646 research outputs found

    "When to teach and when to train”,

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    none1norn dÉ ùorrd orjunjd sFdi in ùr .* ìasrdhalt, lons rmn pbiEb hetp ro dabthlì a dmr defiijrion or lhc pponsofreEdbyrhqdudyorlluuˋnstosydplr/sioto§,rxicxcuˋbtcNroodclmdrcfiNoureducauˋomtappruch§nccordr8i.11Eˋyuˋiouˋs/3c8rcuˋrsinr?r!,.d..Aˋ,i.ioi)rdıˋs,rh§xrtdshicuˋ,iIbc,Ddjndnrcrircorofhi.hrhcyliac@§rnedrhciD.x.,ouˋrdbcborninuˋddDiuˋcasciuˋerorjmrcrsponsemnıˋppon sofreEd by rhq dudy orlluùn stosy d plr/sioto§, rxicx cùbtc N ro odcl md rcfiN oureducaùomt appruch§ nccordr'8 i. 11È yùioùs /3c 8rcùrs inr?r!,.d. .À, i. ioi)r dìs, rh§ xrt ds 'hicù ,iI bc ,Dd jndnrcrirc or of *hi.h rhcy liac @'§r ned rhc {iD. x .},oùrd bc born in 'ùd dDi ùc asc iùe ror jmrcr spons emnì1s ctcvcn ùd (wts yàH , m ortì ùids rl{ c iR Friod ot d§clopat d ro .dulrhood r lìcr rhc _'noio. cvloflriùo" pllH o I rlic utrd6- I I s Tld § ats I rcioa or sisnjficùr inT@rc for tu d.y.lùrN or 0E roun! pcM rlheil {iù dltrùcd duìocrcrin€s morc anc@btc ro ernides semd ro pll! aod ro dcrlopins &rrc movemcnt md spodi.c civnoincd Tnc cs nì psrcho ec{r'8o!i. d .rs loo orosu I dimNid n(d§ ro b. duty ìphlsià.d 6 !ll, {ldrùsl tu {'rr omdc. rris t,r6rc1r, &d oo( ii (r ptuor dmms 'rìE p.oj(r nc piopos am ro defic a nEirndorogicndd.cri. dnd rdtrìilatd.r.3ic d4 r'.oi smed our *' ì 3 nsorcs ei.irific dic»riotr ro ihc aBTiiics rnn rlÉ xl,iriri.* oa dc !ùlcii§ specifvins pr*i* edEùon l choiB rrJEdcd, 6 ùrd ÌlB rcquìrd, rhc ponnùr nrcu! and wrrG§ or rhc yons peopte d o$sd rhcm rcsp.crircry in sr ddctr§ (4 wo s b€skclbrl. luiù 3ed5. judmbopenR. IZZOIzzo, Riccard

    Change in the "goalkeeper wall” adopted for the training of libero in the volleyball

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    Research revealed that a soccer goalkeeper and a volleyball libero player have multiple characteristics in common. A fundamental motor gesture in both sports is "dig", a movement that requires a certain level of motor skill. The objectives set at the beginning of this experimentation are the improvement of explosive strength and reactivity. The latter specifically given the variability of the trajectories of the ball. 41 athletes divided between goalkeepers and libero players, aged around 15 years who took part in the respective regional sports championships were taken for observation. The "Reach" and "Vertec" tests were used to obtain the elevation data in cm. In addition, innovative tests were introduced which analyse the technical skills based on the role and play ability. Once the incoming data were obtained, the athletes underwent 2 sessions per week for 2 months to train the characteristics in common between the two roles. At the end of the training period, the athletes were again subjected to the tests mentioned above to find potential changes. At the end of the training program, a clear improvement of the whole sample examined emerged

    Performance Model Analysis of Armenian Premier League Soccer Players Using Global Positioning System Technology and Comparison between European Championship

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    Abstract: The aim of this research was to analyze the PPM of Armenian Premier League using 25 GPS 10 Hz (K-Sport, Montelabbate, Italy), in order to compare data from literature from major European championship. In total 25 matches were analyzed from one team militant in Armenian Premier League (10 wins, 10 loses and 5 draws), 33 different players (age 24.3 ± 4.2, height 1.76 ± 4.2 and weight 74 ± 3.5) and in total 270 performances (10.8 for matches). Matches were divided in First Half (T1), Second Half (T2), Second Half Substitution (T2 Sub), Full Match, Full Match Substitution (Full Match Sub) and Total Match (Total) that include all the players detected during a games. Furthermore, all matches were divided even by quarters 0-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45-60, 60-75 and 75-90, only players that played all match were included in this analyses, in order to check the performance decreasing during the time. All data were added in an Excel Spreadsheet in order to build a database, to organize and better analyze data, cataloging events for data, results, and role of players. Average data from Armenian Premier League in comparison with literature data from European and Italian Championship show that in every parameter, the Armenian Premier League is under the average. This is obviously related to the non-high level of the Armenian football that is in fact placed at the 106° place of the FIFA ranking (update 7 June 2019). Physical data represent an indicator of performance but also of the qualitative level of the league and of individual players. For this reason, the use of the match analysis can be decisive to verify the PPM, in order to better evaluate the championships, teams, and players, in order to build an easier search and discovery of talents

    Sports perception in young people. Survey in the Italian primary school and comparison with the Maltese school

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    Here below are the results of a comparative study on the perception of the sports practice in primary school by focusing on the possible differences between genders and classes, and assessing the difference of the sociologic aspects and the media.\ud \ud Studying, assessing and analyzing the issues related to physical activities offered to children of school age allows a deeper knowledge of the current psycho-physical condition of the child.\ud \ud It’s also important to know the cultural and social phenomena concerning young people which always represent, for better or for worse, the time they live in

    Outdoor activity: orienteering, one step towards an advanced scientific evaluation of game determinants using latest dedicated technologies combined with literature review

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    The purpose of the researches of the ARGS group (Advanced Research Group in Sport) is to try to create specific scientific work parameters obtained with objective means, to better qualify and quantify the performance descriptors of orienteering, in this case, to better define the physiological model, an essential element to outline the real needs for a safe and performative practice,for all types of participants.It would be a mistake, in our opinion, to evaluate orienteering as a recreational activity, simple and free of risks for individual health since it is a competitive game substantially based on speed and its components such as accelerations, decelerations, changes in run speed, and direction. Moreover, the cognitive commitment is crucial, such as those deriving from the reading and analysis of topographic maps to find the points defined as "lanterns" and thus reach the finish line in the shortest possible time.However, a sport that, although nominally known by everyone, is often considered just a walk over the mountains or a recreational treasure hunt, with all the benefits that these activities still bring with them, but therefore not considered with those values that are instead in is own and that certainly insert it as a real motor-sport activity with an important additional element in addition to the location (usually the natural environment), that is the not excessive competitive charge. This investigation analysis has, in the end, the aim to define a proper way to identify the physiological and physical request of the sport and to the extent the application of advanced technology to orienteering and evaluate the possible benefits of using them. The expected result is, therefore, to elaborate parameters on the real consistency of the external load in relation to the internal one caused by orienteering, which can then be applied in its various modalities and different individuals, helping them to avoid traumas and injures too, using the latest generation of wearable devices and therefore without creating discomfort

    Elementi determinanti correlati alla più corretta costruzione del lavoro di allenamento e della performance nello sport. L’Attentività Operativa valutata tramite l’Inattentional Blindness Paradigm nel multisport

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    The detailed observation of modern sport has led to highlight the current characteristics that have been appropriately studied in order to determine what may be the less used, but effective elements, on which pinpoint work during training to achieve increasingly qualitative performance. We focused our attention and researches to an element that we consider a little bit underestimated, that is attention, or better attentiveness linked to actions decision making, to be taken both in a propositive sense meaningfully connected to the adversary response. Perception remains, in our point of view, the qualifying basis of actions. Perceive external stimuli allows us to create, therefore, targeted actions, both proposal and response, more effective in the various situations of sport actions; in this work we investigated the influence of some variables, such as age, gender, subjective characteristics and sports training, on the Inattentional Blindness Paradigm, in a range of sportactivities in groups of young people in the school and beyond, to determine, in the conclusive analysis, if there was an activity that produces or not a minor manifestation of functional perceptual deficit, and to establish in case the motivations.L’osservazione dettagliata dello sport moderno ha fatto sì che ne emergessero le attuali caratteristiche che sono state opportunamente studiate al fine di determinare quali possano essere gli elementi meno utilizzati ma di reale efficacia sui quali lavorare in sede di allenamento per realizzare prestazioni sempre più qualitativamente performanti. Noi ci siamo dedicati ad un elemento che riteniamo un pò sottostimato e cioè l’attenzione, o meglio l’attentività legata alle scelte dell’azione da intraprendere sia in senso propositivo sia nel sensodi risposta ad un’azione dell’avversario. La percezione rimane, a nostro modo di vedere, la base qualificativa delle azioni intraprese.Percepire coscientemente gli stimoli esterni permette di proporre quindi delle azioni mirate, sia di proposta che di risposta, più efficaci nelle varie situazioni di gioco sportivo; in questo lavoro abbiamo indagato l’influenza di alcune variabili, quali l’età, il genere, le caratteristiche soggettive e la formazione sportiva, sull’Inattentional Blindness Paradigm, in un ventaglio di attività sportive in gruppi di giovani nella scuola e non solo, per determinare, all’analisi conclusiva, se ci fosse un’ attività che produca o meno una minor manifestazionedi deficit percettivo funzionale, e per stabilirne nel caso le motivazioni

    Propulsive strength training in wheelchair tennis to improve service response

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    In wheelchair tennis, the biomechanical-bioenergetic quantitative aspects involved are the fast force and maximum isometric propulsion force of the race medium. The problem encountered is to improve the propulsion force of the race medium, therefore the thrust force, to increase the strength of the upper limbs in the response to the service. The aim of the study is to verify the effects of a training with upper limb overloads on sports performance, in particular the response to the service. A sample of 30 paraplegic athletes, of an average age of 25 years, with a D8-D12 back injury, of the Open category, has been recruited. Athletes have been training with upper body overloads for 2 months with a frequency of 2 times a week. The 20m sprint test was executed after and before the two months. The T-test for dependent samples was used to detect the difference between the two groups (p < .05). Training with upper limb overloads showed a significant improvement (p < .05) of 42% in service response. According to the results, athletes from an average initial performance level of 5.2 have moved to an average level of 4.82, which corresponds to an almost excellent level. Overload training has proven effective in increasing fast strength in response to the technical gesture of the opponent's service

    Study and evaluation of the impacts on the saddle in the L4-L5 and S1 lumbar area during horse riding training session through the use of the last generation inertial sensor

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the extent of the impact and compression of the spine at the lumbosacral level in equestrian sports. In particular, through the use of inertial sensors (IMU) the impacts on the spine that occur during a training session on horseback will be analysed with specifications currently not present in the literature. Pathologies of the spine account for 5-15% of sports traumatology in horse riding. The study was performed using a K-Track IMU (K-Sport Universal) and the test was carried out by a volunteer, an 18-year-old rider (1.78 mt high, 66.5 kg weight) who participates in competitions, for each of the three horse gaits were performed 15 measurements on 50 meters long track. The data analysis show, that no impact event greater than 1g was detected in the walk, while in the trot as many as 363 events were overrun at an acceleration of 1g and 422 in the gallop. The data collected through IMU, highlighted the need for a partial restructuring of the training plan, which would be more adequate as it would contain a more significant number of specific mobilization and strengthening elements of the spine, for a more adequate building of the muscles involved and to better prevent localized trauma

    Performance improvement in yo-yo intermittent recovery test Level 2 and during official matches: The role of speed endurance training production in Élite football players

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    This study aims to examine the performance improvement in yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2) and official matches, during a competitive season in professional football players (Italian 3rd Division Series C, 2019- 2020). Twenty-eight (n=28) élite football players participated in this study (age 21.4±3.3; body weight 79.7±3.4; height 182.4±5.5; fat mass 9.2±1.9), without goalkeepers. In the pre-season (4 weeks, from July to August), the players performed yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2), to evaluate aerobic and anaerobic performance before the start of the season. Every player has been analysed with a K-GPS Live device 50Hz (K-Sport Universal STATS, Italy) and Polar Team System PRO 2 heart-rate sensor (Polar Electro, Finland) to recorder maximal heart rate. After 12 weeks of training (in season), the same players repeat an IR2 test to check performance improvements and verify whether the training programme is correct. The first element was to determine whether the improvement in distance covered during a test is better, the same, or worse with respect to the pre-season. After 12 weeks of training, the difference between the first trial (pre-season) and the second one (in-season) is statistically significant (ES: 0.48; p<0.05; 24%). At the same time, there has been a significant improvement in match physical performance. Regarding the importance of speed endurance training during a season, it is necessary to improve performance in IR2 test after 12 weeks and improve maximal oxygen uptake and glycolytic enzyme activity. Comparing match performance before (T1) the second trial IR2 with match performance after second (T2) trial of this test, there are statistically meaningful changes