16 research outputs found

    "ElectroSim": herramienta de apoyo y atención en educación online

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    98 p.Actualmente el mundo enfrenta uno de sus mayores desafíos, los cuales nos han cambiado tanto en forma de pensar y de actuar. El COVID-19 ha provocado un cambio en nuestro estilo de vida, costumbres y cuidados. Debido a esto, sectores se han visto perjudicados. Pero uno de los más afectados es la educación, la cual ha cambiado su metodología debido a los efectos de esta nueva crisis. El por ello que el uso de nuevas tecnologías se ha vuelto necesario para la enseñanza, pero esto no asegura que los estudiantes aprendan de forma eficiente. Los videojuegos, han sido vistos por gran parte de la sociedad como fuente de ocio y socialización. Sin embargo, el campo de la educación puede ser expandido gracias a esto. Los serious games, también llamados juegos serios, están enfocados en la enseñanza de distintas áreas, como lo es la salud, ingeniería, ciencias sociales y tecnológicas, la cual puede ser una herramienta muy poderosa en la situación mundial. Estos simuladores pueden cumplir con un papel de apoyo a la enseñanza, es decir, deben proporcionar a los estudiantes nuevas herramientas de apoyo con el fin de mejorar sus condiciones académicas. Los simuladores, al ser interactivos, deben despertar un mayor interés en el estudio de área en cuestión, o al menos generar un cambio positivo entre el antes y el después al usar estos videojuegos. Teniendo en cuenta esto, y buscando explotar estos dos puntos, se deben generar nuevas instancias de aprendizaje y generar mayor interés en los estudiantes. Con este proyecto, se espera ilustrar la utilidad de los serious games en la actualidad, y como estos se adecuan a metodologías de enseñanza, haciendo de este tipo de videojuegos una opción válida y llamativa al momento de aprender. A largo plazo, se espera que estos simuladores puedan ser enseñado de manera usual en planes educativos, ya sean de colegios, institutos o universidades, en un ambiente seguro, en donde se puede fallar sin comprometer equipamientos y al personal humano. Para poder validar esta hipótesis, se desarrolló un simulador de una materia en específica para estudiantes de colegios. Se seleccionó un grupo de estudiantes y se sometieron a un estudio, en el cual, un grupo de estudiantes tuvo acceso continuo a este y otro solamente estudió con las metodologías actuales de enseñanza. Con el fin de obtener respuestas, se analizaron los resultados pedagógicos gracias a la prueba correspondiente al material estudiado y se aplicó un cuestionario a ambos grupos para obtener sus pensamientos y opiniones respecto al material estudiado, el uso del simulador, la metodología usada y si esta llamativa y eficiente para ellos. Finalmente, al obtener los resultados de las pruebas se llegó a la conclusión que el simulador aporta positivamente a los estudiantes y su inserción en la metodología de estudio fue exitosa. Además se debe mencionar que el simulador por sí solo no es la única clave que afecta en el rendimiento pedagógico de los estudiantes, sino que se hay más factores que influyen (como el tipo estudiante, la facilidad que se le dio entender el contenido y la forma en la que el profesor hizo la clase), sin embargo, si se pudo demostrar que los estudiantes estuvieron más cómodos usando el simulador, el cual, despertó interés en los estudiantes tanto en contenido y la percepción completa relacionada con los aspectos evaluados en el cuestionario. Se pudo demostrar que ambos grupos presentan opiniones positivas relacionadas al proceso de aprendizaje, pero los estudiantes que utilizaron el simulador mostraron una satisfacción superior en comparación al otro grupo de estudio. //ABSTRACT: Currently, the world faces one of its greatest challenges yet, which has changed us both in the way we think and act. COVID-19 has caused a transformation in our lifestyle, habits, and self-care. This is why several scopes have been negatively affected (health, economy, etc). But one of the most affected by it is education, which has changed its methodology due to the effects of this new crisis. Therefore the use of new technologies has become necessary for teaching, but this does not ensure that students learn eficiently. Video games have been perceived by a large part of society as a source of leisure and socialization. However, the field of education is able to expand because of them. Serious Games, also called serious games or simulators, are focused on teaching different areas, such as health, engineering, social sciences, and technology; this last one can be a very powerful tool in the world situation. These simulators can fulfill a support role in teaching and learning, that is, they must provide students with new tools to improve their academic conditions. Simulators, being interactive, should awaken a greater interest in the area of study in question, or at least generate a positive change between the before and after when using these programs. Taking this into account and seeking to exploit these two points, new learning instances and greater interest from students should emerge. This project will hopefully illustrate the usefulness of Serious Games and how they can be adapted to teaching methodologies, making this type of video game a valid and attractive option when learning. In the long term, it is expected that these simulators can be used in the same way educational plans are used in schools, institutes, or universities, in a safe environment and where they could fail without compromising equipment and human personnel. Finally, when obtaining the results of the tests, it was concluded that the simulator have a positive results in students perceptions. But, by itself is not the factor that a_ects the pedagogical performance of the students, but that more factors inuence it (such as the student type, the ease of understanding the subject, and the way the teacher did the class), however, if it could be shown that the students were more comfortable using the simulator, which increased interest students both in content and complete perception, related to the aspects evaluated in the questionnaire. This way, it could be shown that both groups present positive opinions related to the learning process, but the students who use the simulator show higher satisfaction compared to other study group

    In Vivo Modification of Microporous Structure in Bacterial Cellulose by Exposing Komagataeibacter xylinus Culture to Physical and Chemical Stimuli

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    Bacterial cellulose (BC) samples were obtained in a static culture of K. xylinus under the effect of a low-intensity magnetic field, UV light, NaCl, and chloramphenicol. The effect of such stimuli on the amount of BC produced and its production rate, specific area, pore volume, and pore diameter were evaluated. The polysaccharide production was enhanced 2.28-fold by exposing K. xylinus culture to UV light (366 nm) and 1.7-fold by adding chloramphenicol (0.25 mM) to the medium in comparison to BC control. All the stimuli triggered a decrease in the rate of BC biosynthesis. BC membranes were found to be mesoporous materials with an average pore diameter from 21.37 to 25.73 nm. BC produced under a magnetic field showed the lowest values of specific area and pore volume (2.55 m2 g−1 and 0.024 cm3 g−1), while the BC synthesized in the presence of NaCl showed the highest (15.72 m2 g−1 and 0.11 cm3 g−1). FTIR spectra of the BC samples also demonstrated changes related to structural order. The rehydration property in these BC samples is not mainly mediated by the crystallinity level or porosity. In summary, these results support that BC production, surface, and structural properties could be modified by manipulating the physical and chemical stimuli investigated

    Efficiency and lead uptake mechanism of a phosphonate functionalized mesoporous silica through P/Pb association ratio

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    Chemically stable phosphonate functionalized mesoporous silica material SGMP6 has been obtained by means of conventional sot-gel methodology. This material demonstrated a high lead uptake efficiency from aqueous solutions according to the complete participation of the phosphonate moieties in the interaction. This uptake efficiency is related to 0.2 g of lead per gram of adsorbent. The morphology of the material, the mechanism of the lead uptake and its efficiency of P/Pb ratio of 2:1 have been characterized at the atomic level by SEM-EDX and ssNMR of C-13, Si-29 and P-31. XPS measurements of the materials before and after lead uptake also confirmed the ions exchange in the phosphonate moieties. It has been shown that all phosphonate groups are accessible to lead ions and that their interactions can be evaluated by conventional P-31 NMR methods

    A Simplified Method of Synthesis to Obtain Zwitterionic Cellulose under Mild Conditions with Active Ionic Moieties

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    A simplified procedure to synthesize zwitterionic cellulose by means of N-protected aspartic anhydride under mild conditions was developed. The preparation of modified cellulose samples was carried out under heterogeneous, aqueous conditions by reacting NH4OH-activated cellulose with aspartic anhydrides N-protected with trifluoroacetyl (TFAc) and carbobenzyloxy (Cbz). Modified cellulose samples Cel-Asp-N-TFAc and Cel-Asp-N-Cbz were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and 13C solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The functionalization degree of each cellulose sample was determined by the 13C NMR signal integration values corresponding to the cellulose C1 vs. the Cα of the aspartate residue and corroborated by elemental analysis. In agreement, both analytical methods averaged a grafting degree of 20% for Cel-Asp-N-TFAc and 16% for Cel-Asp-N-Cbz. Conveniently, Cel-Asp-N-TFAc was concomitantly partially N-deprotected (65%) as determined by the ninhydrin method. The zwitterion character of this sample was confirmed by a potentiometric titration curve and the availability of these amino acid residues on the cellulose was inspected by adsorption kinetics method with a 100 mg L−1 cotton blue dye solution. In addition, the synthesis reported in the present work involves environmentally related advantages over previous methodologies developed in our group concerning to zwitterionic cellulose preparation

    Propiedades de la madera y relación del estado nutrimental con el crecimiento en teca

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    En México existe cada vez mayor interés en producir madera de calidad a partir de Tectona grandis, cuyo rendimiento sea capaz de satisfacer la demanda del mercado internacional, lo que es sumamente relevante ya que la teca tiene gran valor económico y su comercialización puede derivar en la obtención de importantes ganancias; sin embargo aún no se cuenta con suficiente información para lograrlo. En el presente estudio se evaluaron los caracteres anatómicos de densidad básica, de resistencia al ataque de hongos y de las condiciones edafocliméticas en dos plantaciones de nueve años en los estados de Veracruz (húmedo) y Nayarit (seco). Hubo diferencias significativas según la procedencia de la planta respecto al diámetro total de fibra y de lumen, al grosor de la pared de las fibras, al diámetro total, a la longitud de los vasos y al porcentaje de duramen; por otro lado, no existieron en cuanto a la longitud de fibras, el ancho y largo de los radios y la densidad básica. La resistencia al efecto de los hongos por parte del duramen esté en función del tipo de hongo y no de la plantación de origen. El Ca y el K foliar se relacionaron con la altura y el DAP, respectivamente; así como el Ca del suelo, pH y la CIC (capacidad de intercambio catiúnico) con la altura. La proporción de duramen y el DAP fueron mayores en las maderas provenientes de Veracruz

    Propiedades de la madera y relación del estado nutrimental con el crecimiento en teca

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    En México existe cada vez mayor interés en producir madera de calidad a partir de Tectona grandis, cuyo rendimiento sea capaz de satisfacer la demanda del mercado internacional, lo que es sumamente relevante ya que la teca tiene gran valor económico y su comercialización puede derivar en la obtención de importantes ganancias; sin embargo aún no se cuenta con suficiente información para lograrlo. En el presente estudio se evaluaron los caracteres anatómicos de densidad básica, de resistencia al ataque de hongos y de las condiciones edafoclimáticas en dos plantaciones de nueve años en los estados de Veracruz (húmedo) y Nayarit (seco). Hubo diferencias significativas según la procedencia de la planta respecto al diámetro total de fibra y de lumen, al grosor de la pared de las fibras, al diámetro total, a la longitud de los vasos y al porcentaje de duramen; por otro lado, no existieron en cuanto a la longitud de fibras, el ancho y largo de los radios y la densidad básica. La resistencia al efecto de los hongos por parte del duramen está en función del tipo de hongo y no de la plantación de origen. El Ca y el K foliar se relacionaron con la altura y el DAP, respectivamente; así como el Ca del suelo, pH y la CIC (capacidad de intercambio catiónico) con la altura. La proporción de duramen y el DAP fueron mayores en las maderas provenientes de Veracruz

    Novel Silica Hybrid Adsorbent Functionalized with l-Glutathione Used for the Uptake of As(V) from Aqueous Media

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    A hybrid silica mesoporous material with l-glutathione (LG) (SG-LGPS) was synthesized by a modified sol-gel process. The chemical and structural characterization of the SG-LGPS material was achieved by Fourier transform infrared, solid-state C-13 and Si-19 NMR, and X-ray diffraction. Surface analysis showed a specific surface area of 466.8 m(2) g(-1). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry measurements demonstrated the chemical composition of the hybrid material and the presence of As(V) after the uptake process. The adsorption performance for SG-LGPS reached a maximum arsenic uptake of 45.22 mg g(-1) at pH = 4; kinetics and equilibrium results were better described by the pseudo-second-order and Temkin models, respectively. Competitive ion adsorption studies were also performed. The uptake mechanism proposed for this material is a bidentate arsenic-glutathione complex. The present material proposed is as follows: (1) a new scope for environmentally friendly materials with amino acids and (2) a versatile adsorption application extended to other heavy metal ions due to the LG functional group composition

    Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture in Chile

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    The Chilean government is developing a comprehensive climate change policy for fisheries and aquaculture, including institutional, research and capacity building, to reduce vulnerability and improve adaptation in order to make this ecosystem services more resilient to future changes. This is illustrated by several case studies. The occurrence of cold, acidic and hypoxic upwelling seawater and ENSO events along the Chilean coast suggests important impact upon resources targeted by benthic fisheries. The distribution and abundance of calcifiers species such as Concholepas concholepas (loco) and bivalves (scallops, mussels, clams) are threatened by ocean acidification projected for upwelling regions, while macroalgae (kelps) are highly vulnerable to warmer conditions. With A2 and 4×CO2 climate change IPCC scenarios, the estimated sea surface temperature (SST) changes for Engraulis ringens (anchovy), Strangomera bentincki (common sardine) and Trachurus murphyi (jack mackerel) fishing areas showed an increase by 0.58°C–1.59°C and 0.62°C–2.51°C for both fishing areas until 2065, respectively. Based on the A2 climate change and the fishing effort scenarios, anchovy and common sardine landings would decrease, and jack mackerel landings would increase, mildly. In change, the 4×CO2 climate change, and fishing efforts scenarios, showed increases only in jack mackerel landings. The final chapter shows the current state of Chilean aquaculture, analyzes the available information on major climate forcings and establish scenarios of potential impacts on main farmed resources and on productive activities. The adaptations that should be considered to face the future climate scenario along Chilean coast are addressed

    Consensus document on acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) established by the Mexican Association of Hepatology

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    Acute-on chronic liver failure (ACLF) has been an intensively debated topic mainly due to the lack of a unified definition and diagnostic criteria. The growing number of publications describing the mechanisms of ACLF development, the progression of the disease, outcomes and treatment has contributed to a better understanding of the disease, however, it has also sparked the debate about this condition. As an attempt to provide medical professionals with a more uniform definition that could be applied to our population, the first Mexican consensus was performed by a panel of experts in the area of hepatology in Mexico. We used the most relevant and impactful publications along with the clinical and research experience of the consensus participants. The consensus was led by 4 coordinators who provided the most relevant bibliography by doing an exhaustive search on the topic. The entire bibliography was made available to the members of the consensus for consultation at any time during the process and six working groups were formed to develop the following sections: 1.- Generalities, definitions, and criteria, 2.- Pathophysiology of cirrhosis, 3.- Genetics in ACLF, 4.- Clinical manifestations, 5.- Liver transplantation in ACLF, 6.- Other treatments