11,031 research outputs found

    K Giants in Baade's Window. II. The Abundance Distribution

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    This is the second in a series of papers in which we analyze spectra of over 400 K and M giants in Baade's Window, including most of the stars with proper motions measured by Spaenhauer et al. [AJ, 103, 297 (1992)]. In our first paper, we measured line--strength indices of Fe, Mg, CN and Hβ\beta and calibrated them on the system of Faber et al. [ApJS, 57, 711 (1985)]. Here, we use the ⟨Fe⟩\langle{\rm Fe}\rangle index to derive an abundance distribution in [Fe/H] for 322 stars with effective temperatures between 3900 K and 5160 K. Our derived values of [Fe/H] agree well with those measured from high--resolution echelle spectra (e.g., McWilliam \& Rich [ApJS, 91, 749 (1994)]) for the small number of stars in common. We find a mean abundance ⟨[Fe/H]⟩=−0.11±0.04\langle{\rm [Fe/H]}\rangle = -0.11 \pm 0.04 for our sample of Baade's Window K giants. More than half the sample lie in the range −0.4<-0.4 < \feh\ <+0.3<+0.3. We estimate line--of--sight distances for individual stars in our sample and confirm that, in Baade's Window, most K giants with V<15.5V < 15.5 are foreground disk stars, but the great majority (more than 80\%) with V>16V > 16 belong to the bulge. We also compare the metallicities derived from the CN and Mg2_2 indices to those from iron. Most of the metal--rich stars in our sample appear to be CN--weak, in contrast to the situation in metal--rich globular clusters and elliptical galaxies. The metal--poor half of our sample ([Fe/H] <0< 0) shows evidence for a mild Mg overenhancement ([Mg/Fe] ∼+0.2\sim +0.2); but this is not seen in the more metal--rich stars ([Fe/H] ≥\geq 0). The K giants in Baade's Window therefore share some, but not all, of the characteristics of stars in elliptical galaxies as inferred from their integrated light.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, tentatively scheduled for July, 1996. LaTex source which generates 40 pages of text (no figures or tables). Complete (text + 15 figs + 5 tables) preprint in gzip/tar format is also available at ftp://bessel.mps.ohio-state.edu/pub/terndrup/kg2.tar.gz (227 kbyte

    WFPC2 Observations of Star Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds: I. The LMC Globular Cluster Hodge 11

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    We present our analysis of Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 observations in F555W (broadband V) and F450W (broadband B) of the globular cluster Hodge 11 in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy. The resulting V vs. (B-V) color-magnitude diagram reaches 2.4 mag below the main-sequence turnoff (which is at V_TO = 22.65 +- 0.10 mag or M_V^TO = 4.00 +- 0.16 mag). Comparing the fiducial sequence of Hodge 11 with that of the Galactic globular cluster M92, we conclude that, within the accuracy of our photometry, the age of Hodge 11 is identical to that of M92 with a relative age-difference uncertainty ranging from 10% to 21%. Provided that Hodge 11 has always been a part of the Large Magellanic Cloud and was not stripped from the halo of the Milky Way or absorbed from a cannibalized dwarf spheroidal galaxy, then the oldest stars in the Large Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way appear to have the same age.Comment: 14 pages (LaTeX+aaspp4.sty), 3 tables and 4 figures (Postscript, gzipped tar file). Postscript version of paper, tables, and full-resolution figures available at http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~mighell/hodge11.html To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    High-resolution CRIRES spectra of Terzan1: a metal-poor globular cluster toward the inner bulge

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    Containing the oldest stars in the Galaxy, globular clusters toward the bulge can be used to trace its dynamical and chemical evolution. In the bulge direction, there are ~50 clusters, but only about 20% have been subject of high-resolution spectroscopic investigations. So far, the sample observed at high resolution spans a moderate-to-high metallicity regime. In this sample, however, very few are located in the innermost region (RGC≤R_{GC}\leq1.5\,Kpc and ∣l,b∣≤5∘|l, b|\leq5^{\circ}). To constrain the chemical evolution enrichment of the innermost region of Galaxy, accurate abundances and abundance patterns of key elements based on high-resolution spectroscopy are necessary. Here we present the results we obtained for Terzan 1, a metal-poor cluster located in the innermost bulge region. Using the near-infrared spectrograph CRIRES at ESO/VLT, we obtained high-resolution (R≈\approx50,000) H-band spectra of 16 bright giant stars in the innermost region (r≤60"r\leq 60") of Terzan1. Full spectral synthesis techniques and equivalent width measurements of selected lines, isolated and free of significant blending and/or contamination by telluric lines, allowed accurate chemical abundances and radial velocities to be derived. Fifteen out of 16 observed stars are likely cluster members, with an average heliocentric radial velocity of +57±\pm1.8\,km/s and mean iron abundance of [Fe/H]=--1.26±\pm0.03\,dex. For these stars we measured some [α\alpha/Fe] abundance ratios, finding average values of [O/Fe]=+0.39±\pm0.02\,dex, [Mg/Fe]=+0.42±\pm0.02\,dex, [Si/Fe]=+0.31±\pm0.04\,dex, and [Ti/Fe]=+0.15±\pm0.04\,dex The α\alpha enhancement (≈+0.4\approx +0.4\,dex) found in the observed giant stars of Terzan1 is consistent with previous measurements on other, more metal-rich bulge clusters, which suggests a rapid chemical enrichment.Comment: 7, pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    New High Proper Motion Stars from the Digitized Sky Survey. II. Northern Stars with 0.5<mu<2.0 arcsec/yr at High Galactic Latitudes

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    In a continuation of our systematic search for high proper motion stars in the Digitized Sky Survey, we have completed the analysis of northern sky fields at galactic latitudes above 25 degrees. With the help of our SUPERBLINK software, a powerful automated blink comparator developed by us, we have identified 1146 stars in the magnitude range 8<r<20 with proper motions 0.500<mu<2.000 arcsec/yr. These include 1080 stars previously listed in Luyten's proper motion catalogs (LHS, NLTT), 9 stars not previously listed in the Luyten catalogs but reported elsewhere in the literature (including 1 previously reported by our team), and 57 new objects reported here for the first time. This paper includes a list of positions, proper motions, magnitudes, and finder charts for all the new high proper motion stars. Combined with our previous study of low galactic latitude fields (see Paper I), our survey now covers over 98% of the northern sky. We conclude that the Luyten catalogs were 90% complete in the northern sky for stars with 0.5<mu<2.0 arcsec/yr down to magnitude r=19. We discuss the incompleteness of the old Luyten proper motion survey, and estimate completeness limits for our new survey.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journa

    A 20 Thousand Solar Mass Black Hole in the Stellar Cluster G1

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    We present the detection of a 2.0(+1.4,-0.8)x10^4 solar mass black hole (BH) in the stellar cluster G1 (Mayall II), based on data taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. G1 is one of the most massive stellar clusters in M31. The central velocity dispersion (25 kms) and the measured BH mass of G1 places it on a linear extrapolation of the correlation between BH mass and bulge velocity dispersion established for nearby galaxies. The detection of a BH in this low-mass stellar system suggests that (1) the most likely candidates for seed massive BHs come from stellar clusters, (2) there is a direct link between massive stellar clusters and normal galaxies, and (3) the formation process of both bulges and massive clusters is similar due to their concordance in the M_BH/sigma relation. Globular clusters in our Galaxy should be searched for central BHs.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, October 200

    A Slowly Precessing Disk in the Nucleus of M31 as the Feeding Mechanism for a Central Starburst

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    We present a kinematic study of the nuclear stellar disk in M31 at infrared wavelengths using high spatial resolution integral field spectroscopy. The spatial resolution achieved, FWHM = 0."12 (0.45 pc at the distance of M31), has only previously been equaled in spectroscopic studies by space-based long-slit observations. Using adaptive optics-corrected integral field spectroscopy from the OSIRIS instrument at the W. M. Keck Observatory, we map the line-of-sight kinematics over the entire old stellar eccentric disk orbiting the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at a distance of r<4 pc. The peak velocity dispersion is 381+/-55 km/s , offset by 0.13 +/- 0.03 from the SMBH, consistent with previous high-resolution long-slit observations. There is a lack of near-infrared (NIR) emission at the position of the SMBH and young nuclear cluster, suggesting a spatial separation between the young and old stellar populations within the nucleus. We compare the observed kinematics with dynamical models from Peiris & Tremaine (2003). The best-fit disk orientation to the NIR flux is [θl\theta_l, θi\theta_i, θa\theta_a] = [-33 +/- 4∘^{\circ}, 44 +/- 2∘^{\circ}, -15 +/- 15∘^{\circ}], which is tilted with respect to both the larger-scale galactic disk and the best-fit orientation derived from optical observations. The precession rate of the old disk is ΩP\Omega_P = 0.0 +/- 3.9 km/s/pc, lower than the majority of previous observations. This slow precession rate suggests that stellar winds from the disk will collide and shock, driving rapid gas inflows and fueling an episodic central starburst as suggested in Chang et al. (2007).Comment: accepted by Ap

    Detailed abundances for M giants in two inner bulge fields from Infrared Spectroscopy

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    We report abundance analysis for 30 M giant stars in two inner Galactic bulge fields at (l,b)=(0,-1.75) deg and at (l,b)=(1,-2.65) deg, based on R=25,000 infrared spectroscopy from 1.5-1.8um using NIRSPEC at the Keck II telescope. We find iron abundances of =-0.16 +/- 0.03 dex with a 1-sigma dispersion of 0.12 +/- 0.02 and =-0.21 +/- 0.02 dex, with a 1-sigma dispersion of 0.09+/- 0.016 for the (l,b)=(0,-1.75) and (l,b)=(1,-2.65) deg fields, respectively. In agreement with all prior studies, we find enhanced [alpha/Fe] of +0.3 dex. We confirm the lack of any major vertical abundance or composition gradient in the innermost ~600 pc between Baade's window and 150 pc from the Galactic plane. We also confirm that the known enhancement of alpha elements observed between 500 and 1000 pc from the nucleus is also present over the volume of the inner bulge and may therefore be presumed to be a general characteristic of bulge/bar stars within 1 kpc of the Galactic Center.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages manuscript format, 6 figure
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