545 research outputs found

    Planning, scheduling, and control for automatic telescopes

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    This paper presents an argument for the appropriateness of Entropy Reduction Engine (ERE) technology to the planning, scheduling, and control components of Automatic Photoelectric Telescope (APT) management. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we give a brief summary of the planning and scheduling requirements for APTs. Following this, in section 3, we give an ERE project precis, couched primarily in terms of project objectives. Section 4 gives a sketch of the match-up between problem and technology, and section 5 outlines where we want to go with this work

    The APT/ERE planning and scheduling manifesto

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    The Entropy Reduction Engine, ERE project, is focusing on the construction of integrated planning and scheduling systems. Specifically, the project is studying the problem of integrating planning and scheduling in the context of the closed loop plan use. The results of this research are particularly relevant when there is some element of dynamism in the environment, and thus some chance that a previously formed plan will fail. After a preliminary study of the APT management and control problem, it was felt that it presents an excellent opportunity to show some of the ERE Project's technical results. Of course, the alignment between technology and problem is not perfect, so planning and scheduling for APTs presents some new and difficult challenges as well

    Applying artificial intelligence to the control of space telescopes (extended abstract)

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    The field of astronomy has recently benefited from the availability of space telescopes. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), for instance, despite its problems, provides a unique and valuable view of the universe. However, unlike HST, a telescope need not be in low Earth orbit to escape our thickening atmosphere: it is currently technologically feasible to put a telescope on the moon, and there are excellent reasons for doing this. Either in low Earth orbit or on the moon, a space telescope represents an expensive and sought-after resource. Thus, the planning, scheduling, and control of these telescopes is an important problem that must be seriously studied

    Editorial-Publication Charges

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    The Evolving University: Disruptive Change and Institutional Innovation

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    AbstractThe domain of education, like many institutions in contemporary society, faces significant challenges to the completion of it s mission. This is especially true of higher education, which in many countries faces increasing expectations that it serves as a driver facilitating social and cultural advancement. New modes of inclusive delivery need to be tested with real students, new curriculum approaches need to be validated, new platforms need applications and content to succeed, and analytical tools need broadly based data to be truly useful. These also include new ways of collaborating and presenting domain specific subject matter. It is increasingly likely that the University of the future will not look like present-day institutional arrangements

    Comparison of Two Approaches to Interpretive Use Arguments

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    The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014) recommend an argument-based approach to validation that involves a clear statement of the intended interpretation and use of test scores, the identification of the underlying assumptions and inferences in that statement—termed the interpretation/use argument, and gathering of evidence to support or refute the assumptions and inferences. We present two approaches to articulating the assumptions and inferences that underlie a score interpretation and use statement, also termed the interpretation/use argument (Kane, 2016). One approach uses the five sources of validity evidence in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014) as a framework and the other approach uses Kane’s chain of assumptions/inferences approach (Kane, 2006, 2013a, 2016) as a framework. Through this process we identified aspects of these approaches that need to be further clarified for instrument developers to consistently implement either approach, identified important differences in the perspective each approach takes on validation, and highlight important questions for the measurement and mathematics education research fields to consider

    A global soil spectral calibration library and estimation service

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    There is growing global interest in the potential for soil reflectance spectroscopy to fill an urgent need for more data on soil properties for improved decision-making on soil security at local to global scales. This is driven by the capability of soil spectroscopy to estimate a wide range of soil properties from a rapid, inexpensive, and highly reproducible measurement using only light. However, several obstacles are preventing wider adoption of soil spectroscopy. The biggest obstacles are the large variation in the soil analytical methods and operating procedures used in different laboratories, poor reproducibility of analyses within and amongst laboratories and a lack of soil physical archives. In addition, adoption is hindered by the expense and complexity of building soil spectral libraries and calibration models. The Global Soil Spectral Calibration Library and Estimation Service is proposed to overcome these obstacles by providing a freely available estimation service based on an open, high quality and diverse spectral calibration library and the extensive soil archives of the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory (KSSL) of the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The initiative is supported by the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) of the Global Soil Partnership and the Soil Spectroscopy for Global Good network, which provide additional support through dissemination of standards, capacity development and research. This service is a global public good which stands to benefit soil assessments globally, but especially developing countries where soil data and resources for conventional soil analyses are most limited
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