588 research outputs found

    Clinical supervision in South Africa: Perceptions of supervision training, practices, and professional competencies

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    We investigated South African clinical and counselling psychology supervisors’ (n=44) perceptions of supervision training, their supervision experiences, and their perceived competence, confidence and effectiveness in providing supervision. Results indicated that many supervisors prematurely engage in supervision responsibilities and initiate supervision prior to receiving formal training in supervision. With limited regulatory guidelines available on supervision training and practices in South Africa, the findings indicate a need for the South African psychology profession to establish a formal regulatory framework on supervision training and practices. This includes identifying supervision training needs, developing training programmes, and instituting formal training requirements for practitioners who participate in clinical supervision.Significance: The sample of South African clinical and counselling psychologists involved in the supervision of trainee psychologists tended to engage in clinical supervision in advance of obtaining three years of independent clinical practice and prior to receiving appropriate training in providing supervision. There is a need for the Professional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (PBP-HPCSA) to appropriately monitor and enforce ethical obligations of psychologists who engage in supervision of trainee psychologists. Psychologists who provide clinical supervision to trainee psychologists ought to take personal responsibility for ensuring that they are appropriately trained and have acquired the necessary competencies to provide supervision before deciding to engage in supervision activities. Formal guidelines and policies regulating clinical supervision are necessary for ensuring psychology supervisors obtain appropriate training in supervision and fulfil mandatory HPCSA accredited supervision training requirements

    Perfectionism and motivation in sport: The mediating role of mental toughness

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    An extensive body of research has investigated links between perfectionism and 2 motivation, yet the underlying mechanisms linking these psychological characteristics 3 have been underexplored. In this study, we used an integrative modelling approach to 4 examine associations between dimensions of perfectionism (i.e., personal standards 5 [PSP] and concerns over mistakes [CMP]), mental toughness (MT), and motivational 6 orientations (i.e., self- [SDM] and non-self-determined motivation [NSDM]). Based on a 7 sample of 318 male (n = 218) and female (n = 100) tennis players (Mage = 17.61, SD = 8 2.41), fit indices derived from structural equation modelling supported a partially 9 mediated model. Residual PSP associated positively with MT (β = .74) and SDM (β = 10 .40), and negatively with NSDM (β = -.22). Conversely, residual CMP associated 11 negatively with MT (β = .14) and SDM (β = -.19), and positively with NSDM (β = .73). 12 Mental toughness was positively associated with SDM (β = .28), but was unrelated to 13 NSDM (β = .07). The relationship between residual PSP and SDM was partially 14 mediated by MT (standardized indirect effect: 95% CI = .19, .46). The findings of this 15 study support research linking dimensions of perfectionism with motivational 16 orientations and offers preliminary evidence on the mediating role of MT in the 17 association between these psychological constructs. With emerging research 18 supporting the capacity to develop MT through targeted interventions, the findings are 19 discussed alongside salient implications

    Associations of home confinement during COVID-19 lockdown with subsequent health and well-being among UK adults

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Kingdom (UK) government introduced public health safety measures to mitigate the spikes in infection rates. This included stay-at-home orders that prevented people from leaving their homes for work or study, except for urgent medical care or buying essential items. This practice could have both short and long-term implications for health and wellbeing of people in the UK. Using longitudinal data of 10,630 UK adults, this study prospectively examined the association between home confinement status during the stringent lockdown in the UK (March 23-May 13, 2020) and 20 indicators of subjective well-being, social well-being, pro-social/altruistic behaviors, psychological distress, and health behaviors assessed approximately one month after the stringent lockdown ended. All analyses adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and social isolation status in the beginning of the pandemic. Home confinement during the lockdown was associated with greater subsequent compliance with COVID-19 rules, more perceived major stressors, and a lower prevalence of physical activity. There was modest evidence of associations with lower life satisfaction, greater loneliness, greater depressive symptoms, greater anxiety symptoms, and more perceived minor stressors post-lockdown. However, there was little evidence that home confinement was associated with other indices of subsequent health and well-being. While our study shows that home confinement impacts some indices of subsequent health and wellbeing outcomes even after lockdown, the degree of the psychological adaptation to the difficult confinement behavior remains unclear and should be further studied

    Associations of suffering with facets of health and well-being among working adults : longitudinal evidence from two samples

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    Bibliografia na końcu artykułuSuffering is an experiential state that every person encounters at one time or another, yet little is known about suffering and its consequences for the health and well‑being of nonclinical adult populations. In a pair of longitudinal studies, we used two waves of data from garment factory workers (Study 1 [T1: 2017, T2: 2019]: n = 344) and flight attendants (Study 2 [T1: 2017/2018, T2: 2020]: n = 1402) to examine the prospective associations of suffering with 16 outcomes across different domains of health and well‑being: physical health, health behavior, mental health, psychological well‑ being, character strengths, and social well‑being. The primary analysis involved a series of regression analyses in which each T2 outcome was regressed on overall suffering assessed at T1, adjusting for relevant sociodemographic characteristics and the baseline value (or close proxy) of the outcome assessed at T1. In Study 1, associations of overall suffering with worse subsequent health and well‑ being were limited to a single outcome on each of the domains of physical health and mental health. Overall suffering was more consistently related to worse subsequent health and well‑being in Study 2, with associations emerging for all but two outcomes. The pattern of findings for each study was largely similar when aspects of suffering were modeled individually, although associations for some aspects of suffering differed from those that emerged for overall suffering. Our findings suggest that suffering may have important implications for the health and well‑being of worker populations

    Strengthening intellectually challenged adolescents’ sense of self: An appreciative inquiry mixed-methods intervention

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    Background: Individuals with intellectual challenges may experience a sense of isolation within their families. How their families and friends react towards these challenges influences the formation of their identity and self-acceptance significantly. Aim: The aim of this research was to explore and describe how the sense of self of intellectually challenged adolescents could be strengthened within familial relationships and to evaluate the effectiveness of appreciative inquiry as an intervention approach. Setting: The study was conducted with families at a school for children with intellectual disabilities in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Area, Northern Region of Gauteng, South Africa. Methods: In an embedded mixed-method approach, a sample of 24 intellectually challenged adolescents and their families were selected, tested and interviewed. Quantitative data were collected using the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-i:YV) on adolescents and the Family Environmental Scale (FES) on families in the experimental and control groups, before and after intervention. Qualitative data were gathered through an appreciative inquiry intervention and semi-structured interviews with adolescents in the experimental group. Results: Although the quantitative findings were not statistically significant, the qualitative findings indicated that adolescents and family members experienced the sense of self of intellectually challenged adolescents positively, rather than as ‘disabled’. The appreciative inquiry shows potential to strengthen intellectually challenged adolescents’ sense of self in a supportive, positive family environment. Conclusion: The research is valuable in the way it highlights the importance of relational research in cases where quantitative research does not seem to be effective

    Psychological caring climate at work, mental health, well-being, and work-related outcomes : evidence from a longitudinal study and health insurance data

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    Psychological climate for caring (PCC) is a psychosocial factor associated with individual work outcomes and employee well-being. Evidence on the impacts of various psychological climates at work is based mostly on self-reported health measures and cross-sectional data. We provide longitudinal evidence on the associations of PCC with subsequent diagnosed depression and anxiety, subjective well-being, and self-reported work outcomes. Employees of a US organization with a worker well-being program provided data for the analysis. Longitudinal survey data merged with data from personnel files and health insurance claims records comprising medical information on diagnosis of depression and anxiety were used to regress each outcome on PCC at baseline, adjusting for prior values of all outcomes and other covariates. PCC was found to be associated with lower odds of subsequent diagnosed depression, an increase in overall well-being, mental health, physical health, social connectedness, and financial security, as well as a decrease in distraction at work, an increase in productivity/engagement and possibly in job satisfaction. There was little evidence of associations between PCC and subsequent diagnosed anxiety, character strengths, and work-family conflict. Work policies focused on improving PCC may create a promising pathway to promoting employee health and well-being as well as improving work-related outcomes

    Associations of online religious participation during COVID-19 lockdown with subsequent health and well-being among UK adults.

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    Background In-person religious service attendance has been linked to favorable health and well-being outcomes. However, little research has examined whether online religious participation improves these outcomes, especially when in-person attendance is suspended. Methods Using longitudinal data of 8951 UK adults, this study prospectively examined the association between frequency of online religious participation during the stringent lockdown in the UK (23 March –13 May 2020) and 21 indicators of psychological well-being, social well-being, pro-social/altruistic behaviors, psychological distress, and health behaviors. All analyses adjusted for baseline socio-demographic characteristics, pre-pandemic in-person religious service attendance, and prior values of the outcome variables whenever data were available. Bonferroni correction was used to correct for multiple testing. Results Individuals with online religious participation of ≥1/week (v. those with no participation at all) during the lockdown had a lower prevalence of thoughts of self-harm in week 20 (odds ratio 0.24; 95% CI 0.09–0.62). Online religious participation of <1/week (v. no participation) was associated with higher life satisfaction (standardized β = 0.25; 0.11–0.39) and happiness (standardized β = 0.25; 0.08–0.42). However, there was little evidence for the associations between online religious participation and all other outcomes (e.g. depressive symptoms and anxiety). Conclusions There was evidence that online religious participation during the lockdown was associated with some subsequent health and well-being outcomes. Future studies should examine mechanisms underlying the inconsistent results for online v. in-person religious service attendance and also use data from non-pandemic situations

    Functional Social Support Moderates Stress on Depression in Individuals with CID during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Two-Wave Study.

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    Depression is a common psychological experience for those living with a chronic illness and disease (CID). Social support (SS) can influence psychological health by regulating emotional functioning. The functional domain of SS refers to supportive exchange, including the emotional and instrumental functions. Public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic include social distancing and isolation, which have impacted functional aspects of SS. The health risks of being isolated are comparable to the risks linked to obesity, blood pressure, and cigarette smoking. PURPOSE: To investigate the moderating effect of functional SS on the stress-depression relationship on individuals with CID during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Two waves of data were collected from a US sample: Apr. ’20: N = 321; Jun. ’20: N = 238. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (depression symptoms), the Medical Outcomes Study–Social Support Survey–8 (perceived social support), and the Perceived Stress Scale–10 (perceived stress). For each wave of data, social support was entered as a moderator of the stress-depression relationship via multiple regression. RESULTS: The moderation models were estimated separately by wave. In the first wave, there was a negative but nonsignificant moderating effect (b = -0.19, p = .10) of social support on the stress-depression relationship (R2 = 51). In the second wave, the moderating relationship of social support doubled in magnitude (b = -0.30, p = .03, R2 = .57). During the COVID pandemic, functional social support weakened the association between stress and depression. CONCLUSION: Given the increased risk for social isolation and negative social exchange among people with CID during the COVID-19 pandemic, practitioners in rehabilitation psychology need to be informed about the potential implications of a lack of SS for the psychological health of the CID clients they work with. Drawing from the stress-buffering model and Lazarus et al.’s stress and coping theory (Lazarus, 1966; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), our findings indicate that increased levels of perceived support can reduce the effects of stress on depression during the pandemic by contributing to fewer negative appraisals. Interventions targeting the particular functions of emotional (e.g., opportunities for emotional expression and venting) and instrumental (e.g., material aid) support could have immediate implications for facilitating rehabilitation outcomes (e.g., quality of life, interpersonal functioning, psychiatric symptomatology) during this public health crisis

    The mental health of NHS staff during the COVID-19 pandemic:Two-wave Scottish cohort study

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    Background: Health and social care workers (HSCWs) are at risk of experiencing adverse mental health outcomes (e.g. higher levels of anxiety and depression) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This can have a detrimental effect on quality of care, the national response to the pandemic and its aftermath. Aims: A longitudinal design provided follow-up evidence on the mental health (changes in prevalence of disease over time) of NHS staff working at a remote health board in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic, and investigated the determinants of mental health outcomes over time. Method: A two-wave longitudinal study was conducted from July to September 2020. Participants self-reported levels of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7) and mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale) at baseline and 1.5 months later. Results: The analytic sample of 169 participants, working in community (43%) and hospital (44%) settings, reported substantial levels of depression and anxiety, and low mental well-being at baseline (depression, 30.8%; anxiety, 20.1%; well-being, 31.9%). Although mental health remained mostly constant over time, the proportion of participants meeting the threshold for anxiety increased to 27.2% at follow-up. Multivariable modelling indicated that working with, and disruption because of, COVID-19 were associated with adverse mental health changes over time. Conclusions: HSCWs working in a remote area with low COVID-19 prevalence reported substantial levels of anxiety and depression, similar to those working in areas with high COVID-19 prevalence. Efforts to support HSCW mental health must remain a priority, and should minimise the adverse effects of working with, and disruption caused by, the COVID-19 pandemic

    Mental Toughness in South African Youth: Relationships With Forgivingness and Attitudes Towards Risk

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    Young people are particularly vulnerable to health risk behaviors and interpersonal violence, stimulating scholars’ attention towards identifying factors that may reduce the likelihood that these actions will occur. Associated with positive outcomes in a variety of domains, mental toughness in young people might protect them from engaging in potentially deleterious interpersonal or health-risk behaviors, while potentially promoting positive psychological behaviors. Within this framework, the present study investigated the relationships between mental toughness, attitudes towards physical and psychological risk-taking, and trait forgiveness in a sample of 123 (males = 54, females = 69) South African youth (M age = 23.97 years, SD = 4.46). Univariate and multivariate analyses indicated higher levels of mental toughness were associated with being more forgiving, (η2pηp2 = .036), perceiving physical risk-taking more positively (η2pηp2 = .062), but having more negative attitudes towards psychological risk-taking (η2pηp2 = .036). These findings give credence to mental toughness as a psychological characteristic involved in youth risk-taking perceptions and interpersonal functioning. Future research might explore the integration of mental toughness into the development of future youth risk behavior interventions
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