7,305 research outputs found

    The development of the income distribution in the Federal Republic of Germany during the seventies and eighties : revised version of a paper presented at the Conference "The Distribution of Economic Well-Being in the 1980s - an International Perspective", June 21 - 23, 1993, in Fiskebäckskil, Sweden

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    Revised version of a paper presented at the Conference "The Distribution of Economic Well-Being in the 1980s - an International Perspective", June 21 - 23, 1993, in Fiskebäckskil, Sweden. This paper sketches changes in the distribution of well-being during the period from 1972 to 1991 against the background of West Germany's economic and demographic development, and compares the distribution of well-being in East Germany before and after reunification. We rely on equivalent income of persons as the main indicator to measure well-being, but we also look at the distribution of gross wage income of workers and employees. Estimates of the Federal Statistical Office referring to the mesolevel of average equivalent income of socio-economic groups as well as various distributional measures computed by us at the micro-level are used to gauge changes of the distribution. The computations are based on two sets of micro-data available to us, the official Income and Consumption Surveys (1973, 1978 and 1983), and the German Socio-economic Panel (1983 to 1990 for West Germany, 1990, 1991 for East Germany). At the meso-level we find substantial changes in the relative welfare positions of the ten socio-economic groups distinguished, but a nearly constant ranking of the groups during the whole period under review. At the micro-level our computations indicate slight increases in the inequality of gross earnings during both decades. The distribution of well-being as measured by equivalent income of persons seems also to have become slightly more unequal during the whole period but the changes are very small, and partly reversed during subperiods. A decomposition of overall inequality by occupational status of the heads of household using the Theil measure shows that more than 80 percent of overall inequality is due to within-group inequality with rising tendency. This result is mitigated a little when dis aggregating the heterogeneous group of not gainfully employed with regard to the main income source of the household.In diesem Arbeitspapier werden Veranderungen der Wohlstandsverteilung während der Periode 1972 bis 1991 vor dem Hintergrund der ökonomischen und demographischen Entwicklung in Westdeutschland skizziert und die Wohlstandsverteilungen in Ostdeutschland vor und nach der Wiedervereinigung verglichen. Dabei beziehen wir uns hauptsächlich auf das Äquivalenzeinkommen von Personen zur Erfassung individuellen Wohlstands, untersuchen aber auch die Verteilungsentwicklung der Bruttoeinkommen aus unselbstandiger Arbeit. Die Analyse bezieht sich zum einen auf Ergebnisse des Statistischen Bundesamtes, die auf einem mittleren Aggregationsniveau durchschnittliche Aquivalenzeinkommen nach sozio-ökonomischen Gruppen ausweisen. Zum anderen werden verschiedene VerteilungsmaBe auf der Basis von Mikrodaten berechnet, wobei uns zwei Datenquellen zur Verfügung standen: die offiziellen Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichproben (1973, 1978 und 1983) und das Sozio-ökonomische Panel (1983 bis 1990 für Westdeutschland, 1990, 1991 für Ostdeutschland).Auf mittlerem Aggregationsniveau zeigen sich wesentliche Anderungen in den relativen Wohlstandspositionen der zehn unterschiedenen sozio-ökonomischen Gruppen, aber eine nahezu unveränderte Rangfolge der Gruppen wahrend des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraums. Auf der Mikroebene zeigt sich für beide Dekaden eine leichte Zunahme der Ungleichheit der Bruttoeinkommen aus unselbstandiger Tatigkeit. Auch die am Äquivalenzeinkommen der Personen gemessene Wohlstandsverteilung scheint über die gesamte Periode etwas ungleicher geworden zu sein, wobei die Veränderungen allerdings sehr gering sind und teilweise in den beiden Dekaden entgegengesetzte Richtungen aufweisen. Aus der Dekomposition der mit dem Theil-Maß ermittelten Verteilungsungleichheit nach der sozialen Stellung des Haushaltsvorstandes ergibt sich, daB mehr als 80% der Ungleichheit insgesamt auf Intra-Gruppen-Ungleichverteilungen zurückzuführen ist, und zwar mit steigender Tendenz. Dieses Ergebnis wird etwas gemildert, wenn man die sehr heterogene Gruppe der Nichterwerbstatigenhaushalte nach der überwiegenden Einkommensart des Haushalts disaggregiert

    Changes in the distribution of pre-government and post-government income in Germany 1973 - 1993 : paper presented at the Conference on the Personal Distribution of Income in an International Perspective at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst

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    To sum up our findings we come to the following statements. - During the period from 1973 to 1993 inequality of the personal distribution of equivalent pre-government income increased to some extent, as was to be expected given the enormous rise in unemployment. - Inequality of post-government income also increased slightly, but was much lower than inequality of pre-government income due to the equalizing effect of the German tax and transfer system. - In 1993 inequality of pre-government income was higher, and inequality of post-government income was considerably lower in East Germany than in West Germany; the West German tax and transfer system that was transferred to East Germany after reunification - with some additional but temporary minimum regulations - seems to have had a stronger equalizing effect in the East than in the West. - A decomposition into three age groups, the young and the middle-aged group sub-divided further according to whether household members were affected by unemployment, showed that within-groups inequality explained by far more of overall inequality than between-groups inequality. - The relative positions of the two young groups as well as of the middle-aged group with unemployed members deteriorated with respect to their equivalent pre-government and post-government incomes. - During the first period with rising unemployment (1973 to 1978), the development of within-groups inequality and of between-groups inequality contributed to about the same extent to the increase of overall inequality of pre-government income. But this was fully compensated by the tax and transfer system as there were only a negligible change in inequality of equivalent net income and very slight effects of the (four) components of change which nearly compensated each other. - During the last period from 1988 to 1993 the equalizing effect of the German tax and transfer system seems to have weakened, at least in the western part of Germany. The increase in inequality of equivalent net income is mainly due to developments of within group inequalities

    Robust Non-Linear Regression Using The Dogleg Algorithm

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    What are the statistical and computational problems associated with robust nonlinear regression? This paper presents a number of possible approaches to these problems and develops a particular algorithm based on the work of Powell and Dennis.

    Lysine Biosynthesis in Bacteria: A Metallodesuccinylase as a Potential Antimicrobial Target

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    In this review, we summarize the recent literature on dapE-encoded N-succinyl-l,l-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase (DapE) enzymes, with an emphasis on structure–function studies that provide insight into the catalytic mechanism. Crystallographic data have also provided insight into residues that might be involved in substrate and hence inhibitor recognition and binding. These data have led to the design and synthesis of several new DapE inhibitors, which are described along with what is known about how inhibitors interact with the active site of DapE enzymes, including the efficacy of a moderately strong DapE inhibitor

    Pastoral Vacation

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    Non-fiction by Richard Becke

    An Analytical Method for Detecting Toxic Metal Cations Using Cyclotriveratrylene Derivative Capped Gold Nanoparticles

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    Cyclotriveratrylene-oxime (CTV-oxime) derivatives that terminate with a dithiolate linker were synthesized enabling the supramolecular scaffold to adhere to gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with the bowl-shaped cavity of the CTV scaffold exposed for utilization in host–guest chemistry. Exposure of these CTV functionalized AuNPs to varying concentrations of di- and trivalent metal cations resulted in the formation of large CTV-AuNP polymeric clusters and an accompanying a shift in the plasmon resonance. These interactions between the CTV-AuNPs and the metal cations in solution provides proof-of-concept that supramolecular functionalized AuNPs can be used as a simple and straightforward, on-site detection system for toxic metal cations in solution. The order of binding affinity of the metals studied based on observed Kd values is Cu2+ \u3e Zn2+ \u3e Pb2+ \u3e Hg2+ \u3e Eu3+ \u3e Cd2+

    The Singular Value Analysis in Matrix Computation

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    This paper discusses the robustness and the computational stability of the singular value decomposition algorithm used at the NBER Computer Research Center. The effect of perturbations on input data is explored. Suggestions are made for using the algorithm to get information about the rank of a real square or rectangular matrix. The algorithm can also be used to compute the best approximate solution of linear system of equations in the least squares sense, to solve linear systems of equations with equality constraints, and to determine dependencies or near dependencies among the rows or columns of a matrix. A copy of the subroutine that is used and some examples on which it has been tested are included in the appendixes.
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