24 research outputs found

    Absolute Frequency Atlas from 915 nm to 985 nm based on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of Iodine

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    This article reports on laser absorption spectroscopy of iodine gas between 915 nm and 985 nm. This wavelength range is scanned utilizing a narrow linewidth and mode-hop-free tunable diode-laser whose frequency is actively controlled using a calibrated wavelength meter. This allows us to provide an iodine atlas that contains almost 10,000 experimentally observed reference lines with an uncertainty of 50 MHz. For common lines, good agreement is found with a publication by Gerstenkorn et al. [S. Gerstenkorn, P. Luc, Atlas du spectre d'absorption de la molecule d'iode 14800-20000 cm1^{-1}, Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 1978]. The new rich dataset allows existing models of the iodine molecule to be refined and can serve as a reference for laser frequency calibration and stabilization.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, link to online data depositor

    Osteonecrosis of the Jaw After Bisphosphonates Treatment in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

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    Bone lytic lesion in Multiple myeloma are the most commonly presented symptoms which require treatment with bisphosphonates (BPs). BPs are providing supportive care, reducing the rate of skeletal morbidity but evidently not abolishing it, the criteria for stopping their administration have to be different from those used for classic antineoplastic drugs, and they should not be stopped when metastatic bone disease is progressing. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been associated recently with the use of BPs. The aim of these study is to evaluate the incidence of ONJ in patients with MM treated with mixed biphosphonates. We analyzed total 296 myeloma patients (150 male and 146 female). Mostly effected age group with 58,1% is age more than 60 years up to 88 years, diagnosed in our institution in the period 2005-2015. We used intravenous or oral forms of biphosphonates such as pamidronate, ibandronate, clodronate and zolendronic acid. The patients were evaluated for ONJ. The incidence of ONJ in our group of patients treated with Bps was 4,6% from our group of 260 patients 87,8% received BPs therapy and patients which haven’t received BPs 12,2%. From this group, 95,4% (248) didn’t show ONJ, and 4,6% (12) showed ONJ. The period of this treatment with BPs is an important risk factor for development of ONJ, average duration of BPs therapy in patients which show adverse effects is 26.8±13.7 months, from the total number of 12 patients that developed ONJ adverse effects, we have 8 patients which received treatment with Zolendronic acid and the remaining 4 patients which were treated with other BPs combinations without Zolendronic acid. All patients treated for MM must continue with the therapy with Zolendronic acid and Pamidronate, each patient must be individually treated according to his response of the treatment (dose, frequency and duration of therapy)

    MOESM1 of Early and late feathering in turkey and chicken: same gene but different mutations

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Line, animal ID, phenotype, sex and mean sequence coverage for slow feathering (SF) and fast feathering (FF) turkey samples. Table S2. Number of variants per type. Table S3. Effects of variants per type and region. Table S4. Effects of coding SNPs. Table S5. List of top 100 significant polymorphisms on chromosome Z

    MOESM2 of Early and late feathering in turkey and chicken: same gene but different mutations

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    Additional file 2: Figure S1. Population PCA for fast feathering (red) and slow-feathering samples (green). Figure S2: GWAS results for feathering rate at hatch on chromosome Z. Figure S3. Chicken (Galgal) and turkey (Melgal) PRLR protein alignment. PRLR sequences share 90.24% identity. The red (turkey) and blue (chicken) arrows indicate the starting point of the C-terminal loss in PRLR for both species

    MOESM3 of Early and late feathering in turkey and chicken: same gene but different mutations

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    Additional file 3: CNV-seq results within the associated region on ChrZ:7.9-10.0 Mb for all SF and FF Turkey samples. Each figure shows the log2 ratio between case and control samples in each window across the region

    List of identified SNPs- Syncerus caffer

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    The excel file contains the list of 'Single Nucleotide Polymorphism' markers that were identified within the African buffalo species (4 subspecies included). A legend to each column is provided

    Additional file 5: Figure S2. of A history of hybrids? Genomic patterns of introgression in the True Geese

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    Estimates of historical effective population sizes for all goose species, based on a PSMC analysis. Final three figures represent the three subspecies of Brent Goose, which is depicted in the lower right panel. (ZIP 766 kb