31 research outputs found

    Diversity and inclusion. Shared meanings between Italy and Lithuania. International comparative analysis of inclusive trajectories in educational policies and practices

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    The meaning of inclusion is complex and related to every form of diversity; it needs to be defined in a broad context, within and beyond the school context, to overcome all forms of exclusion and discrimination. The concept of inclusive education concerns proper and appropriately agreedon terminology and meanings expressed in the 2006 UN Convention ratifying the need to recognize the same rights for all individuals, as human beings, beyond stigma and labels. The paper aims to show the trajectories of inclusive education policies and practices in the historical and educational contexts of two European countries, referring to the social-constructivism and bio-psycho-social pedagogical constructs, valuing the contribution of national and international scientific literature. This article investigates cultural approaches, law evolutions and management policies that make an educational institution inclusive in the Italian and Lithuanian systems. To identify and share the developments towards inclusive education in two historically different countries' contexts, the methodology of this article refers to the relevant literature, document and research reports review

    [Organizational and financial aspects of the introduction of Botox® in the clinical diagnostic therapeutic process of chronic migraine at a Local Health Unit in Italy]

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    BACKGROUND: Existing literature shows that the use of Botox®/onabotulinumtoxinA (BT) in chronic migraine (CM) is promising from a cost-effectiveness standpoint and the use of a clinical diagnostic therapeutic process (CDTP) dedicated to CM allows a reduction of pathology costs. The inclusion of BT in chronic migraine therapy at a Roman ASL involves the need to investigate the real treatment costs of a CDTP and to measure how a targeted organizational CDTP strategy for CM allows insuring treatment accessibility, sustainability, and appropriateness.OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of providing administration of BT in patients with CM using real world data from an ASL in Rome.METHODS: The real world cost data for approximately 215 anonymous patients were summarized. The cost data were extrapolated from the database of the ASL and they populated a Markov decision model developed by Allergan. The analysis is based on a decision model populated with real drug and service cost data, for the years 2010-2012. The financial assessment was conducted from the viewpoint of the Italian National Health Service.RESULTS: Over a 2 year temporal horizon, incremental BT costs, compared to a placebo, are equal to € 261 against an incremental gain of 0.0655 QALY in favor of BT. The ratio between costs and incremental QALY generates an ICER of 3,983 €/QALY, favorable and below the acceptability threshold used by many countries for reimbursement decisions (25,000-40,000 € per QALY gained).CONCLUSIONS: The inclusion of BT in the CDTP dedicated to CM of an Italian ASL improves both clinical outcomes of the patients and the allocation of the SSN available resources.[Article in Italian

    Ivabradine, coronary artery disease, and heart failure: beyond rhythm control

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    Elevated heart rate could negatively influence cardiovascular risk in the general population. It can induce and promote the atherosclerotic process by means of several mechanisms involving endothelial shear stress and biochemical activities. Furthermore, elevated heart rate can directly increase heart ischemic conditions because of its skill in unbalancing demand/supply of oxygen and decreasing the diastolic period. Thus, many pharmacological treatments have been proposed in order to reduce heart rate and ameliorate the cardiovascular risk profile of individuals, especially those suffering from coronary artery diseases (CAD) and chronic heart failure (CHF). Ivabradine is the first pure heart rate reductive drug approved and currently used in humans, created in order to selectively reduce sinus node function and to overcome the many side effects of similar pharmacological tools (ie, β-blockers or calcium channel antagonists). The aim of our review is to evaluate the role and the safety of this molecule on CAD and CHF therapeutic strategies


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     The pandemic has changed practices and organizational structures by imposing distances in educational practices at a global and school level. The traditional binomial composed by learning and teaching has been including the environment, as a third fundamental element (ICF, 2001): “environments, in fact, are learning mediators and can be considered active places intended as permanent systems of collective activity with their own shared and elaborated rules” (Marcarini, 2018). School, as an ideal multifaceted place of inclusion and learning, has to be renewed by combining the needs of safety with the resumption of teaching activities, starting from didactical strategies through digital technological innovation and teacher education and training (Rivoltella, 2021)


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    The OperaH project, active for over a decade within the Pergolesi Spontini Foundation in Jesi, represents a virtuous co-construction between the foundation, local authorities, health, school and private social sector. Originally created to offer the cultural experience of theatre and opera to new audiences, it gradually takes on inclusive existential connotations, supported by a network logic that deserves to be told as a good practice.This work, part of a broader research on the role of inclusive processes in adulthood, aims to investigate the theatre, in its configuration as a territory of inclusion, the founding place of the possible experience and self-narration starting from the body, and in its contribution to the making of identity and support to subjective self-determination of the person with disabilities within a collective path.The pedagogical reflection highlights the great potential that the theatre conveys, soliciting in the actors and the public, inside and outside the stage, the constant possibility of questioning their own desires, needs, abilities in meeting others. The construction of meaning in the regulation of the theatrical experience is analysed through qualitatively driven narrative mapping (Morse & Cheek, 2014)

    Un landmark per Laveno Mombello: Progetti per l'ex SocietĂ  Ceramica Italiana

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    Progetti del Laboratorio di Progettazione dell’Architettura degli Interni, CdL in Progettazione dell’Architettura, Scuola AUIC, Politecnico di Milano, proff Imma Forino e Francesca Rapisarda (Interior Reuse Lab), , con arch Marcella Camponogara Biagio Cofini Jacopo Leveratto Eleonora Riccioni. Progettata dall’architetto Piero Portaluppi fra il 1924 e il 1926, la Società Ceramica Italiana a Laveno Mombello rappresenta un notevole esempio di architettura industriale italiana, simbolo di una collettività produttiva quanto sensibile all’estetica del manufatto ceramico. Non più in uso da tempo, il complesso rappresentato dalla palazzina uffici e gli edifici di ingresso e servizio si presenta in stato di forte degrado. Necessita non solo di riqualificazione edilizia e di opere di restauro, ma di un nuovo destino: attende di essere riconvertito in un polo culturalmente attrattivo e proficuo per la città e il suo territorio. Tre le ipotesi progettuali proposte: Creative Hub (per startup e coworking per giovani professionisti e fab lab per piccole produzioni ceramiche), Cultural Basin (aperto a eventi culturali, congressuali ed espositivi) e Kid Learning Center (destinato al tempo libero e ad attività formative dei bambini nel doposcuola). A partire da questi spunti e da quelli offerti dalla Municipalità – che da tempo prospetta un Museo del Sanitario che fu prodotto in loco –, quaranta giovani progettisti hanno sviluppato un programma funzionale per l’insieme portaluppiano, riprogettato gli interni degli edifici, gli arredi, i sistemi allestitivi, i servizi al pubblico e, al contempo, riqualificato l’area esterna nell’ottica di valorizzare un importante simbolo della città. Nel rispetto e nella valorizzazione delle strutture e delle decorazioni originari sono emersi nuovi habitat contemporanei, affinché lo straordinario progetto di Piero Portaluppi non sia abbandonato a una sorte fatale, ma ritorni a essere un espressivo landmark per Laveno Mombello. Allestimento di Francesca Rapisarda Evento promosso da: Comune di Laveno Mombello, DASTU Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani Politecnico di Milano, Interior Reuse Lab, MIDeC Museo Internazionale Design Ceramico Cerro di Laveno Mombello, Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Politecnico di Milan

    Dietary Intake of Carotenoids and Their Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Cardiovascular Care

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    Cardiovascular disease related to atherosclerosis represents nowadays the largest cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Due to inflammatory nature of atherosclerosis, several studies had been conducted in order to search for substances with anti-inflammatory activity on arterial walls, able to exert beneficial roles on health. Researches investigated the role of dietary carotenoids supplementation on cardiovascular disease, due to their free radicals scavenger properties and their skills in improving low-density lipoprotein cholesterol resistance to oxidation. Nevertheless, literature data are conflicting: although some studies found a positive relationship between carotenoids supplementation and cardiovascular risk reduction, others did not find any positive effects or even prooxidant actions. This paper aimed at defining the role of carotenoids supplementation on cardiovascular risk profile by reviewing literature data, paying attention to those carotenoids more present in our diet (β-carotene, α-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin)

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Metabolites of 2-n-Butyl-9-methyl-8-[1,2,3]triazol-2-yl-9H-purin-6-ylamine (ST1535), A Potent Antagonist of the A2A Adenosine Receptor for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

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    The synthesis and preliminary in vitro evaluation of five metabolites of the A2A antagonist ST1535 (I) are reported. The metabolites, originating in vivo from enzymic oxidn. of the 2-Bu group of the parent compd., were synthesized from 6-chloro-2- iodo-9-methyl-9H-purine by selective C-C bond formation via halogen/magnesium exchange reaction and/or palladiumcatalyzed reactions. The metabolites, e.g., II, behaved in vitro as antagonist ligands of cloned human A2A receptor with affinities (Ki 7.5-53 nM) comparable to that of compd. I (Ki 10.7 nM), thus showing that the long duration of action of I could be in part due to its metabolites. General behavior after oral administration in mice was also analyzed