96 research outputs found

    Isolated limb perfusion for unresectable extremity cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma; an effective limb saving strategy

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    Background: A small minority of patients present with locally advanced cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF) and melphalan based isolated limb perfusion (TM-ILP) as a limb saving strategy for locally advanced extremity cSCC. Methods: A retrospective search from prospectively maintained databases, at two tertiary referral centers, was performed to identify patients treated with TM-ILP for locally advanced cSSC of an extremity between 2000 and 2015. Results: A total of 30 patients treated with TM-ILP for cSCC were identified, with a median age of 71 years (36–92) and 50% female. Response could not be evaluated in 3 patients. After a median follow up of 25 months, the overall response rate was 81% (n = 22), with 16 patients having a complete response (CR, 59%). A total of 7 patients developed local recurrence, with a median time to recurrence of 9 months (Interquartile Range 7–10). Progressive disease was observed in 5 patients (19%). Limb salvage rate was 80%. The overall 2-year survival was 67%. Conclusions: TM-ILP should be considered as an option in patients with locally advanced cSCC in specialised centers, resulting in a high limb salvage rate

    The epidemiologic basis of tetanus in Italy

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    Viene descritta l'epidemiologia del tetano, passata e presente, e si evidenzia come la sua incidenza risenta della presenza sempre più massiccia di vaccinati - un tempo maschi sotto il servizio militare, più di recente entrambi i sessi, grazie alle vaccinazioni dell'infanzia, prima facoltativa ed oggi obbligatoria.The epidemiology of tetanus in Italy is described, both for the past and foe the present, and it is demonstrated that its incidence is influenced by the growing presence of vaccinated subjects in the population, less recently represented only by males attending the military service, more recently by the subjects of both ages vaccinated during infancy, initially on a voluntary basis, later according to the compulsory vaccination started in 1968 for newborns, followed by the compulsory vaccination of selected categories of worker

    The epidemiologic basis of tetanus in Italy

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    Durata dell'immunità antitetanica in relazione al numero di dosi di vaccino

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    Prevalenza dei markers dell'epatite B in un campione di studenti del Corso di laurea in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria.

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