214 research outputs found

    Gold Deposits of the CIS

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    Disruption of cholinergic neurotransmission, within a cognitive challenge paradigm, is indicative of Aβ-related cognitive impairment in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease after a 27-month delay interval

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    Background Abnormal beta-amyloid (Aβ) is associated with deleterious changes in central cholinergic tone in the very early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which may be unmasked by a cholinergic antagonist (J Prev Alzheimers Dis 1:1–4, 2017). Previously, we established the scopolamine challenge test (SCT) as a “cognitive stress test” screening measure to identify individuals at risk for AD (Alzheimer’s & Dementia 10(2):262–7, 2014) (Neurobiol. Aging 36(10):2709-15, 2015). Here we aim to demonstrate the potential of the SCT as an indicator of cognitive change and neocortical amyloid aggregation after a 27-month follow-up interval. Methods Older adults (N = 63, aged 55–75 years) with self-reported memory difficulties and first-degree family history of AD completed the SCT and PET amyloid imaging at baseline and were then seen for cognitive testing at 9, 18, and 27 months post-baseline. Repeat PET amyloid imaging was completed at the time of the 27-month exam. Results Significant differences in both cognitive performance and in Aβ neocortical burden were observed between participants who either failed vs. passed the SCT at baseline, after a 27-month follow-up period. Conclusions Cognitive response to the SCT (Alzheimer’s & Dementia 10(2):262–7, 2014) at baseline is related to cognitive change and PET amyloid imaging results, over the course of 27 months, in preclinical AD. The SCT may be a clinically useful screening tool to identify individuals who are more likely to both have positive evidence of amyloidosis on PET imaging and to show measurable cognitive decline over several years

    Demographic and clinical characteristics associated with glomerular filtration rates in living kidney donors

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    Due to the shortage of organs, living donor acceptance criteria are becoming less stringent. An accurate determination of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is critical in the evaluation of living kidney donors and a value exceeding 80 ml/min per 1.73 m2 is usually considered suitable. To improve strategies for kidney donor screening, an understanding of factors that affect GFR is needed. Here we studied the relationships between donor GFR measured by 125I-iothalamate clearances (mGFR) and age, gender, race, and decade of care in living kidney donors evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic from 1972 to 2005. We report the normal reference ranges for 1057 prospective donors (56% female, 11% African American). Females had slightly higher mGFR than males after adjustment for body surface area, but there were no differences due to race. The lower limit of normal for donors (5th percentile) was less than 80 ml/min per 1.73 m2 for females over age 45 and for males over age 40. We found a significant doubling in the rate of GFR decline in donors over age 45 as compared to younger donors. The age of the donors and body mass index increased over time, but their mGFR, adjusted for body surface area, significantly declined by 1.49±0.61 ml/min per 1.73 m2 per decade of testing. Our study shows that age and gender are important factors determining normal GFR in living kidney donors

    Site-selective generation of lanthanoid binding sites on proteins using 4-fluoro-2,6-dicyanopyridine

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    The paramagnetism of a lanthanoid tag site-specifically installed on a protein provides a rich source of structural information accessible by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Here we report a lanthanoid tag for selective reaction with cysteine or selenocysteine with formation of a (seleno)thioether bond and a short tether between the lanthanoid ion and the protein backbone. The tag is assembled on the protein in three steps, comprising (i) reaction with 4-fluoro-2,6-dicyanopyridine (FDCP); (ii) reaction of the cyano groups with α-cysteine, penicillamine or β-cysteine to complete the lanthanoid chelating moiety; and (iii) titration with a lanthanoid ion. FDCP reacts much faster with selenocysteine than cysteine, opening a route for selective tagging in the presence of solvent-exposed cysteine residues. Loaded with Tb3+ and Tm3+ ions, pseudocontact shifts were observed in protein NMR spectra, confirming that the tag delivers good immobilisation of the lanthanoid ion relative to the protein, which was also manifested in residual dipolar couplings. Completion of the tag with different 1,2-aminothiol compounds resulted in different magnetic susceptibility tensors. In addition, the tag proved suitable for measuring distance distributions in double electron–electron resonance experiments after titration with Gd3+ ions.This research has been supported by the Australian Research Council (grant no. FL170100019 and DP210100088), the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science (grant no. CE200100012) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; PostDoc grant no.

    Prior exercise and antioxidant supplementation: effect on oxidative stress and muscle injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Both acute bouts of prior exercise (preconditioning) and antioxidant nutrients have been used in an attempt to attenuate muscle injury or oxidative stress in response to resistance exercise. However, most studies have focused on untrained participants rather than on athletes. The purpose of this work was to determine the independent and combined effects of antioxidant supplementation (vitamin C + mixed tocopherols/tocotrienols) and prior eccentric exercise in attenuating markers of skeletal muscle injury and oxidative stress in resistance trained men.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-six men were randomly assigned to: no prior exercise + placebo; no prior exercise + antioxidant; prior exercise + placebo; prior exercise + antioxidant. Markers of muscle/cell injury (muscle performance, muscle soreness, C-reactive protein, and creatine kinase activity), as well as oxidative stress (blood protein carbonyls and peroxides), were measured before and through 48 hours of exercise recovery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No group by time interactions were noted for any variable (P > 0.05). Time main effects were noted for creatine kinase activity, muscle soreness, maximal isometric force and peak velocity (P < 0.0001). Protein carbonyls and peroxides were relatively unaffected by exercise.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There appears to be no independent or combined effect of a prior bout of eccentric exercise or antioxidant supplementation as used here on markers of muscle injury in resistance trained men. Moreover, eccentric exercise as used in the present study results in minimal blood oxidative stress in resistance trained men. Hence, antioxidant supplementation for the purpose of minimizing blood oxidative stress in relation to eccentric exercise appears unnecessary in this population.</p

    A polymorphism in the regulatory region of PRNP is associated with increased risk of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    Background: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare transmissible neurodegenerative disorder. An important determinant for CJD risk and phenotype is the M129V polymorphism of the human prion protein gene (PRNP), but there are also other coding and non-coding polymorphisms inside this gene.Methods: We tested whether three non-coding polymorphism located inside the PRNP regulatory region (C-101G, G310C and T385C) were associated with risk of CJD and with age at onset in a United Kingdom population-based sample of 131 sporadic CJD (sCJD) patients and 194 controls.Results: We found no disease association for either PRNP C-101G or PRNP T385C. Although the crude analysis did not show a significant association between PRNP G310C and sCJD (OR: 1.5; 95%CI = 0.7 to 2.9), after adjusting by PRNP M129V genotype, it resulted that being a C allele carrier at PRNP G310C was significantly (p = 0.03) associated with a 2.4 fold increased risk of developing sCJD (95%CI = 1.1 to 5.4). Additionally, haplotypes carrying PRNP 310C coupled with PRNP 129M were significantly overrepresented in patients (p = 0.02) compared to controls. Cases of sCJD carrying a PRNP 310C allele presented at a younger age (on average 8.9 years younger than those without this allele), which was of statistical significance (p = 0.05). As expected, methionine and valine homozygosity at PRNP M129V increased significantly the risk of sCJD, alone and adjusted by PRNP G310C (OR MM/MV = 7.3; 95%CI 3.9 to 13.5 and OR VV/MV = 4.0; 95%CI 1.7 to 9.3).Conclusions: Our findings support the hypothesis that genetic variations in the PRNP promoter may have a role in the pathogenesis of sCJD

    Advertising Bans and the Substitutability of Online and Offline Advertising

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    The authors examine whether the growth of the Internet has reduced the effectiveness of government regulation of advertising. They combine nonexperimental variation in local regulation of offline alcohol advertising with data from field tests that randomized exposure to online advertising for 275 different online advertising campaigns to 61,580 people. The results show that people are 8% less likely to say that they will purchase an alcoholic beverage in states that have alcohol advertising bans compared with states that do not. For consumers exposed to online advertising, this gap narrows to 3%. There are similar effects for four changes in local offline alcohol advertising restrictions when advertising effectiveness is observed both before and after the change. The effect of online advertising is disproportionately high for new products and for products with low awareness in places that have bans. This suggests that online advertising could reduce the effectiveness of attempts to regulate offline advertising channels because online advertising substitutes for (rather than complements) offline advertising.Google (Firm)WPP (Firm

    The remittances of migrant Tongan and Samoan nurses from Australia

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    BACKGROUND: Migration and remittances are of considerable importance in the small Pacific island states. There has been a significant migration of skilled health workers in recent decades to metropolitan fringe states, including Australia and New Zealand. This paper reports the findings of a re-analysis of survey of Samoan and Tongan migrants in Australia where the sample is split between nurse households and others. METHODS: The study analyzes the survey data with a view to comparing the remittance behaviour and determinants of remittances for nurses and other migrant households, using both descriptive, cross-tabulations and appropriate econometric methods. RESULTS: It is found that a significantly higher proportion of nurse households sent remittances home, and, on average remitted more. Remittances of nurse households did not decline significantly over time contrary to what has generally been predicted. This was in contrast to other migrant households in the sample, for whom remittances showed a sharp decline after 15 years absence. Remittances contribute much more to the income of migrant sending countries, than the cost of the additional human capital in nurse training. CONCLUSIONS: Given the shortage of nurses in Australia and New Zealand, and therefore the high demand for immigrant nurses, investment by Pacific island governments and families in nurse training constitutes a rational use of economic resources. Policies encouraging investment in home countries may be more effective than policies directly discouraging brain drain in contributing to national development

    A meta-analysis of the investment-uncertainty relationship

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    In this article we use meta-analysis to investigate the investment-uncertainty relationship. We focus on the direction and statistical significance of empirical estimates. Specifically, we estimate an ordered probit model and transform the estimated coefficients into marginal effects to reflect the changes in the probability of finding a significantly negative estimate, an insignificant estimate, or a significantly positive estimate. Exploratory data analysis shows that there is little empirical evidence for a positive relationship. The regression results suggest that the source of uncertainty, the level of data aggregation, the underlying model specification, and differences between short- and long-run effects are important sources of variation in study outcomes. These findings are, by and large, robust to the introduction of a trend variable to capture publication trends in the literature. The probability of finding a significantly negative relationship is higher in more recently published studies. JEL Classification: D21, D80, E22 1