4 research outputs found

    Genetic research: the role of citizens, public health and international stakeholders

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    Background: Genetic research has become an indispensable instrument for medical research, and the subjects involved have both divergent and convergent interests. Objective: The possibility of having more detailed genetic information undoubtedly offers benefits for the health of the subject, but could also pose risks and make the subject vulnerable to discrimination. Methods: The scientific community has viewed very favorably the public health utility of family history, in which data from a family whose members suffer from chronic pathologies is collected and filed, in order to develop a sort of “stratification of family risk.” Even though in the last decade the scientific and juridical literature has contributed greatly to the topic of biobanks, the perplexities that continue to surround this theme give the idea that current ethical protocols on research are inadequate. Results: Researchers, citizens, International stakeholders, mass media, Public Health and Governments play a key role in genetic research. It is obvious that the methods used for genetic research do not present intrinsic risks; they are much less dangerous than other activities of diagnosis and research. Before authorizing a research project, it is important to reflect on the responsibility and transparency of the studies to be conducted, and on the impact they may have on the interests of public health. Conclusion: We believe that the highest priority need is to develop a common language on the theme, as is the case in the sphere of clinical experimentation where rules of good clinical practice, albeit at times conflicting, have led to uniform convergences in the scientific world on the points to be actuated

    Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps

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    Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare, but potentially fatal, immune-mediated disease of the peripheral nerves and nerve roots that is usually triggered by infections. The incidence of GBS can therefore increase during outbreaks of infectious diseases, as was seen during the Zika virus epidemics in 2013 in French Polynesia and 2015 in Latin America. Diagnosis and management of GBS can be complicated as its clinical presentation and disease course are heterogeneous, and no international clinical guidelines are currently available. To support clinicians, especially in the context of an outbreak, we have developed a globally applicable guideline for the diagnosis and management of GBS. The guideline is based on current literature and expert consensus, and has a ten-step structure to facilitate its use in clinical practice. We first provide an introduction to the diagnostic criteria, clinical variants and differential diagnoses of GBS. The ten steps then cover early recognition and diagnosis of GBS, admission to the intensive care unit, treatment indication and selection, monitoring and treatment of disease progression, prediction of clinical course and outcome, and management of complications and sequelae

    Size and form of plots for the culture of the Italian pumpkin in plastic greenhouse Tamanho e forma de parcelas para a cultura da abóbora italiana cultivada em estufa plástica

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    Quality control is the guaranty that experimental error is kept under acceptable levels, and the definition of the proper size and form of experimental plots ensures acurate experimental planning. This paper aims to determine the proper plot size and shape for the culture of the Italian pumpkin in protected environments. Two experiments were set in plastic green house in distinct crop seasons: either Summer-Fall or Winter-Spring season. The experiment comprised eight, 23-m long lines with 20 plants each, and fruit weight was considered the main performance parameter. Estimates of best plots size and shape were obtained by the maximum curvature, variance comparison and Hatheway methods. The plot size and shape varied according to the season and the ideal size and shape, according to the maximum curvature and Hatheway methods, to the Summer-Fall and Winter-Spring seasons, were eight plants (4 <FONT FACE=Symbol>&acute;</FONT> 2 plot) and four plants (2 <FONT FACE=Symbol>&acute;</FONT> 2 plot), respectively.<br>Na experimentação é de fundamental importância o controle de qualidade, fazendo com que o erro experimental apresente-se em níveis aceitáveis e, uma das formas desse controle, é a definição do tamanho e forma ótimos de parcela, no planejamento experimental. Determinou-se o tamanho e a forma ideais de parcela, para a cultura da abóbora italiana, em experimentos realizados sob ambientes protegidos, avaliando-se o rendimento acumulado da fitomassa dos frutos. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em estufa plástica, modelo arco pampeano, durante o ano de 2001, em duas épocas de cultivo, um na estação sazonal verão-outono e outro na estação sazonal inverno-primavera. Os experimentos foram constituídos de oito fileiras de 20m de comprimento, sendo que, em cada uma delas, foram alocadas 20 plantas. As estimativas do tamanho e da forma de parcela foram obtidas pelos métodos da máxima curvatura, da comparação das variâncias e de Hatheway. As estimativas do tamanho e da forma da parcela variaram conforme a estação sazonal e o tamanho e a forma ideais, segundo os métodos da máxima curvatura e de Hatheway, para as estações sazonais verão-outono e inverno-primavera, foram de oito (quatro no comprimento e duas na largura) e quatro plantas (duas no comprimento e duas na largura), respectivamente