51 research outputs found

    Confronto dell’impatto ambientale tra autovetture tradizionali ed elettriche/ibride

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    Il trasporto di persone rappresenta una delle principali fonti di sostanze inquinanti e climalteranti: in l’Italia il settore dei trasporti è responsabile di oltre il 25% delle emissioni totali di CO2, oltre che di migliaia di tonnellate di altri inquinanti. Gli organismi di Governo ribadiscono da tempo la volontà di indirizzare il mercato automobilistico verso vetture meno inquinanti, tuttavia non è ancora chiaro quali tipologie di propulsioni siano più ecocompatibili. Questo studio di cerca di chiarire, basandosi sull’analisi del ciclo di vita dell’auto in contesto italiano, quali tra le vetture commercialmente disponibili (benzina, diesel, GPL, metano, elettriche ed ibride) abbiano l’impatto minore dal punto di vista ambientale

    Analogous seasonal evolution of the South Atlantic SST dipole indices

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    Two variants of sea-surface temperature (SST) dipole indices for the South Atlantic Ocean (SAO) has been previously described representing: (1) the South Atlantic subtropical dipole (SASD) supposedly peaking in austral summer and (2) the SAO dipole (SAOD) in winter. In this study, we present the analysis of observational data sets (1985–2014) showing the SASD and SAOD as largely constituting the same mode of ocean–atmosphere interaction reminiscent of the SAOD structure peaking in winter. Indeed, winter is the only season in which the inverse correlation between the northern and southern poles of both indices is statistically significant. The observed SASD and SAOD indices exhibit robust correlations (P ≤ 0.001) in all seasons and these are reproduced by 54 of the 63 different models of the Coupled Models Intercomparison Project analysed. Their robust correlations notwithstanding the SASD and SAOD indices appear to better capture different aspects of SAO climate variability and teleconnection

    On Pacific Subtropical Cell Variability over the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

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    Abstract The evolution of the Pacific subtropical cells (STC) is presented for the period 1948–2007. Using ocean models of different resolutions forced with interannually varying atmospheric forcing datasets, the mechanisms responsible for the observed STC weakening and late recovery during the period of study are analyzed. As a result of the STC weakening (strengthening), warming (cooling) trends are found in the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Model results agree well with observed estimates of STC transport, STC convergence, and equatorial SST anomalies. It is shown that subtropical atmospheric variability is the primary driver of the STC and equatorial SST low-frequency evolution and is responsible for both the slowdown during the second half of the twentieth century and the rebound at the end of the century. Subtropically forced STC variability is identified as a major player in the generation of equatorial Pacific decadal SST anomalies, pacing tropical Pacific natural climate variability on interdecadal time scales, as observed in historical records. The natural mode of variability has implications for the evolution of equatorial SST in the coming decades under the concomitant effects of climate change

    Role of the Seasonal Cycle in the Subduction Rates of Upper–Southern Ocean Waters

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    Abstract A kinematic approach is used to diagnose the subduction rates of upper–Southern Ocean waters across seasonally migrating density outcrops at the base of the mixed layer. From an Eulerian viewpoint, the term representing the temporal change in the mixed layer depth (which is labeled as the temporal induction in this study; i.e., Stemp = ∂h/∂t where h is the mixed layer thickness, and t is time) vanishes over several annual cycles. Following seasonally migrating density outcrops, however, the temporal induction is attributed partly to the temporal change in the mixed layer thickness averaged over a density outcrop following its seasonally varying position and partly to the lateral movement of the outcrop position intersecting the sloping mixed layer base. Neither the temporal induction following an outcrop nor its integral over the outcrop area vanishes over several annual cycles. Instead, the seasonal eddy subduction, which arises primarily because of the subannual correlations between the seasonal cycles of the mixed layer depth and the outcrop area, explains the key mechanism by which mode waters are transferred from the mixed layer to the underlying pycnocline. The time-mean exchange rate of waters across the base of the mixed layer is substantially different from the exchange rate of waters across the fixed winter mixed layer base in mode water density classes. Nearly 40% of the newly formed Southern Ocean mode waters appear to be diapycnally transformed within the seasonal pycnocline before either being subducted into the main pycnocline or entrained back to the mixed layer through lighter density classes

    On the Need of Intermediate Complexity General Circulation Models: A "SPEEDY" Example

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    processes that allows realistic and fast climate simula -tions that often involve large ensembles for the purpose of reducing uncertainty and estimation of the forced and internal variability of the system. The forced signal is typically estimated by an ensemble mean of many simulations, but ensembles of state-of-the-art models are often too small to reduce the remaining internal variability. The ensemble size needed to estimate the mean accurately depends on the signal-to-noise ratio for the variable and region under consideration. For example, the ensemble size to estimate midlatitude 500-hPa height accurately is about 20, which is larger than most ensembles used in seasonal hindcast data-sets or climate projections performed by individual centers. Intermediate complexity models can also be used efficiently to investigate the sensitivity of simu-lated climate to changes in parameters in the physical parameterizations. Another application is related to climate change. For example, Forest et al. (2002) and Sokolov at al. (2009) use the MIT Integrated Global System Model (MIT IGSM) to investigate topics such as climate sensitivity, aerosol forcing, ocean heat uptake rate, and probabilistic projections of climate change. There are many intermediate complexity system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs). A number of them are participating in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and can be found at http://climate .uvic.ca/EMICAR5 (one of which is based on a previous version of the model introduced here). This website also provides information about experiments that are performed with these models that range from en-sembles of 1,000-year-long historical simulations to the assessment of different C

    The teleconnection of the tropical Atlantic to Indo-Pacific sea surface temperatures on inter-annual to centennial time scales: a review of recent findings

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    In this paper, the teleconnections from the tropical Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific region from inter-annual to centennial time scales will be reviewed. Identified teleconnections and hypotheses on mechanisms at work are reviewed and further explored in a century-long pacemaker coupled ocean-atmosphere simulation ensemble. There is a substantial impact of the tropical Atlantic on the Pacific region at inter-annual time scales. An Atlantic Niño (Niña) event leads to rising (sinking) motion in the Atlantic region, which is compensated by sinking (rising) motion in the central-western Pacific. The sinking (rising) motion in the central-western Pacific induces easterly (westerly) surface wind anomalies just to the west, which alter the thermocline. These perturbations propagate eastward as upwelling (downwelling) Kelvin-waves, where they increase the probability for a La Niña (El Niño) event. Moreover, tropical North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies are also able to lead La Niña/El Niño development. At multidecadal time scales, a positive (negative) Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation leads to a cooling (warming) of the eastern Pacific and a warming (cooling) of the western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. The physical mechanism for this impact is similar to that at inter-annual time scales. At centennial time scales, the Atlantic warming induces a substantial reduction of the eastern Pacific warming even under CO2 increase and to a strong subsurface cooling