38 research outputs found

    PCA loadings for personality trait consistency tests.

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    <p>PCA loadings for personality trait consistency tests.</p

    Diagram of testing arena.

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    <p>This illustrates the arena used in the exploration trial during behavioural testing in <i>Diploptera punctata</i>. A piece of A4 paper lined the bottom of the arena to mark the borders of sectors A to L; this was replaced for each new individual tested. Vaseline was applied to the sides of the arena above the paper to prevent cockroaches from climbing up the sides; the depth of the arena was approximately 8cm. The focal individual was introduced to the arena via an opaque tube placed in sector B. Sector K contained an empty plastic dish.</p

    Bacteria isolated from <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i> maintained in tanks with and without plants (<i>Sciandapsus sp</i>; Phase 1), and after a different plant species (<i>Dieffenbachia sp.</i>) had been introduced to all tanks (Phase 2).

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    <p>Bacteria isolated from <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i> maintained in tanks with and without plants (<i>Sciandapsus sp</i>; Phase 1), and after a different plant species (<i>Dieffenbachia sp.</i>) had been introduced to all tanks (Phase 2).</p

    Tests for differential consistency in behavioural traits.

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    <p>Tests for differential consistency in behavioural traits.</p

    Statistical comparisons of environmental parameters in planted and non-planted frog enclosures.

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    <p>Statistical comparisons of environmental parameters in planted and non-planted frog enclosures.</p

    Virksomhetsbegrepet i arbeidsmiljøloven. Med hovedvekt på innholdet i lovens § 15-7.

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    Avhandlingen tar for seg virksomhetsbegrepet i Lov av 17 juni 2005 nr. 62 om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern m.v. Hensikten med avhandlingen er å belyse betydningen til virksomhetsbegrepet i nedbemanninger etter loven. Hovedvekten av avhandlingen vil derfor omhandle aml. § 15-7, hvor begrepets innhold ved fastsettelsen av utvelgelseskretsen og virkeområdet for plikten til å tilby annet passende arbeid skal behandles. Herunder adgangen til å legge til grunn et snevrere eller videre virksomhetsbegrep i aml. § 15-7. Avhandlingen vil videre kort behandle virksomhetsbegrepets generelle innhold, innholdet ved beregningen av oppsigelsesfrister etter aml. § 15-3 og begrepets innhold ved fortrinnsrett til ny ansettelse etter aml. § 14-2