or. In the end, I conclude that the construction of a postcolonial identity is based upon fragmentation and marginalization, which ultimately leads its subject to create an identity based upon false constructions

    Subroutines GEORGE and DRASTC simplify operation of automatic digital plotter

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    FORTRAN language subroutines enable the production of a tape for a 360-30 tape unit that controls the CALCOMP 566 Digital Incremental Plotter. This provides the plotter with instructions for graphically displaying data points with the proper scaling of axes, numbering, lettering, and tic marking

    Methods to Synthesize Silver Nanoparticles

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    Methods to Synthesize Silver Nanoparticles

    A Proposal to Prevent the Stranding of Airline Passengers

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    After surveying industry structure in terms of market conditions and actual practices, this article examines the failure of the air travel industry to provide bargained-for services to passengers. It compares the current regulatory pattern with alternative regulatory proposals and scrutinizes each to determine both the validity of the assumptions upon which they are based and the relative effectiveness of each in achieving desired consumer protection. The purpose of this detailed examination is to make possible the formulation of policy recommendations capable of serving as a basis for regulatory reform

    Tissue Engineering Scaffolds for Researchers

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    Tissue Engineering Scaffolds for Researchers

    Institutional development work in the World Bank : a review of 84 bank projects

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    Institutional weakness is a critical constraint to economic development. The goal of this paper is to review the design of recent Bank projects to assess the quality of their institutional development (ID) components and the factors that may affect that quality. A major focus is Bank staffing and organization, and the following issues are addressed: (a) the quality of institutional analysis and ID components in the design of current Bank project; (b) the ID work that is being done in Bank projects; (c) qualifications needed for effective ID work; (d) the impact the Bank's organizational structure has on ID work; and (e) suggestions that can be made to broaden and strengthen the ID work in Bank projects.Banks&Banking Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Municipal Financial Management,Rural Portfolio Improvement

    Geographical variation in certification rates of blindness and sight impairment in England, 2008-2009

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    To examine and interpret the variation in the incidence of blindness and sight impairment in England by PCT, as reported by the Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI). Design: Analysis of national certification data. Setting: All Primary Care Trusts, England. Participants: 23 773 CVI certifications issued from 2008 to 2009. Main Outcome measures: Crude and Age standardised rates of CVI data for blindness and sight loss by PCT. Methods: The crude and age standardised CVI rates per 100 000 were calculated with Spearman's rank correlation used to assess whether there was any evidence of association between CVI rates with Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and the Programme Spend for Vision. Results: There was high-level variation, almost 11-fold (coefficient of variation 38%) in standardised CVI blindness and sight impairment annual certification rates across PCTs. The mean rate was 43.7 and the SD 16.7. We found little evidence of an association between the rate of blindness and sight impairment with either the IMD or Programme Spend on Vision. Conclusions: The wide geographical variation we found raises questions about the quality of the data and whether there is genuine unmet need for prevention of sight loss. It is a concern for public health practitioners who will be interpreting these data locally and nationally as the CVI data will form the basis of the public health indicator ‘preventable sight loss’. Poor-quality data and inadequate interpretation will only create confusion if not addressed adequately from the outset. There is an urgent need to address the shortcomings of the current data collection system and to educate all public health practitioners

    Computer Modeling of Electronic Properties in Thin Film Silicon Hydrogen-Alloy and Its Application to Solar Cells

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    A self-consistent numerical model for hydrogenated amorphous silicon(a-Si:H) has been developed to aid in the understanding of the details of the electronic behavior of silicon-hydrogen alloy material and the characteristic features of devices made from it. A gap state model incorporating exponential tail state s and Gaussian distributed dangling bond states and doping states based on the experimental results and theoretical background is proposed. Detailed transport equations including charge trapping and recombination processes are formulated, and solved numerically in one-dimension. Since a large number of material and geometrical parameters are involved, it is possible to fit experimental data with more than one parameter set. Therefore the consistency pf the proposed model was tested by fitting diverse experiments with the same material parameters. The detailed model calculations are compared with published experimental results for the dependence of dark conductivity on doping and temperature, and dependence of sweep-out charge on doping. It is also used to evaluate a one-to-one relationship between four-fold coordinated doping atoms and dangling bonds, as well as the dangling bond energy levels and distribution. The dependence of the photoconductivity on light-intensity, temperature, and spin density was investigated to understand the recombination processes and transport mechanism in a-Si:H material. The capture cross-sections for tail states and dangling bonds are determined by comparing the model calculated photoconductivity results with corresponding experimental results. An example of the use of the program TFSSP (Thin Film Semiconductor Simulation Program) for the analysis of solar cell parameters, (open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, fill factor, collection efficiency, and conversion efficiency) as function of cell thicknesses for an a-SiC:H p-/a-Si:H i-n structure is presented and compared with corresponding experimental results. The model program is also implemented to design optimum solar cells. In conclusion, a self-consistent numerical model for thin film silicon hydrogen alloy materials and devices has been developed which includes the one-to-one relationship between doping and dangling bonds. The model turns out to be an excellent tool for the analysis of dark conductivity, photoconductivity, and the characteristics of a-SiC:11 p-/a-Si:ll i-n solar cells, and for cell design as well