19 research outputs found

    A cross sectional study to assess pharmacotherapeutic adherence among diabetes mellitus patients in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) refers to a group of common metabolic disorders that associated with abnormalities in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism which results in chronic complications. Attainment of optimal blood sugar level is generally based on appropriate usage and proper adherence to prescribed medications. The study was, therefore, aimed to assess adherence to oral antidiabetic drugs among diabetic patients attending outpatient clinic of L. L. R. Hospital, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur, U.P.Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study design was conducted from April 2017 to June 2018. The data was collected by interviewing T2DM patients receiving antidiabetic medications using Morisky’s four item adherence assessment questionnaire. The collected data was processed and analyzed with SPSS version 20.Results: From the 126 patients of diabetes, when asked about adherence to their medications as per the Morisky's four item method, 114 (90.47%) of them did not forget to take the drugs, 108 (85.71%) of patients reported that they had been being careful in taking their medications, 90 (71.42%) patients did not stop medications when they felt better and the other 108 (85.71%) patients reported that they did not stop medications when they felt worse while taking medications. This study shows that 54 (42.86%) respondents were adherent to their medications.Conclusions: This study revealed a moderate level of adherence among the participants and statistically significantly depended upon their socioeconomic status. Efforts are needed to increase the medication adherence of these patients’, so they can realize the full advantage of prescribed therapies

    Distribution, Composition Profiles and Source Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Roadside Soil of Delhi, India

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    Distribution, composition profiles and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were evaluated in roadside soils from Delhi, India. PAH determination was made by Sonication extraction and chromatographic clean-up with final analysis by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet-diode array detector (HPLC-UV-DAD).The average concentration of ∑PAHs was 6838.6±3528.4 µg kg-1 and ranged between 81.6 to 45017.4 µg kg-1. Seven possible carcinogenic PAHs (7c-PAHs) accounted 67.4% to the total PAHs. Diagnostic ratios of individual PAHs and LMWPAHs to HMWPAHs ratio were calculated and applied to assess the possible sources of PAHs which, indicates the mixed pyrogenic activities such as petroleum, biomass and coal combustion are the main contributors. Although, concentrations of individual PAHs were lower than the guideline values but, the concentrations of some high molecular weight PAHs were higher at the locations in the vicinity of industrial areas and there is probable some risk to human health. Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), HPLC-UV, roadside soil, diagnostic ratio, Indi

    Residues of Pesticides and Herbicides in Soils from Agriculture Areas of Delhi Region, India

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    This paper presents the residue levels of organochlorine, organophosphate pesticides and herbicides in agricultural soils from Delhi region. Among OCPs, HCH, DDT endosulphan and dieldrin ranged between <0.01-104.14 ng g-1, <0.01-15.79 ng g-1, <0.01-7.57 ng g-1 and <0.01-2.38 ng g-1, respectively. The concentration of OPPs ranged from <0.01-20.95 ng g-1, ND-3.92 ng g-1, ND-31.73 ng g-1, ND-6.46 ng g-1 and ND-6.46 ng g-1 for phosphomidon, monocrotophos, chlorpyriphos, quinolphos and ethion, respectively. Pendimethalin (0.27 ng g-1) was the dominant herbicides followed by butachlor (0.19 ng g-1), and fluchloralin (0.05 ng g-1). Data showed the region was contaminated by technical DDT and technical HCH mixture. The study reveals that the level of some organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soils is a matter of concern for future food chain accumulation and human health so; regular investigation of pesticide residues is recommended on soil health and contamination levels. Keywords: pesticides, herbicides, agricultural soil, Delhi, Indi

    Distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls in agricultural soils from NCR, Delhi, India

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    ABSTRACT Twenty eight polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners including twelve dioxin-lik

    Recursive Partitioning to Prioritize Morphometric Traits that Separate Aspen Specialist Chaitophorus Aphid by Species and Stage

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    Arthropod herbivore assemblages are used to gain insight into questions about evolution, ecology, diversity, and conservation. However, determination at the species level of small arthropods may be challenging risking underestimating diversity. Here we suggest morphometric analyses as a supplementary determination method, and we demonstrate its use for a study of Chaitophorus species collected from Aspen trees (Populus tremula). Although sampled as one colony, the aphids represented three species. Rearing the species separately allowed us to get estimates characteristic of the developmental stages from each of the three species for morphometric comparisons. Recursive partitioning (RP) was used to create a decision tree for choice of morphometric parameters that with significance (p \u3c 0.05) could determine the aphids by species and developmental stage; this insight could then be used as a key for determination. Eight of fifteen morphometric traits were selected by RP to be used in the key. Body length was responsible for nine splits and was consequently the more consistent morphometric trait used in the key


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    Background: A hospital is an establishment where the persons suffering with the variety of communicable and non communicable diseases are visiting to take medical care facilities. Hospitals and other healthcare establishments in India produce a significant quantity of waste, posing serious problems for its disposal, an issue that has received scant attention. Objective: To assess the level of knowledge regarding biomedical waste and its management among hospital personnel. Material and Methods: The present study was a cross sectional study carried out in a tertiary care hospital of Gwalior in year 2008. Medical, para-medical and non-medical personnel working at their current position for at least 6 months were included as study participants. Self made scoring system was used to categorize the participants as having Good, Average and Poor knowledge. Statistical Analysis: Percentage and Proportion were applied to interpret the result.Results: The score was highest for medical and least for non-medical staff. Conclusion: The present study concludes that regular training programs should be organized about the guidelines and rules of biomedical waste management at all level

    Chronic morbidity and health care seeking behaviour amongst elderly population in rural areas of Uttarakhand

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    Background: Ageing is a natural process, always associated with physiological and biological decline. Global population is ageing; the proportion of older persons has been rising steadily, from 7% in 1950 to 11% in 2007, with an expected rise to reach 22 % in 2050. With improving knowledge and awareness the health care seeking behavior has shown an increasingly positive trend. With increasing age, morbidity,   especially those arising from chronic diseases also increases. On the contrary, health care delivered at household level has definitely   gone down due to financial constraints and increasing cost of living, thus posing a problem for the elderly.  Aims & Objective: To find out the prevalence of chronic morbidity and health care seeking behaviour amongst the elderly in rural areas of Uttarakhand. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in rural areas of Uttarakhand to assess the chronic morbidity amongst elderly population. All the persons above the age group of 60 years of the eight villages were interviewed using a pre-defined, pre-tested, semi-structured and indigenously developed questionnaire. Results: The study group suffered from various chronic morbidities like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. Men were greater in number (158, 62.2%). Participants belonging mostly to nuclear families (156, 61.9%). Below the poverty line were (98, 38.9%). Half of the study population had one or the other chronic morbid condition. Majority of the elderly men contacted the health care facility whereas majority of the elderly women chose to use remedies. Conclusion: There is definitely a need of   provision of health care services for poor geriatric population. In addition to this government should take up some program for social security of this population along with creating an awareness about the same