319 research outputs found

    Angioarchitectural evolution of clival dural arteriovenous fistulas in two patients.

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    Dural arteriovenous fistulas (dAVFs) may present in a variety of ways, including as carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas. The ophthalmologic sequelae of carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas are known and recognizable, but less commonly seen is the rare clival fistula. Clival dAVFs may have a variety of potential anatomical configurations but are defined by the involvement of the venous plexus just overlying the bony clivus. Here we present two cases of clival dAVFs that most likely evolved from carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas

    Decidability of quantified propositional intuitionistic logic and S4 on trees

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    Quantified propositional intuitionistic logic is obtained from propositional intuitionistic logic by adding quantifiers \forall p, \exists p over propositions. In the context of Kripke semantics, a proposition is a subset of the worlds in a model structure which is upward closed. Kremer (1997) has shown that the quantified propositional intuitionistic logic H\pi+ based on the class of all partial orders is recursively isomorphic to full second-order logic. He raised the question of whether the logic resulting from restriction to trees is axiomatizable. It is shown that it is, in fact, decidable. The methods used can also be used to establish the decidability of modal S4 with propositional quantification on similar types of Kripke structures.Comment: v2, 9 pages, corrections and additions; v1 8 page

    Examining the role of participant and study partner report in widely-used classification approaches of mild cognitive impairment in demographically-diverse community dwelling individuals: results from the Einstein aging study

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    ObjectiveThe role of subjective cognitive concerns (SCC) as a diagnostic criterion for MCI remains uncertain and limits the development of a universally (or widely)-accepted MCI definition. The optimal MCI definition should define an at-risk state and accurately predict the development of incident dementia. Questions remain about operationalization of definitions of self- and informant-reported SCCs and their individual and joint associations with incident dementia.MethodsThe present study included Einstein Aging Study participants who were non-Hispanic White or Black, free of dementia at enrollment, had follow-up, and completed neuropsychological tests and self-reported SCC at enrollment to determine MCI status. Informant-reported SCC at baseline were assessed via the CERAD clinical history questionnaire. Self-reported SCC were measured using the CERAD, items from the EAS Health Self-Assessment, and the single memory item from the Geriatric Depression Scale. Cox proportional hazards models examined the association of different operationalizations of SCC with Petersen and Jak/Bondi MCI definitions on the risk of dementia, further controlling for age, sex, education, and race/ethnicity. Time-dependent sensitivity and specificity at specific time points for each definition, and Youden’s index were calculated as an accuracy measure. Cox proportional hazards models were also used to evaluate the associations of combinations of self- and informant-reported SCC with the risk of incident dementia.Results91% of the sample endorsed at least one SCC. Youden’s index showed that not including SCC in either Jak/Bondi or Petersen classifications had the best balance between sensitivity and specificity across follow-up. A subset of individuals with informants, on average, had a lower proportion of non-Hispanic Blacks and 94% endorsed at least one self-reported SCC. Both informant-reported and self-reported SCC were significantly associated with incident dementia.ConclusionOur findings suggest that the SCC criterion may not improve the predictive validity for dementia when included in widely-employed definitions of MCI. Consistent with some prior research, informant-reported SCC was more related to risk of incident dementia than self-reported SCC. Given that requiring informant report as a diagnostic criterion may unintentionally exclude health disparate groups, additional consideration is needed to determine how best to utilize informant-report in MCI diagnosis

    Advancing the application, quality and harmonization of implementation science measures

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    BACKGROUND: The field of implementation science (IS) encompasses a broad range of constructs and uses measures from a variety of disciplines. However, there has been little standardization of measures or agreement on definitions of constructs across different studies, fields, authors, or research groups. METHODS: We describe a collaborative, web-based activity using the United States National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Grid-Enabled Measures (GEM) portal that uses a wiki platform to focus discussion and engage the research community to enhance the quality and harmonization of measures for IS health-related research and practice. We present the history, process, and preliminary data from the GEM Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) Campaign on IS measurement. RESULTS: The GEM D&I Campaign has been ongoing for eight weeks as of this writing, and has used a combination of expert opinion and crowd-sourcing approaches. To date it has listed definitions for 45 constructs and summarized information on 120 measures. Usage of the website peaked at a rate of 124 views from 89 visitors on week seven. Users from seven countries have contributed measures and/or constructs, shared experience in using different measures, contributed comments, and identified research gaps and needs. CONCLUSION: Thus far, this campaign has provided information about different IS measures, their associated characteristics, and comments. The next step is to rate these measures for quality and practicality. This resource and ongoing activity have potential to advance the quality and harmonization of IS measures and constructs, and we invite readers to contribute to the process

    Does wage rank affect employees' well-being?

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    How do workers make wage comparisons? Both an experimental study and an analysis of 16,000 British employees are reported. Satisfaction and well-being levels are shown to depend on more than simple relative pay. They depend upon the ordinal rank of an individual's wage within a comparison group. “Rank” itself thus seems to matter to human beings. Moreover, consistent with psychological theory, quits in a workplace are correlated with pay distribution skewness

    An approach to classifying subjective cognitive decline in community-dwelling elders

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    Introduction: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) may be an early symptomatic man- ifestation of Alzheimer’s disease, though published research largely neglects how to classify SCD in community-based studies. Methods: In neuropsychologically intact Einstein Aging Study participants (n = 1115; meanage=78;63%female;30%non-White),weusedCoxmodelstoexaminetheasso- ciation between self-perceived cognitive functioning at baseline (using three different approaches) and incident amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) with covariates of age, sex, education, race/ethnicity, general (objective) cognition, depressive symp- toms, and four other SCD-related features. Results: After a median of 3 years, 198 participants developed aMCI. In models that included all the variables, self-perceived cognitive functioning was consistently asso- ciated with incident aMCI as were age, general cognition, and perceived control; apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele status was significant in one model. We set cut points that optimized the diagnostic accuracy of SCD at various time frames. Discussion: We provide an approach to SCD classification and discuss implications for cognitive aging studies

    Tropical nighttime warming as a dominant driver of variability in the terrestrial carbon sink

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    The terrestrial biosphere is currently a strong carbon (C) sink but may switch to a source in the 21st century as climate-driven losses exceed CO2-driven C gains, thereby accelerating global warming. Although it has long been recognized that tropical climate plays a critical role in regulating interannual climate variability, the causal link between changes in temperature and precipitation and terrestrial processes remains uncertain. Here, we combine atmospheric mass balance, remote sensing-modeled datasets of vegetation C uptake, and climate datasets to characterize the temporal variability of the terrestrial C sink and determine the dominant climate drivers of this variability. We show that the interannual variability of global land C sink has grown by 50–100% over the past 50 y. We further find that interannual land C sink variability is most strongly linked to tropical nighttime warming, likely through respiration. This apparent sensitivity of respiration to nighttime temperatures, which are projected to increase faster than global average temperatures, suggests that C stored in tropical forests may be vulnerable to future warming