27,783 research outputs found

    Far-field radiation of aft turbofan noise

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    Approximate expressions were developed for the noise radiation from the aft duct. The results of approximate aft radiation equation compare favorably to more exact Wiener-Hopf radiation results. Refraction as well as convective effects in the multiple flow streams is considered. The peak in the radiation pattern, which occurs nearly at engine sideline, is composed of modes with relatively large cut-off ratios. This implies that aft fan radiation will be inherently more difficult to suppress that the fan inlet noise. The theoretical multimodal radiation pattern is compared to experimental data for the first two harmonics of blade passage frequency for three full scale fans at two speeds. The agreement between theory and experiment is quite good

    Modular instrumentation system for real-time measurements and control on reciprocating engines

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    An instrumentation system was developed for reciprocating engines. Among the parameters measured are the indicated mean effective pressure, or theoretical work per cycle, and the mass fraction burn rate, a measure of the combustion rate in the cylinder. These computations are performed from measured cylinder pressure and crankshaft angle and are available in real time for the experimenter. A 100 or 200 consecutive-cycle sample is analyzed to reduce the effect of cyclic variations in the engine. Data are displayed in bargraph form, and the mean and standard deviation are computed. Other instruments are also described

    Magnetic Response in the Underdoped Cuprates

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    We examine the dynamical magnetic response of the underdoped cuprates by employing a phenomenological theory of a doped resonant valence bond state where the Fermi surface is truncated into four pockets. This theory predicts a resonant spin response which with increasing energy (0 to 100meV) appears as an hourglass. The very low energy spin response is found at (pi,pi +- delta) and (pi +- delta,pi) and is determined by scattering from the pockets' frontside to the tips of opposite pockets where a van Hove singularity resides. At energies beyond 100 meV, strong scattering is seen from (pi,0) to (pi,pi). This theory thus provides a semi-quantitative description of the spin response seen in both INS and RIXS experiments at all relevant energy scales

    A Judicial Postscript to the Church-State Debates of 1989: How Porous the Wall, How Civil the State?

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    This work is a continuation of the debate regarding the Establishment Clause. The focus lies with Justice O’Connor’s concurrence in County of Allegheny v. ACLU and how this opinion harkens back to a concept shared by Jefferson and Madison, that the establishment clause is designed to prevent government favoritism

    The Arp Ring: Galactic or extragalactic?

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    The Arp Ring is a faint, loop-like structure around the northern end of M81 which becomes apparent only on deep optical photographs of the galaxy. The nature of the Ring and its proximity to M81 are uncertain. Is it simply foreground structure, part of this galaxy, or is it within the M81 system? Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) maps of the region show a far-infrared counterpart of the Ring. The infrared data are compared with previous optical and radio observations to try to ascertain its physical nature. The poor correlation found between the common infrared/optical structure and the distribution of extragalactic neutral hydrogen, and the fact that its infrared properties are indistinguishable from those of nearby galactic cirrus, imply that the Arp Ring is simply a ring structure in the galactic cirrus

    The Magnetic Topology of the Weak-Lined T Tauri Star V410 - A Simultaneous Temperature and Magnetic Field Inversion

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    We present a detailed temperature and magnetic investigation of the T Tauri star V410 Tau by means of a simultaneous Doppler- and Zeeman-Doppler Imaging. Moreover we introduce a new line profile reconstruction method based on a singular value decomposition (SVD) to extract the weak polarized line profiles. One of the key features of the line profile reconstruction is that the SVD line profiles are amenable to radiative transfer modeling within our Zeeman-Doppler Imaging code iMap. The code also utilizes a new iterative regularization scheme which is independent of any additional surface constraints. To provide more stability a vital part of our inversion strategy is the inversion of both Stokes I and Stokes V profiles to simultaneously reconstruct the temperature and magnetic field surface distribution of V410 Tau. A new image-shear analysis is also implemented to allow the search for image and line profile distortions induced by a differential rotation of the star. The magnetic field structure we obtain for V410 Tau shows a good spatial correlation with the surface temperature and is dominated by a strong field within the cool polar spot. The Zeeman-Doppler maps exhibit a large-scale organization of both polarities around the polar cap in the form of a twisted bipolar structure. The magnetic field reaches a value of almost 2 kG within the polar region but smaller fields are also present down to lower latitudes. The pronounced non-axisymmetric field structure and the non-detection of a differential rotation for V410 Tau supports the idea of an underlying α2\alpha^2-type dynamo, which is predicted for weak-lined T Tauri stars.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 18 pages, 10 figure

    Near-infrared Variability among YSOs in the Star Formation Region Cygnus OB7

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    We present an analysis of near-infrared time-series photometry in J, H, and K bands for about 100 epochs of a 1 square degree region of the Lynds 1003/1004 dark cloud in the Cygnus OB7 region. Augmented by data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), we identify 96 candidate disk bearing young stellar objects (YSOs) in the region. Of these, 30 are clearly Class I or earlier. Using the Wide-Field imaging CAMera (WFCAM) on the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT), we were able to obtain photometry over three observing seasons, with photometric uncertainty better than 0.05 mag down to J ~17. We study detailed light curves and color trajectories of ~50 of the YSOs in the monitored field. We investigate the variability and periodicity of the YSOs and find the data are consistent with all YSOs being variable in these wavelengths on time scales of a few years. We divide the variability into four observational classes: 1) stars with periodic variability stable over long timescales, 2) variables which exhibit short-lived cyclic behavior, 3) long duration variables, and 4) stochastic variables. Some YSO variability defies simple classification. We can explain much of the observed variability as being due to dynamic and rotational changes in the disk, including an asymmetric or changing blocking fraction, changes to the inner disk hole size, as well as changes to the accretion rate. Overall, we find that the Class I:Class II ratio of the cluster is consistent with an age of < 1Myr, with at least one individual, wildly varying, source ~ 100,000 yr old. We have also discovered a Class II eclipsing binary system with a period of 17.87 days.Comment: ApJ accepted: 44 pages includes 5 tables and 16 figures. Some figures condensed for Astro/p
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