3,693 research outputs found

    3D face recognition using inception networks for service robots

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    The field of face recognition has significantly advanced as deep learning methods, such as those using CNNs, continuously show improvements. However, despite face recognition's promising potential, there are still many concerns regarding privacy and safety. Moreover, the first 2D algorithms, besides having good performance, turned out to be influenced by several factors like the environment's lighting conditions, pose, and facial expression of the subjects, compromising the model's accuracy. This work describes the development of a computer vision system using Deep Learning methods to detect and recognise human faces in 3D in real-time. The RGB images and depth maps from several subjects were captured using an Intel RealSense D455, processed, and consequently provided into two independent CNNs, an Inception-Resnet V1 to deal with the RGB images and an Inception V3 to deal with depth maps. The final algorithm was implemented on the anthropomorphic domestic and healthcare service robot CHARMIE (Collaborative Home Assistant Robot by Minho Industrial Electronics) to perform its tasks according to the recognised user.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. In addition, this work has also been funded through a doctoral scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) [grant number SFRH/BD/06944/2020], with funds from the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the European Social Fund through the Programa Operacional do Capital Humano (POCH)

    Bulimia and binge eating disorder: systematic review and metasynthesis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to identify the scope of qualitative investigations on the life experience of patients with bulimia and binge eating disorder. METHODOLOGY: Searches were conducted using the following databases: PubMed, ISI, PsycInfo, Embase, LILACS and Scielo, for articles published between 1990 and 2005. Inclusion criteria were: 1) articles with main focus on bulimia or binge eating disorders; 2) original research reported in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese; 3) use of any qualitative method, such as interview, focal group or field observation. Exclusion criteria were exclusively theoretical articles and those assessing children or elderly subjects. A meta-ethnographic approach was used to synthesize the data. Each study was carefully read, and their thematic categories were interpreted and compared to the categories of all other studies. RESULTS: Fifteen studies were included of a total of 3,415 articles. Seven overlapping main themes were identified: illness representation; negative feelings (fear, guilt, anger, loneliness, loss of control); positive feelings (self-control, power); symptom function; interpersonal relationships; sociocultural context; recovery. CONCLUSIONS: Although many issues were negative, the overall experience was not reported as being only bad. Some aspects of eating disorders were considered beneficial by the patients.OBJETIVO: Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo organizar o conjunto das informações disponibilizadas pelos estudos qualitativos sobre a vivência dos pacientes portadores de bulimia e transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisas foram conduzidas nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, ISI, PsycINFO, EMBASE, LILACS e SciELO, no período de 1990 a 2005. Critérios de inclusão: 1) artigos com foco principal na bulimia ou transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica; 2) pesquisas originais em inglês, espanhol, francês ou português; 3) uso de qualquer método qualitativo, como entrevista, grupo focal ou observação de campo. Critérios de exclusão: artigos exclusivamente teóricos ou que utilizam população infantil ou da terceira idade. Utilizou-se a abordagem meta-etnográfica para sintetizar os dados. Cada estudo foi lido, e as categorias centrais de cada um foram comparadas e interpretadas com as categorias de todos os outros estudos. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 15 estudos de um total de 3.415 artigos. Sete temas centrais que se sobrepõem foram identificados: representação da doença; sentimentos negativos (medo, culpa, raiva, solidão, perda de controle); sentimentos positivos (auto-controle; poder; função do sintoma; relacionamentos interpessoais; história pessoal; contexto sociocultural; recuperação). CONCLUSÕES: Embora muitos aspectos sejam negativos, a experiência, como um todo, não é referida apenas como má. Alguns aspectos dos transtornos alimentares são sentidos como benéficos, segundo os pacientes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Assessing the solar irradiation potential for solar photovoltaic applications in buildings at low latitudes ¿ Making the case for Brazil

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    In Brazil, a low-latitude country characterized by its high availability and uniformity of solar radiation, the use of PV solar energy integrated in buildings is still incipient. However, at the moment there are several initiatives which give some hints that lead to think that there will be a change shortly. In countries where this technology is already a daily reality, such as Germany, Japan or Spain, the recommendations and basic criteria to avoid losses due to orientation and tilt are widespread. Extrapolating those measures used in high latitudes to all regions, without a previous deeper analysis, is standard practice. They do not always correspond to reality, what frequently leads to false assumptions and may become an obstacle in a country which is taking the first step in this area. In this paper, the solar potential yield for different surfaces in Brazilian cities (located at latitudes between 0° and 30°S) are analyzed with the aim of providing the necessary tools to evaluate the suitability of the buildings’ envelopes for photovoltaic us

    Sistemas silvopastorales en Portugal: perspectivas para o montado, um sistema multifuncional

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    This lecture adresses the MOntado, its history and its role in the Portuguese landscape and also in the Portuguese agricultral sector. It raises the issue of landscape multifunctionality and how this is understaood and follwoed by land managers

    Projeto Orla : estrutura, equipamentos e usos da orla na praia de atalaia em Aracaju/SE

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    A presente obra constitui-se numa análise inicial da pesquisa “PROJETO ORLA: análise dos espaços e equipamentos de esporte e lazer da praia de Atalaia em Aracaju/SE e de suas formas de uso/ocupação”, desenvolvida entre 2010 e 2011 por pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) ligados ao Grupo de Pesquisa “LaboMídia – Laboratório e Observatório da Mídia Esportiva” (Núcleo UFS) e demais colaboradoresRede CEDES/M

    Movimentos oculares rápidos durante o sono paradoxal em pacientes com doença cerebrovascular

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    Rapid eye movements that occur during paradoxical sleep are generated from the brainstem and are modulated by cerebral hemispheres. In an attempt to establish the participation of cerebral hemispheres on rapid eye movements, we carried out a quantitative study of eye movements density in patients bearing hemispheres vascular lesions. The polysomnographic recordings of 24 patients were compared to those of 24 healthy volunteers. Density of rapid eye movements was defined as the porcentage of eye movements during the respective time of paradoxical sleep. Based on the present results, we concluded that: stroke patients with hemispheric lesions displayed increased density of rapid eye movements; there was no difference on the density of rapid eye movements according to the hemispheric lesion; higher density of rapid eye movements was observed in patients with anterior hemispheric lesion.Os movimentos oculares rápidos que ocorrem durante o sono paradoxal são gerados no tronco cerebral e modulados pelos hemisférios cerebrais. Com o objetivo de estabelecer a participação dos hemisférios cerebrais no controle destes movimentos, realizamos estudo quantitativo da densidade dos movimentos oculares em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral. O registro polissonográfico de 24 pacientes com antecedente de doença cerebrovascular foi comparado com o de 24 voluntários sadios. A densidade dos movimentos oculares rápidos foi definida como sendo a porcentagem do tempo de movimentos oculares sobre o tempo de sono paradoxal. Baseados nos resultados pudemos concluir que pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral com lesões hemisféricas mostraram aumento da densidade de movimentos oculares rápidos; não houve diferença na densidade dos movimentos oculares quanto ao hemisfério comprometido; maior densidade foi observada nos pacientes com lesões hemisféricas anteriores.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departament of PsychobiologyUNIFESP, Departament of PsychobiologySciEL

    Analysis of the perception of natural hazards by the members of the University of Alicante

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    Los estudios sobre percepción de riesgos intentan analizar las relaciones afectivas y éticas que una comunidad establece con el ambiente en que vive. Las percepciones ambientales son entendidas como la forma en que cada persona aprecia y valora su entorno. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la percepción de riesgos naturales en los miembros de la comunidad académica de la Universidad de Alicante. Para evaluar la percepción se aplicaron encuestas. Han sido contestadas 80 encuestas, todas por medio electrónico. Los resultados indican que la percepción de las principales amenazas por fenómenos naturales son: las inundaciones, las sequías y los incendios forestales. Se concluye resaltando la importancia de trabajos que aporten información sobre la percepción ambiental, con el fin de hacer más eficiente la aplicación de políticas ambientales.The studies about risk perception try to investigate the relationship affective and ethic that the community established with the environment where they are living. The environmental perception is understood as the way in which each person appreciates and values the environment. This article had as objective to analyse the perception of natural hazards in the members of the academic community of the University of Alicante. To evaluate the perception surveys were applied. The result shows that the perceptions of the main natural phenomena where the respondents live are: floods, droughts and forest fires. The conclusion highlights the importance of work to provide information about environmental perception, in order to streamline the implementation of environmental politics

    AutoQML: Automatic Generation and Training of Robust Quantum-Inspired Classifiers by Using Genetic Algorithms on Grayscale Images

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    We propose a new hybrid system for automatically generating and training quantum-inspired classifiers on grayscale images by using multiobjective genetic algorithms. We define a dynamic fitness function to obtain the smallest possible circuit and highest accuracy on unseen data, ensuring that the proposed technique is generalizable and robust. We minimize the complexity of the generated circuits in terms of the number of entanglement gates by penalizing their appearance. We reduce the size of the images with two dimensionality reduction approaches: principal component analysis (PCA), which is encoded in the individual for optimization purpose, and a small convolutional autoencoder (CAE). These two methods are compared with one another and with a classical nonlinear approach to understand their behaviors and to ensure that the classification ability is due to the quantum circuit and not the preprocessing technique used for dimensionality reduction.Comment: Submitted for review on the 7th of June 202