4,959 research outputs found

    Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Solid Rocket Motor Components

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    Problems which the solid propellant rocket engineer will encounter in designing for long-term storage in a radiation environment are discussed. A summary of present knowledge of the radiation environment is given. Mechanisms of radiation degradation and its effects on tensile properties of propellant binders are discussed qualitatively. Data from a program of irradiation of several propellants is presented. Properties of two of the propellants were changed significantly by doses of the order of 4 x 10(exp 6) rads

    On the Busemann-Petty problem concerning central sections of centrally symmetric convex bodies

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    We present a method which shows that in \Eb the Busemann-Petty problem, concerning central sections of centrally symmetric convex bodies, has a positive answer. Together with other results, this settles the problem in each dimension.Comment: 5 page

    The Soviet Union and the United Nations

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    Reverse and dual Loomis-Whitney-type inequalities

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    Various results are proved giving lower bounds for the mmth intrinsic volume Vm(K)V_m(K), m=1,…,nβˆ’1m=1,\dots,n-1, of a compact convex set KK in Rn{\mathbb{R}}^n, in terms of the mmth intrinsic volumes of its projections on the coordinate hyperplanes (or its intersections with the coordinate hyperplanes). The bounds are sharp when m=1m=1 and m=nβˆ’1m=n-1. These are reverse (or dual, respectively) forms of the Loomis-Whitney inequality and versions of it that apply to intrinsic volumes. For the intrinsic volume V1(K)V_1(K), which corresponds to mean width, the inequality obtained confirms a conjecture of Betke and McMullen made in 1983

    Operations between sets in geometry

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    An investigation is launched into the fundamental characteristics of operations on and between sets, with a focus on compact convex sets and star sets (compact sets star-shaped with respect to the origin) in nn-dimensional Euclidean space Rn\R^n. For example, it is proved that if nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, with three trivial exceptions, an operation between origin-symmetric compact convex sets is continuous in the Hausdorff metric, GL(n) covariant, and associative if and only if it is LpL_p addition for some 1≀pβ‰€βˆž1\le p\le\infty. It is also demonstrated that if nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, an operation * between compact convex sets is continuous in the Hausdorff metric, GL(n) covariant, and has the identity property (i.e., Kβˆ—{o}=K={o}βˆ—KK*\{o\}=K=\{o\}*K for all compact convex sets KK, where oo denotes the origin) if and only if it is Minkowski addition. Some analogous results for operations between star sets are obtained. An operation called MM-addition is generalized and systematically studied for the first time. Geometric-analytic formulas that characterize continuous and GL(n)-covariant operations between compact convex sets in terms of MM-addition are established. The term "polynomial volume" is introduced for the property of operations * between compact convex or star sets that the volume of rKβˆ—sLrK*sL, r,sβ‰₯0r,s\ge 0, is a polynomial in the variables rr and ss. It is proved that if nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, with three trivial exceptions, an operation between origin-symmetric compact convex sets is continuous in the Hausdorff metric, GL(n) covariant, associative, and has polynomial volume if and only if it is Minkowski addition

    Phase retrieval for characteristic functions of convex bodies and reconstruction from covariograms

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    We propose strongly consistent algorithms for reconstructing the characteristic function 1_K of an unknown convex body K in R^n from possibly noisy measurements of the modulus of its Fourier transform \hat{1_K}. This represents a complete theoretical solution to the Phase Retrieval Problem for characteristic functions of convex bodies. The approach is via the closely related problem of reconstructing K from noisy measurements of its covariogram, the function giving the volume of the intersection of K with its translates. In the many known situations in which the covariogram determines a convex body, up to reflection in the origin and when the position of the body is fixed, our algorithms use O(k^n) noisy covariogram measurements to construct a convex polytope P_k that approximates K or its reflection -K in the origin. (By recent uniqueness results, this applies to all planar convex bodies, all three-dimensional convex polytopes, and all symmetric and most (in the sense of Baire category) arbitrary convex bodies in all dimensions.) Two methods are provided, and both are shown to be strongly consistent, in the sense that, almost surely, the minimum of the Hausdorff distance between P_k and K or -K tends to zero as k tends to infinity.Comment: Version accepted on the Journal of the American Mathematical Society. With respect to version 1 the noise model has been greatly extended and an appendix has been added, with a discussion of rates of convergence and implementation issues. 56 pages, 4 figure

    Convergence of algorithms for reconstructing convex bodies and directional measures

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    We investigate algorithms for reconstructing a convex body KK in Rn\mathbb {R}^n from noisy measurements of its support function or its brightness function in kk directions u1,...,uku_1,...,u_k. The key idea of these algorithms is to construct a convex polytope PkP_k whose support function (or brightness function) best approximates the given measurements in the directions u1,...,uku_1,...,u_k (in the least squares sense). The measurement errors are assumed to be stochastically independent and Gaussian. It is shown that this procedure is (strongly) consistent, meaning that, almost surely, PkP_k tends to KK in the Hausdorff metric as kβ†’βˆžk\to\infty. Here some mild assumptions on the sequence (ui)(u_i) of directions are needed. Using results from the theory of empirical processes, estimates of rates of convergence are derived, which are first obtained in the L2L_2 metric and then transferred to the Hausdorff metric. Along the way, a new estimate is obtained for the metric entropy of the class of origin-symmetric zonoids contained in the unit ball. Similar results are obtained for the convergence of an algorithm that reconstructs an approximating measure to the directional measure of a stationary fiber process from noisy measurements of its rose of intersections in kk directions u1,...,uku_1,...,u_k. Here the Dudley and Prohorov metrics are used. The methods are linked to those employed for the support and brightness function algorithms via the fact that the rose of intersections is the support function of a projection body.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000335 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Characterizing the dual mixed volume via additive functionals

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    Integral representations are obtained of positive additive functionals on finite products of the space of continuous functions (or of bounded Borel functions) on a compact Hausdorff space. These are shown to yield characterizations of the dual mixed volume, the fundamental concept in the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory. The characterizations are shown to be best possible in the sense that none of the assumptions can be omitted. The results obtained are in the spirit of a similar characterization of the mixed volume in the classical Brunn-Minkowski theory, obtained recently by Milman and Schneider, but the methods employed are completely different
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