1,314 research outputs found

    Teaching embedded systems engineering in a software-oriented computing degree

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    Traditional software-oriented computing degrees do not include courses on embedded systems design in their syllabus, since in the past embedded applications were seen as small-sized solutions developed without the need of engineering approaches. This reality has dramatically changed in the last decade and nowadays several embedded systems are quite complex. Embedded systems present several idiosyncrasies that make their development more difficult and complex than desktop solutions, namely when considering non-functional requirements, time-related deadlines, or the correctness of the solution. To be well prepared for their professions, students of software-oriented computing degrees must acquire skills and competencies in embedded systems engineering. Being able to master high-level programming languages and to develop solutions only for desktop computers means that the students cannot consider numerous opportunities, after graduation. This paper discusses which topics in embedded software design to include in a second cycle degree on Software Engineering that was structured to consider the Bologna Declaration that is now being used in Europe to recast all university degrees. The syllabus of a 15-ECTS module dedicated to teach the fundamental concepts of embedded systems engineering and embedded software development is also described

    Object-oriented inheritance of statecharts for control applications

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    This paper discusses how object-oriented iuheritance can be re-interpreted if statecharts are used for modelling the dynamic behaviour of an object. The support of inheritance of statecharts allows the improvement of systems' development by easing the reutilization of parts of already developed euccessful systems, aad by promoting the iterative and continuous models' refinement advocated by the operatioaal approach. Statechart is the formalism used within UML to specify reactive state.based behaviours. This paper covers the use of statecharts within the modelling of embedded systems for industrial control applxications, where performance and memory usage are main concerns

    A Petri net meta-model to develop software components for embedded systems

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    This paper presents a new Petri net (PN) meta-model, called shobi-PN v2.0, that can be used to specify the dynamic behaviour of concurrent systems, using object-oriented modelling concepts together with a generalised arc set capable of coping with the complexity of the current embedded systems. This new Petri net meta-model can also be used to support a component-based development approach in the design of generic and parametrisable control-oriented software components for embedded systems

    A multi-level design pattern for embedded software

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    It is a common practice amongst programmers to construct parts of software programs by imitating parts of programs constructed by more experienced professionals. This “learn by example” approach can be applied at the design level by using patterns as sets of rules and recommendations to solve well defined tasks within the development of computer based systems. This paper describes the multi level ICIS pattern, to be used at various design levels of industrial control based information systems, where embedded devices are networked to interact with the industrial processes and equipment. The proposed pattern is described using several UML diagrams.Fundação oara a Ciência e Tecnologia; FEDER - project METHODES (POSI/37334/CHS/2001)

    Projecto de hardware digital orientado por objectos

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    Os limites entre os domínios do software e do hardware são cada vez mais ténues, pelo que técnicas inicialmente experimentadas no software têm vindo a ser gradualmente aplicadas no hardware. Este artigo pretende descrever o estado actual da utilização da tecnologia de programação orientada por objectos no projecto de hardware digital. São analisadas as vantagens e implicações quando se introduzem conceitos ligados à tecnologia orientada por objectos em projectos de hardware e é apresentado um exemplo utilizando uma das extensões orientadas por objectos da linguagem VHDL.The boundaries between the software and hardware domains are no longer fixed, which enables the use, on the hardware domain, of techniques originally applied on software projects. This article aims to describe the stateof-the-art in the application of object-oriented programming techniques to digital hardware design. The advantages and implications of object-oriented technology concepts applied to hardware design are analyzed and an example with an object-oriented VHDL language extension is presented

    Integration of embedded software with corporate information systems

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    This paper describes a methodology and corresponding tools to support the development of information systems, by integrating and interconnecting a network of embedded devices, that supervise processes in industrial environments, with the corporate information system of an organization. We discuss in detail how the LabVIEW environment was customized, so that it effectively supports a component based and data flow approach in the development of the gateway responsible for the integration

    A two-year Software Engineering M.Sc. degree designed under the Bologna Declaration Principles

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    This paper presents and discusses the syllabus of a second cycle degree on Software Engineering in which any student that finishes any undergraduate Computing degree (Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, and Software Engineering) can enroll. In the first year, the degree is composed of two 30 ECTS modules, one dedicated to software analysis and design and the other devoted to software quality and management. Each module is composed of five curricular units, being one of them dedicated to the experimental integration of the module’s topics. The second year allows two different paths to be followed by the students. The professional path includes a 30 ECTS industrial project, while in the scientific path students must write a 45 ECTS master dissertation. The degree is mainly structured to consider the Bologna Declaration that is now being used in Europe to recast all university degrees. Additionally, we also considered the Software Engineering 2004 Curriculum Guidelines and the Knowledge Areas described in the SWEBOK.(undefined

    Heterogeneous information systems integration: organizations and methodologies

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    In this paper, a methodology for integrating heterogeneous industrial information systems is presented. The methodology is strongly based on the extensive reuse of already-made components and is conceptually divided in three levels, one for each kind of designer that is typically involved in this type of projects. To accomplish a better integration of the activities and tools necessary to develop industrial information systems with the proposed methodology, three appropriate organizational configurations are adopted.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional - Methodes: Methodologies and Tools for Developing Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems" - POSI/37334/CHS/2001

    System-level object-orientation in the specification and validation of embedded systems

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    The main aim of this paper is to present how the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can be used as the notation to specify the requirements of an embedded system. By using a relatively small, but real, system (a supervision application) as a running example, the paper illustrates the design flow that can be followed during the analysis phase of complex control applications. To assure the continuous mapping of the models, the authors propose some guidelines to transform the use case diagrams into a single object diagram, which is the main diagram for the next development phases (design and implementation). The Java programming language is used for developing a system’s prototype, to allow the system’s validation by the customers

    Evaluation of AMSTAR to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews in overviews of reviews of healthcare interventions

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    Abstract Background Overviews of reviews (overviews) compile information from multiple systematic reviews (SRs) to provide a single synthesis of relevant evidence for decision-making. It is recommended that authors assess and report the methodological quality of SRs in overviews—for example, using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR). Currently, there is variation in whether and how overview authors assess and report SR quality, and limited guidance is available. Our objectives were to: examine methodological considerations involved in using AMSTAR to assess the quality of Cochrane and non-Cochrane SRs in overviews of healthcare interventions; identify challenges (and develop potential decision rules) when using AMSTAR in overviews; and examine the potential impact of considering methodological quality when making inclusion decisions in overviews. Methods We selected seven overviews of healthcare interventions and included all SRs meeting each overview’s inclusion criteria. For each SR, two reviewers independently conducted AMSTAR assessments with consensus and discussed challenges encountered. We also examined the correlation between AMSTAR assessments and SR results/conclusions. Results Ninety-five SRs were included (30 Cochrane, 65 non-Cochrane). Mean AMSTAR assessments (9.6/11 vs. 5.5/11; p < 0.001) and inter-rater reliability (AC1 statistic: 0.84 vs. 0.69; “almost perfect” vs. “substantial” using the Landis & Koch criteria) were higher for Cochrane compared to non-Cochrane SRs. Four challenges were identified when applying AMSTAR in overviews: the scope of the SRs and overviews often differed; SRs examining similar topics sometimes made different methodological decisions; reporting of non-Cochrane SRs was sometimes poor; and some non-Cochrane SRs included other SRs as well as primary studies. Decision rules were developed to address each challenge. We found no evidence that AMSTAR assessments were correlated with SR results/conclusions. Conclusions Results indicate that the AMSTAR tool can be used successfully in overviews that include Cochrane and non-Cochrane SRs, though decision rules may be useful to circumvent common challenges. Findings support existing recommendations that quality assessments of SRs in overviews be conducted independently, in duplicate, with a process for consensus. Results also suggest that using methodological quality to guide inclusion decisions (e.g., to exclude poorly conducted and reported SRs) may not introduce bias into the overview process