94 research outputs found

    Correlation from undiluted vitreous cytokines of untreated central retinal vein occlusion with spectral domain optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To correlate inflammatory and proangiogenic key cytokines from undiluted vitreous of treatment-naïve central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) patients with SD-OCT parameters. Methods: Thirty-five patients (age 71.1 years, 24 phakic, 30 nonischemic) underwent intravitreal combination therapy, including a single-site 23-gauge core vitrectomy. Twenty-eight samples from patients with idiopathic, non-uveitis floaterectomy served as controls. Interleukin 6 (IL-6), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) levels were correlated with the visual acuity (logMar), category of CRVO (ischemic or nonischemic) and morphologic parameters, such as central macular thickness-CMT, thickness of neurosensory retina-TNeuro, extent of serous retinal detachment-SRT and disintegrity of the IS/OS and others. Results: The mean IL-6 was 64.7pg/ml (SD ± 115.8), MCP-1 1015.7 ( ± 970.1), and VEGF-A 278.4 ( ± 512.8), which was significantly higher than the control IL-6 6.2 ± 3.4pg/ml (P=0.06), MCP-1 253.2 ± 73.5 (P<0.0000001) and VEGF-A 7.0 ± 4.9 (P<0.0006). All cytokines correlated highly with one another (correlation coefficient r=0.82 for IL-6 and MCP-1; r=0.68 for Il-6 and VEGF-A; r=0.64 for MCP-1 and VEGF-A). IL-6 correlated significantly with CMT, TRT, SRT, dIS/OS, and dELM. MCP-1 correlated significantly with SRT, dIS/OS, and dELM. VEGF-A correlated not with changes in SD-OCT, while it had a trend to be higher in the ischemic versus the nonischemic CRVO group (P=0.09). Conclusions: The inflammatory cytokines were more often correlated with morphologic changes assessed by SD-OCT, whereas VEGF-A did not correlate with CRVO-associated changes in SD-OCT. VEGF inhibition alone may not be sufficient in decreasing the inflammatory response in CRVO therapy

    Prediction of apparent digestibility of hays from natural pastures of the Northeast region of Portugal

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    In the Northeast region of Portugal hays from natural pastures are traditionally used as the main feed during the period of drought and the evaluation of its nutritive value is essential. The aim of this study was to predict the apparent organic matter digestibility (OMD) of 21 hays from natural pastures based on chemical composition, pepsin-cellulase solubility of organic matter (OMS) and in vitro organic matter digestibility. Chemical composition of hays showed a wide range of values and acid detergent lignin (ADL) was the component that presented the highest variation (CV = 18.4%). The OMD varied between 516 and 658 g/kg OM. The best single OMD predictor was OMS (RSD = 2.8%, R2 = 0.52, P<0.001). Using multiple regression to predict OMD, the variables included in the model were OMS and ADL (OMD = 21.51 + 0.94 OMS – 0.83 ADL; RSD = 2.75%; R2 = 0.54; P<0.0001). According to principal component analysis (PCA) hays were divided in 3 groups and the multiple regression established for the larger group of hays (n=10) was: OMD = 4.13 + 0.85 OMS – 1.03 ADL; RSD = 2.13%, R2 = 0.77, P<0.0001. The OMS method was superior to chemical composition and to the in vitro rumen fluid method in predicting OMD of hays from natural pastures. Results from PCA suggested that it may be useful to group these hays according to its chemical composition to accurately predict OMD

    On the Electronic Structure of a Recently Synthesized Graphene-like BCN Monolayer from bis-BN Cyclohexane: A DFT Study

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    Since the rising of graphene, boron nitride monolayers have been deeply studied due to their structural similarity with the former. A hexagonal graphene-like boron-carbon-nitrogen (h-BCN) monolayer was synthesized recently using bis-BN cyclohexane (B2N2C2H12) as a precursor molecule. Herein, we investigated the electronic and structural properties of this novel BCN material, in the presence of single-atom (boron, carbon, or nitrogen) vacancies, by employing density functional theory calculations. The stability of these vacancy-endowed structures is verified from cohesion energy calculations. Results showed that a carbon atom vacancy strongly distorts the lattice leading to breaking on its planarity and bond reconstructions. The single-atom vacancies induce the appearance of flat midgap states. A significant degree of charge localization takes place in the vicinity of these defects. It was observed a spontaneous magnetization only for the boron-vacancy case, with a magnetic dipole moment about 0.87 mu_B. Our calculations predicted a direct electronic bandgap value of about 1.14 eV, which is in good agreement with the experimental one. Importantly, this bandgap value is intermediate between gapless graphene and insulating h-BN.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic and Structural Properties of Janus SMoSe/MoX2_2 (X=S,Se) In-plane Heterojunctions: A DFT Study

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    The electronic and structural properties of Janus MoSSe/MoX2_2 (X=S,Se) in-plane heterojunctions, endowed with single-atom vacancies, were studied using density functional theory calculations. The stability of these structures was verified from cohesion energy calculations. Results showed that single-atom vacancies induce the appearance of flat midgap states, and a substantial amount of charge is localized in the vicinity of these defects. As a consequence, these heterojunctions presented an intrinsic dipole moment. No bond reconstructions were noted by removing an atom from the lattice, regardless of its chemical species. Our calculations predicted indirect electronic bandgap values between 1.6-1.7 eV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 Figure

    Características agronômicas de progênies de cafeeiro em área infestada por Meloidogyne paranaensis

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    The use of genetic materials Coffea sp. resistance to M. paranaensis with good agronomic performance can able to maintain coffee production activities in infested areas. The aim of this research was characterize the agronomic performance of coffee progenies and the reaction to M. paranaensis. The trial was carried out at Guaiçara farm located in the city of Piumhi- MG in February 2012. 21 progenies of F5 generation derived from the crossing of Catuaí Vermelho X Amphilo MR and three commercial cultivars used as control (Catuaí IAC 62, Mundo Novo 379-19 and IPR 100) were evaluated in randomized complete block design with four replicates with the plot size of 3.0 x 0.5 m where each plot comprises 8 plants. The response of genotypes in relation to M. paranaensis was evaluated during the dry (July) and rainy season (November) of 2014. Productivity (bags ha-1), yield, percentage of empty locules, sieve grading percentage (%) were evaluated in the cropping season of 2013/2014. Pearson correlation coefficient was estimated among the variables PGR, NR, NA and productivity. The analysis of variance and mean separation test of Skott-Knott at 5% probability was done to detect the significance difference among the genotypes. There is the possibility of using this parameter to screen the coffee seedlings when a large amount of genetic materials were evaluated. Progenies MG 0179-1-R1-1051 and MG0176-2-R2-943 presented good agronomic characteristics in areas infested with M. paranaensis.O uso de material genético de Coffea sp. com resistencia a M. paranaensis aliado ao bom desempenho agronômico possibilita a manutenção da atividade cafeeira em áreas infestadas. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, caracterizar o desempenho agronômico de progênies de cafeeiro e a reação ao M. paranaensis. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Guaiçara, em fevereiro de 2012, situada no Município de Piumhi-MG. Foram avaliadas 21 progênies, em geração F5, resultantes do cruzamento entre material do grupo Catuaí Vermelho X Amphillo MR, Amphillo MR X Híbrido Natural e Catuaí Vermelho X Híbrido de Timor e três cultivares comerciais utilizadas como testemunhas (Catuaí IAC 62, Mundo Novo 379-19 e IPR 100). O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, totalizando 96 parcelas, sendo cada parcela constituída por 8 plantas, no espaçamento de 3,0 x 0,5 m. As características nematológicas referentes ao comportamento genético das progênies ao M. paranaensis, foram avaliadas na estação de seca (julho) e chuvosa (novembro) de 2014. A produtividade (sacas. ha-1), rendimento, porcentagem de frutos chochos (%), classificação do café por peneira (%) foram avaliados na safra de 2013/2014. Efetuou-se a análise de correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis PGR, NR, NA e Produtividade. Foi realizada a análise de variância e detectando diferenças significativas, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Skott-Knott, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Há possibilidade de avaliar as plantas de café baseando-se na caracterização sintomatológica do sistema radicular, para screening, em experimentos de grandes volumes de materiais genéticos. As progênies MG 0179-1-R1 1051 e MG 0176-2-R2-943 apresentaram boas características agronômicas, em área infestada por M. paranaensis

    Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare

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    [EN] Sheep and goat extensive production systems are very important in the context of global food security and the use of rangelands that have no alternative agricultural use. In such systems, there are enormous challenges to address. These include, for instance, classical production issues, such as nutrition or reproduction, as well as carbon-efficient systems within the climate-change context. An adequate response to these issues is determinant to economic and environmental sustainability. The answers to such problems need to combine efficiently not only the classical production aspects, but also the increasingly important health, welfare, and environmental aspects in an integrated fashion. The purpose of the study was to review the application of technological developments, in addition to remote-sensing in tandem with other state-of-the-art techniques that could be used within the framework of extensive production systems of sheep and goats and their impact on nutrition, production, and ultimately, the welfare of these species. In addition to precision livestock farming (PLF), these include other relevant technologies, namely omics and other areas of relevance in small-ruminant extensive production: heat stress, colostrum intake, passive immunity, newborn survival, biomarkers of metabolic disease diagnosis, and parasite resistance breeding. This work shows the substantial, dynamic nature of the scientific community to contribute to solutions that make extensive production systems of sheep and goats more sustainable, efficient, and aligned with current concerns with the environment and welfareSIThe CECAV authors acknowledge financial support of the research unit, which was financed by the National Funds from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), project number UIDB/CVT/00772/2020. Financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal) in the form of infrastructural funding to LEAF (UID/AGR/04129) and PhD grants SFRH/BD/143992/2019 (DM Ribeiro) and 2021.07638.BD (L Sacarrão-Birrento). Author L.E.H.C. acknowledges funding from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) (RYC2019- 027064-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Development of a new tissue injector for subretinal transplantation of human embryonic stem cell derived retinal pigmented epithelium

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    Background: Subretinal cell transplantation is a challenging surgical maneuver. This paper describes the preliminary findings of a new tissue injector for subretinal implantation of an ultrathin non-absorbable substrate seeded with human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium (hESC-RPE). Methods: Ultrathin Parylene-C substrates measuring 3.5 mm × 6.0 mm seeded with hESC-RPE (implant referred to as CPCB-RPE1) were implanted into the subretinal space of 12 Yucatan minipigs. Animals were euthanized immediately after the procedure and underwent spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and histological analysis to assess the subretinal placement of the implant. Evaluation of the hESC-RPE cells seeded on the substrate was carried out before and after implantation using standard cell counting techniques. Results: The tissue injector delivered the CPCB-RPE1 implant through a 1.5 mm sclerotomy and a 1.0–1.5 mm retinectomy. SD-OCT scans and histological examination revealed that substrates were precisely placed in the subretinal space, and that the hESC-RPE cell monolayer continued to cover the surface of the substrate after the surgical procedure. Conclusion: This innovative tissue injector was able to efficiently deliver the implant in the subretinal space of Yucatan minipigs, preventing significant hESC-RPE cell loss, minimizing tissue trauma, surgical complications and postoperative inflammation