1,067 research outputs found

    Top Incomes in Chile 1957-2007: Evolution and Mobility

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    Using household surveys that cover more than 50 years of the political and economic history of Chile, we investigate changes in the shape and in the composition of the distribution of income in Chile, in particular of top 10 % and top 1% incomes. In line with international evidence top income concentration appears to be countercyclical in the short run. For the entire length of this survey, this concentration shows roughly an inverted U-shape, peaking at the end of the 80s. These changes correspond approximately with different economic models prevailing in Chile. We observe important changes in the composition of top income groups related to greater relative importance of women, employees and college schooling levels. These changes are stronger for the top 10% than the top 1% of incomes. Additionally, using a national level panel of households for the period 1996-2006 we explore correlations between probabilities of permanence and arrival to the top decile with variables such as composition of the household, ownership of physical and human assets, job quality and active persons in the labor market.

    Top Incomes in Chile using 50 years of household surveys : 1957-2007

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    Using household surveys that cover more than 50 years of the political and economic history of Chile, we investigate changes in the shape of the distribution of income in Chile, and in the composition of top 10% and top 1% incomes. In line with international evidence, top incomes concentration appears to be countercyclical in the short run. For the entire length of this survey, this concentration shows roughly an inverted U-shape, peaking at the end of the 80s. These changes correspond approximately with different economic policy regimes prevailing in Chile. We observe important changes in the composition of top income groups related to greater relative importance of women, employees and college schooling levels. These changes are stronger for the top 10% than the top 1% of incomes. Additionally, using a national level panel of households for the period 1996-2006 we explore correlations between probabilities of permanence and arrival to the top decile with variables such as composition of the house old, ownership of physical and human assets, job quality and changes in the numbers of household members working in the labor market.Income distribution, Income mobility

    Sociologia da experiência e lutas por reconhecimento: associações de geração de trabalho e renda no sul do Brasil

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    Este trabalho propõe uma sociologia da experiência em associações de geração de trabalho e renda no sul do Brasil. Para tanto, decompomos a racionalidade da ação em associações de trabalhadores num tríplice registro, onde investigamos: a) as formas de inserção e integração sociais configuradas pelas relações de solidariedade; b) a dimensão da racionalidade estratégica de cada associação de catadores traduzida nas lutas por reconhecimento; e, c) os processos de subjetivação expressos na afirmação identitária de cada coletivo de trabalhadores.Apartir da pesquisa de campo nas associações, constatou-se um processo de subjetivação caracterizado por aquilo que passamos a denominar de uma “lógica do respeito”, a qual possui uma dupla inflexão, ou seja, porumlado, busca romper no âmbito da esfera privada com a dominação masculina expressa num código de honra, cuja conseqüência mais dramática se traduz na violência doméstica, e, por outro lado, se constataummovimentoemdireção à esfera pública, a partir da articulação de uma associação com um movimento social traduzindo desta maneira a reivindicação pelo reconhecimento da dignidade de indivíduos sujeitos a todo tipo de reconhecimento recusado.This paper/work considers a sociology of the experience in associations for work and income generation in the south of Brazil. For this, we decompose the rationality of the action inworker associations into a triple register, wherewe investigate: a) the forms of social insertion and integration configured by relations of solidarity; b) the dimension of the strategic rationality of each group expressed/reflected in the struggles for recognition; and c) the subjectivation processes expressed in the affirmation of identity in each specific group ofworkers. From the field research in the associations, we ascertained a process of subjectivation characterized by what we now call of a “logic of respect”, which possesses a double inflection, i. e., on the one hand, the search in the the private sphere to break with the masculine domination expressed in a code of honor whose most dramatic consequence is reflected in domestic violence and, on the other hand,we ascertained a movement towards the public sphere, on the basis of the connection/combination of an association with a social movement, which thus translates the claim for recognition of the dignity of individuals subjected to all kinds of rejected recognition.Ce travail propose une sociologie de l’expérience au sein d’associations de création d’emploi et de revenus dans le sud du Brésil. L’auteur décompose la rationalité de l’action au sein d’associations de travailleurs selon trois registres: a) les modes d’insertion et d’intégration sociales configurés par les relations de solidarité, b) la dimension de la rationalité stratégique de chaque association de nettoyeurs traduite dans les luttes pour la reconnaissance, et, c) les processus de subjectivation exprimés dans l’affirmation identitaire de chaque collectif de travailleurs.Àpartir de la recherche de terrain au sein des associations, l’auteur a constaté un processus de subjectivation caractérisé par ce qu’il a appelé une “ logique du respect ”, qui possède une double inflexion, c’est-à-dire, d’une part, la recherche de rupture dans le cadre de la sphère privé avec la domination masculine exprimée dans un code d’honneur, dont la conséquence la plus dramatique mène à la violence domestique, et, d’autre part, un mouvement vers la sphère publique à partir de l’articulation d’une association avec un mouvement social traduisant la revendication de la reconnaissance de la dignité des individus soumis à toute sorte de reconnaissance refusée.Este trabajo propone una sociología de la experiencia en asociaciones de generación de trabajo y renta en el sur de Brasil. Para lo cual, descompusimos la racionalidad de la acción en asociaciones de trabajadores en un triple registro, donde investigamos: a) las formas de inserción e integración sociales configuradas por las relaciones de solidaridad, b) la dimensión de la racionalidad estratégica de cada asociación de catadores traducida en las luchas por reconocimiento, y, c) los procesos de subjetivación enunciados en la afirmación de identidad de cada colectivo de trabajadores. Apartir de la búsqueda de campo en las asociaciones, se constató un proceso de subjetivación caracterizado por aquello que denominamos una “lógica del respeto”, la cual tiene una doble inflexión, o sea, por un lado busca romper en el ámbito de la esfera privada con la dominación masculina expresa en un código de honra, cuya consecuencia más dramática se traduce en la violencia doméstica, y por otro lado se constata un movimiento en dirección a la esfera pública a partir de la articulación de una asociación con un movimiento social traduciendo de esta manera la reivindicación por el reconocimiento de la dignidad de individuos sujetos a todo tipo de reconocimiento recusado

    Use of remote sensing to support forest and wetlands policies in the USA

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    The use of remote sensing for environmental policy development is now quite common and well-documented, as images from remote sensing platforms are often used to focus attention on emerging environmental issues and spur debate on potential policy solutions. However, its use in policy implementation and evaluation has not been examined in much detail. Here we examine the use of remote sensing to support the implementation and enforcement of policies regarding the conservation of forests and wetlands in the USA. Specifically, we focus on the “Roadless Rule” and “Travel Management Rules” as enforced by the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service on national forests, and the “No Net Loss” policy and Clean Water Act for wetlands on public and private lands, as enforced by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers. We discuss several national and regional examples of how remote sensing for forest and wetland conservation has been effectively integrated with policy decisions, along with barriers to further integration. Some of these barriers are financial and technical (such as the lack of data at scales appropriate to policy enforcement), while others are political


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    Por uma sociologia política das emoções: ressentimento e protesto social conservador no Brasil.

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    The article addresses, in terms of a political sociology of emotions, a moral sentiment, namely the resentmentthat shaped the conservative social protest that engulfed Brazil in the last decade and culminated in the riseof the reactionary populism embodied by Bolsonarism. This social protest was especially expressed throughvirtual social networks in the form of connective action. The empirical material that supports the analysisdeveloped was collected using a profile on the social network Twitter from a sample of 1615 tweets thatwere collected and categorized using the RQDA qualitative data analysis package from the R programminglanguage. Finally, the argument developed in the paper reaches two conclusions, namely: a) the resentmentthat fuels conservative protest in Brazil is related to fear of the loss of privileges and social distinction bysectors of the middle classes as a result of the implementation of redistributive policies during the Workers'Party governments in the Presidency of the Republic (2002-2016); and b) this resentment is associated witha conservative sociodicy that naturalizes and legitimizes the symbolic reproduction of inequality based on thecategories of class, gender and race.O artigo aborda, nos termos de uma sociologia política das emoções, um sentimento moral, qual seja, o ressentimento que plasmou o protesto social conservador que engolfou o Brasil na última década e que culminou na ascensão no populismo reacionário encarnado pelo bolsonarismo. Essa contestação social foi especialmente extravasada através das redes sociais virtuais na forma de uma ação conectiva. O material empírico que dá suporte à análise desenvolvida foi coletado utilizando um perfil na rede social Twitter a partir de uma amostra de 1615 tweets que foram coletados e categorizados com a utilização do pacote deanálise de dados qualitativos RQDA da linguagem de programação R. Por fim, a argumentação desenvolvida no trabalho chega a duas conclusões, quais sejam: a) o ressentimento que insufla o protesto conservador no Brasil está relacionado ao medo pela perda de privilégios e distinção social por parte de setores das camadas médias em decorrência da implementação de políticas de natureza redistributiva durante os governos do Partido dos Trabalhadores na Presidência da República (2002-2016); e b) esse ressentimento está associado a uma sociodicéia conservadora que naturaliza e legitima a reprodução simbólica da desigualdade a partir das categorias de classe, gênero e raça
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