6,000 research outputs found

    Is it Easier to Escape from Low Pay in Urban Areas? Evidence from the UK

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    In this paper we compare periods of low pay employment between urban and rural areas in the UK. Using the British Household Panel Survey, we estimate the probability that a period of low pay employment will end allowing for a number of possible outcomes, namely to a ‘high pay’ job, self-employment, unemployment and out of the labour force. The results show that there are statistically significant differences in the dynamics of low pay across urban and rural labour markets, particularly in terms of exits to high pay and out of the labour force. After controlling for different personal and job characteristics across markets, urban low pay durations are somewhat shorter on average, with a higher probability that urban workers will move to high pay. However, the results suggest that any urban-rural differences in the typical low pay experience are particularly concentrated among certain types of individuals, e.g. young workers, women without qualifications.Preprin

    Exploring Epoxy Use at the Oak Ridge K-25 Facility and New Concerns about Neurotoxic Risks

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    Epoxies are used widely in industrial and domestic applications, and apart from carcinogenic concerns, they are best known as both sensitizers and irritants in terms of dermatological and respiratory impacts. Neurological impacts from epoxy use, however, have not been reported thus far in the occupational or environmental health literature. This project was designed to further the understanding of epoxy materials and their applications in terms of the potential for harmful exposures, to understand what is presented in the industry, agency, and other scientific literature relative to exposure opportunities and the potential for neurotoxic impacts, and to document past usage of epoxies at the K-25 facility as a representation of circumstances involving higher exposures. With this information a public health strategy specific to the K-25 population and the epoxy industry as a whole was to be formulated to address potential neurotoxic concerns including the need for further medical care, industrial hygiene measurements, protective measures, toxicology, and epidemiology. To accomplish these tasks, comprehensive and current industry textbooks and literature were reviewed on epoxy formulation and usage. Key epoxy constituents were identified to complete the search for any existing literature on neurotoxic findings. Regulatory or agency investigations were explored to identify what is known thus far about exposures to these constituents and effects on workers. Relative to K-25 activities, a formal survey instrument was developed for information gathering purposes only, to ask workers about typical epoxy use practices, and to gain an understanding of the potential level of epoxy exposures in these settings. This research was completed money allocated during Round 5 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]://commons.clarku.edu/iatp/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Organization Map for Academic Essay (Handout)

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    This instructional handout helps students organize with pre- and post-writing guidance

    LAS 189 IM Content Guide

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    This is an instructional handout outlines the format required for an inquiry-based writing project, for LAS 189, Introduction to Liberal Arts, at Parkland College

    LAS 189 Sample IM

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    This is an instructional handout is an example of an inquiry-based writing project for LAS 189, Introduction to Liberal Arts, at Parkland College

    New quasars behind the Magellanic Clouds. Spectroscopic confirmation of near-infrared selected candidates

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    Context. Quasi-stellar objects (quasars) located behind nearby galaxies provide an excellent absolute reference system for astrometric studies, but they are difficult to identify because of fore- and background contamination. Deep wide-field, high angular resolution surveys spanning the entire area of nearby galaxies are needed to obtain a complete census of such quasars. Aims. We embarked on a program to expand the quasar reference system behind the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds, the Magellanic Bridge, and the Magellanic Stream that connects the Clouds with the Milky Way. Methods. Hundreds of quasar candidates were selected based on their near-infrared colors and variability properties from the ongoing public ESO VISTA Magellanic Clouds survey. A subset of 49 objects was followed up with optical spectroscopy. Results. We confirmed the quasar nature of 37 objects (34 new identifications): four are low redshift objects, three are probably stars, and the remaining three lack prominent spectral features for a secure classification. The bona fide quasars, identified from their broad emisison lines, are located as follows: 10 behind the LMC, 13 behind the SMC, and 14 behind the Bridge. The quasars span a redshift range from z ~ 0.5 to z ~ 4.1. Conclusions. Upon completion the VMC survey is expected to yield a total of ~1500 quasars with Y< 19.32 mag, J< 19.09 mag, and Ks< 18.04 mag
