597 research outputs found

    Filières agro-alimentaires et moyennes montagnes françaises

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    International audienceAgri-business and the mid-altitude mountain areas of France. Today's agri-business sector is having to face up to increasing competition and is undergoing both modernisation and structural and spatial concentration. In this context, the means available in mid- altitude mountain areas have become particularly fragile. A variety of solutions have been adopted (intensification, diversification, sive production, quality products, labels of origin) but they are often inadequate. The article concludes with a typology of French upland production areas.Les filières agro-alimentaires modernes doivent compter avec une concurrence exacerbée et subissent un mouvement de modernisation et de concentration structurelle et spatiale. Dans ce contexte, les outils présents dans la moyenne montagne française sont particulièrement fragilisés. Les réactions sont variées (intensification, diversification, extensification, produits de qualité et A.O.C.) mais souvent insuffisantes. Elles permettent de conclure sur une typologie des bassins de production des hautes terres

    Stress Testing the Corporate Loans Portfolio of the Swedish Financial Sector

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    In this study, a macroeconomic credit risk model is applied to Sweden to judge the stability of the Swedish financial system to changes in the macroeconomic environment. Default rates for each industry are regressed against the macroeconomic variables to which Sweden has the greatest exposure and then stress tests are performed on the Swedish corporate loans portfolio to determine whether structural vulnerabilities are present in the financial sector. The findings of this study suggest that Swedish financial institutions are more susceptible to shocks in the real GDP than the real interest rate. Furthermore, the Swedish financial system is found to be only moderately affected by macroeconomic shocks to the corporate loans portfolio

    Does training affect match performance? A study using data mining and tracking devices

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    FIFA has recently allowed the use of electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) in professional football competition, providing teams with novel and more accurate data. Physical performance has not yet taken much attention from the research community, due to the difficulty of accessing this information with the same devices during training and competition. This study provides a methodology based on machine learning and statistical methods to relate the physical performance variation of players during time-framed training sessions, and their performance in the following matches. The analysis is carried out over F.C. Barcelona B, season 2015-2016 data, and makes emphasis on exploiting the design characteristics of the structured training methodology implemented within the club. The use of summarized physical variation data has provided a remarkable relation between higher magnitudes of variation in 3-week time frames during training, and higher physical values in the following matches. With increased data availability this and new approaches could provide a new frontier in physical performance analysis. This is, up to our knowledge, the first study to relate training and matches performance through the same EPTS devices in professional football.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    : Contextes, enjeux, objectifs

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    Synthèse issue d'un rapport de 264 pages remis au Conseil de Développement du Pays Asses, Verdon, Vaïre, Var (A3V) en février 2012Cette synthèse est issue du rapport produit par le CERAMAC au terme de deux années d'une recherche prospective, appliquée et participative, sous convention avec le Conseil de Développement du Pays A3V et en accord avec le Comité de Pays dans le cadre du contrat Pays / Région. Après un diagnostic des principales problématiques relatives à l'évolution des espaces de ces vallées des Alpes du Sud, ce document présente les enjeux majeurs du territoire, les processus en cours, et les scénarios possibles d'évolution à l'horizon 2040. Une stratégie adaptée au deuxième scénario, retenu par les acteurs locaux, a été proposée

    Price discrimination and competition in two-sided markets: Evidence from the Spanish local TV industry

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    In this paper, we empirically test the relation between price discrimination and product market competition in a two-sided market setting using a new data set of Spanish local TV stations that provides information on subscription and advertising prices per station for 1996, 1999 and 2002. During these years, changes in regulation in this sector had a deep impact on the degree of local market competition. We use differences in market structure across markets and across years to study the relation between competition and price discrimination in this setting. Our findings suggest that stations in more competitive markets are less likely to use price discrimination. We also find evidence that stations price discriminating in a market are also more likely to price discriminate on the other market. Finally, cable subscription fees and advertising prices are higher in more competitive markets which suggests that tougher competition may increase market segmentation through station differentiation, driving stations to charge higher uniform prices to more loyal customers. This may indicate that less price discrimination may be associated with lower consumer surplus in all markets.Price discrimination; market competition; Local TV Industry; product; subscription; advertising;

    Les mutations des systèmes productifs en France : le cas des filières laitières bovines

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    L’article s’intéresse aux mutations contemporaines des filières laitières bovines en France, qui associent, classiquement, un amont (les producteurs) et un aval (les transformateurs), le tout en interaction très forte avec le marché. Ces filières font l’objet de considérables mutations liées à la dynamique générale de l’économie (exigence de compétitivité, économies d’échelle, mécanisation…) ainsi qu’aux spécificités de la profession (évolution des méthodes d’élevage, innovation technologique en laiterie, rôle des marchés mondiaux…). De plus, cette filière est fortement influencée par la Politique Agricole Commune (OCM lait, quotas, prix garantis, stockage public…). L’article questionne la géographie de la production et son évolution, ainsi que le mécanisme de restructuration des producteurs. Il insiste ensuite sur l’aval, avec une approche privilégiée par les entreprises (Quelles sont-elles ? Quelles implantations ? Quelles productions ? Quelles recompositions capitalistiques ?). Les analyses régionales de la dernière partie combinent les mutations de l’amont et de l’aval dans le Grand Ouest, le Jura et la Savoie et en Rhône-Alpes, avec un certain nombre de cartes inédites.The article deals with contemporary mutations of bovine dairy channels in France, classically associating upstream activities (producers) and downstream activities (transformers), the whole thing being in very strong interaction with the market. Those channels undergo considerable mutations linked to general dynamics of economy (competitivity demand, economies of scale, mechanization…) together with trade specificities (evolution of breeding methods, technological innovation in dairy industry, role of world markets…). Furthermore, this channel is strongly influenced by the Common Agricultural Policy (CMO milk, quotas, guaranteed prices, public stocking…). The article questions the geography of production and its evolution, as well as the mechanism of producers’ restructuration. Then it insists on the downstream aspect, with a privileged approach of companies (what are they? What implantations? What productions? What capitalistic recompositions? Regional analyses of the last part combine mutations of upstream and downstream aspects in the Great west, the Jura and Savoy and in Rhône-Alps, with a certain number original maps

    Qualité des produits et maîtrise des marchés : le cas des fromages et des AOC jurassiennes

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    Les productions agroalimentaires approvisionnent un commerce soumis à une rude concurrence mais aussi imparfaitement libéralisé (politiques agricoles, barrières douanières…). Dans le cas des productions de qualité, on retrouve cette dualité. Les fromages d’AOC du Jura, et notamment le comté, alimentent ainsi un commerce totalement concurrentiel mais représentent aussi un marché rentable, donc attractif. Il existe alors un vrai risque d’engorgement de ces marchés, par le biais d’entreprises venues de l’extérieur et qui investiraient là, au risque de créer la surproduction. L’article montre comment ces filières s’appuient sur plusieurs éléments (décrets d’AOC notamment) pour, finalement, maîtriser les volumes de production, donc mieux contrôler les marchés et, au final, maintenir la rentabilité de la filière. L’analyse montre aussi qu’il ne s’agit pas là de simples mesures protectionnistes mais que la recherche de la qualité est également présente dans ces pratiques collectives.Food processing production supply a trade submitted to a competition, but also imperfectly liberalized (agricultural politicies, tariff barriers…). Concerning quality products, we find this duality. Jura’s guaranteed of quality cheeses, and especially comté, thus supply a totally competitive trade but also represent a profitable, thus attractive market. Therefore there exists a genuine risk of glutting of those markets, through enterprises coming from the outside, and which would invest there, at the risk of creating overproduction. The article shows how those channels lean on several elements (especially guarantee of quality decrees) so as to, at last, master the volumes of production, so better control the markets and, finally, maintain the profitability of the channel. The analysis also shows that it is not a matter of simple protectionist measures but that the search for quality is also present in these collective practices