2 research outputs found

    Marcos de Gobernanza Transnacional para la Innovación Sostenible: El Caso de la Bioeconomía Azul en el Mediterráneo

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    [EN] Recent developments in innovation policy have challenged the initial assumptions of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3), initially aimed at promoting innovation for regional growth. In response to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the new S3 seeks to address social and sustainable development challenges. The present study sets out to propose an extension of one of these reformed S3 approaches to a multilevel governance setting. The study will propose a governance model suitable to support innovation in the blue bioeconomy those economic activities related to the living resources at sea , in the Mediterranean.[ES] Desarrollos recientes en las políticas de innovación ponen en entredicho las premisas originales de las Estrategias de Especialización Inteligente (S3), inicialmente dirigidas a apoyar la innovación para el crecimiento económico regional. En respuesta a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas, las nuevas S3 buscan atacar retos de desarrollo sostenible y social. El presente estudio propone la extensión de una de estas nuevas S3 a un entorno de gobernanza multinivel, avanzando un modelo de gobernanza que apoye innovación en la bioeconomía azul actividades económicas relacionadas con recursos marinos vivos , en el Mediterráneo.Los autores agradecen el apoyo de Xavier Díaz (CREDA-UPC-IRTA) en la recolección de datos. Asimismo, agradecen los comentarios de los asistentes en el XIII Congreso de Economía Agroalimentaria y de los revisores anónimos de la revista. Por último, agradecen el apoyo prestado por el área de promoción económica del Gobierno catalán, en el marco del proyecto Interreg MED Blue Bio Med (https://blue-bio-med. interreg-med.eu/). Esto proyecto ha sido financiado parcialmente el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), dentro del proyecto Blue Bio Med.Fernández-Guerrero, D.; Palazzolo-Henkes, R.; Alba, MF.; Ramírez-Rodríguez, S.; Reig-Puig, L. (2022). Transnational Governance Frameworks for Sustainable Innovation: The Case Of The Blue Bioeconomy In The Mediterranean. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 22(2):73-96. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2022.02.04739622

    The Evolution and Adaptive Governance of the 22@ Innovation District in Barcelona

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    The paper analyzes the prominent 22@ Innovation District project, which was initiated at the beginning of the 2000s by the city of Barcelona to regenerate part of the Poblenou district, a former industrial area. The goal was to create an innovation district able to generate economic activity and employment by focusing on knowledge economy and new technologies. The innovative features of the project emphasize the uncertainty and the need to adapt to new technologies and their economic and social influence in urban regeneration projects. The paper uses the adaptive governance framework to analyze how the dynamic process of urban regeneration and creation of an innovation district has been able to adapt to internal and external changes of political, economic and technological nature. Adaptive governance has been conceptualized by focusing on three key aspects (i.e., level of complexity, conflict and uncertainty) and three main actions (i.e., anticipate, learn and adapt) that have been considered in the case study. These elements emphasize the need for bridging organizations that are able to work cross-level and cross-scale. The article shows the suitability of adaptive governance systems in urban regeneration projects, aiming to combine top-down and bottom-up initiatives within a comprehensive strategy