1,330 research outputs found

    The Impact of baryonic physics on the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    Poorly understood "baryonic physics" impacts our ability to predict the power spectrum of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect. We study this in one sample high resolution simulation of galaxy formation and feedback, Illustris. The high resolution of Illustris allows us to probe the kSZ power spectrum on multipoles =1033×104\ell =10^3-3\times 10^4. Strong AGN feedback in Illustris nearly wipes out gas fluctuations at k1 h Mpc1k\gtrsim1~h~\rm{Mpc}^{-1} and at late times, likely somewhat under predicting the kSZ power generated at z1z\lesssim 1. The post-reionization kSZ power spectrum for Illustris is well-fit by Dz<6=1.38[/3000]0.21 μK2\mathcal{D}^{z<6}_{\ell} = 1.38[\ell/3000]^{0.21}~\mu K^2 over 3000100003000\lesssim\ell\lesssim10000, somewhat lower than most other reported values but consistent with the analysis of Shaw et al. Our analysis of the bias of free electrons reveals subtle effects associated with the multi-phase gas physics and stellar fractions that affect even linear scales. In particular there are fewer electrons in biased galaxies, due to gas cooling and star formation, and this leads to an electron bias less than one even at low wavenumbers. The combination of bias and electron fraction that determines the overall suppression is relatively constant, fe2be020.7f_e^2b^2_{e0} \sim 0.7, but more simulations are needed to see if this is Illustris-specific. By separating the kSZ power into different terms, we find at least 6(10)%6\, (10)\% of the signal at =3000(10000)\ell=3000\, (10000) comes from non-Gaussian connected four-point density and velocity correlations, \left_{c}, even without correcting for the Illustris simulation box size. A challenge going forward will be to accurately model long-wave velocity modes simultaneously with Illustris-like high resolution to capture the complexities of galaxy formation and its correlations with large scale flows.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure, submitted to Ap

    The Imprint of Gravitational Waves on the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Long-wavelength gravitational waves can induce significant temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. Distinguishing this from anisotropy induced by energy density fluctuations is critical for testing inflationary cosmology and theories of large-scale structure formation. We describe full radiative transport calculations of the two contributions and show that they differ dramatically at angular scales below a few degrees. We show how anisotropy experiments probing large- and small-angular scales can combine to distinguish the imprint due to gravitational waves.Comment: 11 pages, Penn Preprint-UPR-

    The Canada-UK Deep Sub-Millimeter Survey II: First identifications, redshifts and implications for galaxy evolution

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    Identifications are sought for 12 sub-mm sources detected by Eales et al (1998). Six are securely identified, two have probable identifications and four remain unidentified with I_AB > 25. Spectroscopic and estimated photometric redshifts indicate that four of the sources have z < 1, and four have 1 < z < 3, with the remaining four empty field sources probably lying at z > 3. The spectral energy distributions of the identifications are consistent with those of high extinction starbursts such as Arp 220. The far-IR luminosities of the sources at z > 0.5 are of order 3 x 10^12 h_50^-2 L_sun, i.e. slightly larger than that of Arp 220. Based on this small sample, the cumulative bolometric luminosity function shows strong evolution to z ~ 1, but weaker or possibly even negative evolution beyond. The redshift dependence of the far-IR luminosity density does not appear, at this early stage, to be inconsistent with that seen in the ultraviolet luminosity density. Assuming that the energy source in the far-IR is massive stars, the total luminous output from star-formation in the Universe is probably dominated by the far-IR emission. The detected systems have individual star-formation rates (exceeding 300 h_50^-2 M_O yr^-1) that are much higher than seen in the ultraviolet selected samples, and which are sufficient to form substantial stellar populations on dynamical timescales of 10^8 yr. The association with merger-like morphologies and the obvious presence of dust makes it attractive to identify these systems as forming the metal-rich spheroid population, in which case we would infer that much of this activity has occurred relatively recently, at z ~ 2.Comment: 17 pages text + 14 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Gzipped tar file contains one text.ps file for text and tables, one Fig2.jpg file for Fig 2, and 13 Fig*.ps files for the remaining figure

    Wintering Bald Eagle Count Trends in the Conterminous United States, 1986-2010

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    We analyzed counts from the annual Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey to examine state, regional, and national trends in counts of wintering Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) within the conterminous 48 United States from 1986 to 2010. Using hierarchical mixed model methods, we report trends in counts from 11 729 surveys along 844 routes in 44 states. Nationwide Bald Eagle counts increased 0.6% per yr over the 25-yr period, compared to an estimate of 1.9% per yr from 1986 to 2000. Trend estimates for Bald Eagles were significant (P ≤ 0.05) and positive in the northeastern and northwestern U.S. (3.9% and 1.1%, respectively), while trend estimates for Bald Eagles were negative (P ≤ 0.05) in the southwestern U.S. (-2.2%). After accounting for potential biases resulting from temporal and regional differences in surveys, we believe trends reflect post-DDT recovery and subsequent early effects of density-dependent population regulation

    The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from Radiative Transfer Simulations of Patchy Reionization

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    We present the first calculation of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect due to the inhomogeneous reionization of the universe based on detailed large-scale radiative transfer simulations of reionization. The resulting sky power spectra peak at l=2000-8000 with maximum values of l^2C_l~1\times10^{-12}. The peak scale is determined by the typical size of the ionized regions and roughly corresponds to the ionized bubble sizes observed in our simulations, ~5-20 Mpc. The kSZ anisotropy signal from reionization dominates the primary CMB signal above l=3000. This predicted kSZ signal at arcminute scales is sufficiently strong to be detectable by upcoming experiments, like the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and South Pole Telescope which are expected to have ~1' resolution and ~muK sensitivity. The extended and patchy nature of the reionization process results in a boost of the peak signal in power by approximately one order of magnitude compared to a uniform reionization scenario, while roughly tripling the signal compared with that based upon the assumption of gradual but spatially uniform reionization. At large scales the patchy kSZ signal depends largely on the ionizing source efficiencies and the large-scale velocity fields: sources which produce photons more efficiently yield correspondingly higher signals. The introduction of sub-grid gas clumping in the radiative transfer simulations produces significantly more power at small scales, and more non-Gaussian features, but has little effect at large scales. The patchy nature of the reionization process roughly doubles the total observed kSZ signal for l~3000-10^4 compared to non-patchy scenarios with the same total electron-scattering optical depth.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures (some in color), submitted to Ap

    A New Forest Fire Paradigm: The Need for High-Severity Fires

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    Forest fires, particularly those that burn at mixed and high severity (collectively called ‘severe’), have been traditionally perceived as catastrophic events, directing public attention and immense forest management budgets toward fire prevention and suppression. These fires may indeed be catastrophic when measured by losses of human lives and property. However, severe fires in wildland areas are both natural and necessary to maintain the integrity of dynamic, disturbance-adapted forest systems. We propose a change in the current paradigm—which holds that severe forest fires are always harmful—to a new one that embraces their ecological necessity

    Computing CMB Anisotropy in Compact Hyperbolic Spaces

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    The measurements of CMB anisotropy have opened up a window for probing the global topology of the universe on length scales comparable to and beyond the Hubble radius. For compact topologies, the two main effects on the CMB are: (1) the breaking of statistical isotropy in characteristic patterns determined by the photon geodesic structure of the manifold and (2) an infrared cutoff in the power spectrum of perturbations imposed by the finite spatial extent. We present a completely general scheme using the regularized method of images for calculating CMB anisotropy in models with nontrivial topology, and apply it to the computationally challenging compact hyperbolic topologies. This new technique eliminates the need for the difficult task of spatial eigenmode decomposition on these spaces. We estimate a Bayesian probability for a selection of models by confronting the theoretical pixel-pixel temperature correlation function with the COBE-DMR data. Our results demonstrate that strong constraints on compactness arise: if the universe is small compared to the `horizon' size, correlations appear in the maps that are irreconcilable with the observations. If the universe is of comparable size, the likelihood function is very dependent upon orientation of the manifold wrt the sky. While most orientations may be strongly ruled out, it sometimes happens that for a specific orientation the predicted correlation patterns are preferred over the conventional infinite models.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (IOP style included), 3 color figures (GIF) in separate files. Minor revision to match the version accepted in Class. Quantum Grav.: Proc. of Topology and Cosmology, Cleveland, 1997. The paper can be also downloaded from http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pogosyan/cwru_proc.ps.g

    Allosteric Modulators for GPCRs as a Therapeutic Alternative with High Potential in Drug Discovery

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    The superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) consists of biological microprocessors that can activate multiple signaling pathways. Most GPCRs have an orthosteric pocket where the endogenous ligand(s) typically binds. Conversely, allosteric ligands bind to GPCRs at sites that are distinct from the orthosteric binding region and they modulate the response elicited by the endogenous ligand. Allosteric ligands can also switch the response of a GPCR after ligand binding to a unique signaling pathway, these ligands are termed biased allosteric modulators. Thus, the development of allosteric ligands opens new and multiple ways in which the signaling pathways of GPCRs can be manipulated for potential therapeutic benefit. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which allosteric ligands modulate the effects of endogenous ligands have provided new insights into the interactions between allosteric ligands and GPCRs. These new findings have a high potential to improve drug discovery and development and, therefore, creating the need for better screening methods for allosteric drugs to increase the chances of success in the development of allosteric modulators as lead clinical compounds

    The Relationship between Physical Activity Variety and Objectively Measured Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Levels in Weight Loss Maintainers and Normal-Weight Individuals

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    Given the importance of physical activity (PA) for weight control, identifying strategies to achieve higher PA levels is imperative. We hypothesized that performing a greater variety of self-reported moderate-to-vigorous activities (MVPAs) would relate to higher objectively measured MVPA minutes in two groups who were successfully maintaining their body weight: weight loss maintainers (WLM/n = 226) and normal-weight individuals (NW/n = 169). The Paffenbarger Questionnaire and RT3 accelerometer were used to determine variety/number of different MVPAs performed and MVPA minutes, respectively. The variety/number of different activities performed by WLM and NW was similar (1.8 ± 1.2 versus 1.7 ± 1.2, P = 0.52). Regression analyses showed that greater variety (P < 0.01) and WLM status (P < 0.05) were each positively related to greater MVPA minutes/day and meeting the ≥250 MVPA minutes/week guideline for long-term weight maintenance. The association between greater variety and higher MVPA was similar in NW and WLM. Future studies should test whether variety can facilitate engagement in higher MVPA levels for more effective weight control