25 research outputs found

    Short-term Changes in Retinal and Choroidal Relative Flow Volume after Anti-VEGF Treatment for Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration

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    The effects of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents on the native ocular vasculature are poorly understood. This pilot study aimed to assess short-term changes in retinal and choroidal perfusion after anti-VEGF treatment for neovascular exudative age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) using the relative flow volume (RFV) parameter derived from laser speckle flowgraphy. Ten treatment-naïve nAMD patients underwent measurements of mean, maximum, minimum, and differential RFV within a retinal arteriolar segment and a choroidal vessel segment outside the neovascular area. Measurement of retinal RFV (rRFV), choroidal RFV (cRFV), and subfoveal choroidal thickness (SCT) was repeated 9 and 35 days after a single anti-VEGF injection. The treatment caused a statistically significant decrease in the mean rRFV, mean cRFV, and SCT during the follow-up (p < 0.05). At the intermediate visit, the mean cRFV and SCT were −17.6% and −6.4% compared to baseline, respectively. However, at the final measurement, the mean cRFV was not different from the baseline value, which indicated waning of the anti-VEGF effect. In conclusion, a single anti-VEGF injection in treatment-naïve nAMD resulted in a decrease in retinal arteriolar and choroidal perfusion, according to the RFV parameter, which is a promising tool to simultaneously assess retinal and choroidal perfusion changes in response to anti-VEGF therapy

    Historia de Israel : de los orígenes a la cautividad

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    La era de los mártires : el cristianismo desde Diocleciano a Constantino

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    Tít. orix.: La era dei martiriData da licencia, 195

    La documentación histórica relacionada con Jesucristo

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    Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    La documentación histórica relacionada con Jesucristo

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    Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Storia d´Israele

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    Contén: I. Dalle origini all´esilio - II. Dall esilio al 135 dopo Crist

    Vida de Jesucristo : con una introducción crítica e ilustraciones

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    La era dei martiri. il cristianesimo da Diocleziano a Costantino

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    La era dei martiri : il cristianesimo da Diocleziano a Costantino / Giuseppe Ricciotti. - Roma : Coletti, [1953] Dedica manoscritta dell'autore a Nina Bodrero: Alla Sig.ra Nina Bodrero / superstite incarnazione di Emilio / in omaggio ad ambedue / D. Giuseppe Ricciotti / Roma, 19-V-54. https://galileodiscovery.unipd.it/discovery/fulldisplay?context=L&vid=39UPD_INST:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma99000202266020604

    Paolo apostolo. biografia con introduzione critica e illustrazioni

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    Paolo apostolo : biografia con introduzione critica e illustrazioni / Giuseppe Ricciotti. - Roma : Tipografia poliglotta vaticana, stampa 1946 Dedica manoscritta dell'autore: All'amicissimo Emilio Bodrero che ha / letto tutto questo Zibaldone, fornendomi poi osserva- / zioni importantissime , giacche' sara' ben difficile che / lo Zibaldone sia letto da uno studioso più agguer- / rito in questa meteria che lui / Roma 7 - VII - 46 / Giuseppe Ricciotti https://galileodiscovery.unipd.it/discovery/fulldisplay?context=L&vid=39UPD_INST:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma99001005373020604