21 research outputs found

    Developing a Plastic Waste Management Program: From River Basins to Urban Beaches (Case Study)

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    Solid waste accumulation in coastal environments has been a growing concern. In the coastal megacity of Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, plastic waste issues currently exist both at the ocean scale and river basin scale. The city is known as the 'Brazilian Venice' thanks to the Capibaribe River, which crosses many neighborhoods, running in a west-east direction into the Atlantic Ocean. This paper provides the initial basis to develop a Plastic Waste Management Program proposal for implementation in the city of Recife, given the lack of resolutions that have looked at plastic waste management through integrated water environment scales (from river basin to ocean). The methodology used included articulation and documental collection from four main public agencies from the state/city and stakeholders. The results showed its relevance for better plastic waste management in Recife, considering an integrated water environment on a river basin-to-ocean scale by using the recognized major connected water environments (Capibaribe river and Boa Viagem beach). Similar integrated program proposals could be made for other coastal areas, enabling not only the identification of fragilities but also the exchange of information regarding the theme

    Etnobotânica e medicina popular no tratamento de malária e males associados na comunidade ribeirinha Julião – baixo Rio Negro (Amazônia Central)

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    RESUMO A utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de doenças tropicais como a malária na Amazônia Central é de suma importância, principalmente em locais onde o sistema único de saúde não se encontra presente como na maioria das comunidades ribeirinhas desta região. Sendo assim, investigar e resgatar o conhecimento popular a respeito de plantas medicinais utilizadas no tratamento de malária e males associados pelos moradores da comunidade Julião situada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé, Manaus-AM, torna-se importante no registro de como as populações locais se previnem e tratam essa doença tão prevalente e perigosa na região. O trabalho foi conduzido na forma de oficinas participativas, segregadas por gênero e complementadas com entrevistas semiestruturadas aliadas à técnica da turnê-guiada nos quintais e floresta adjacente à comunidade. Foram calculados os índices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener, equitabilidade e concordância quanto ao uso principal (CUP). A partir da colaboração efetiva de 13 comunitários foram registradas 62 espécies vegetais pertencentes a 53 gêneros e 34 famílias botânicas que resultaram em índice de diversidade (H’) de 1,62 decits e equitabilidade de 0,9. As famílias mais representativas foram: Fabaceae (7 espécies), Asteraceae e Lamiaceae (4 espécies cada) e Solanaceae e Rutaceae (3 espécies cada). Vale destacar que 16 espécies (25,8%) foram citadas para tratamento de malária e males associados pela primeira vez em estudos etnobotânicos realizados na América Latina

    Floristic composition and community structure of epiphytic angiosperms in a terra firme forest in central Amazonia

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    This survey aimed to describe the floristic composition and structure of the epiphytic community occurring in a terra firme forest in the city of Coari, Brazil, in the Amazon region. Data collection was performed with a 1.5 ha plot method, with which upland, slope and lowland habitats were sampled. All angiosperm epiphytes and their host plants (diameter at breast height > 10 cm) were sampled. We recorded 3.528 individuals in 13 families, 48 genera and 164 species. Araceae was the most prevalent family with regard to the importance value and stood out in all related parameters, followed by Bromeliaceae, Cyclanthaceae and Orchidaceae. The species with the highest epiphytic importance values were Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez. and Philodendron linnaei Kunth. The predominant life form was hemiepiphytic. Estimated floristic diversity was 3.2 (H'). The studied epiphytic community was distributed among 727 host plants belonging to 40 families, 123 genera and 324 species. One individual of Guarea convergens T.D. Penn. was the host with the highest richness and abundance of epiphytes. Stems/trunks of host plants were the most colonized segments, and the most favorable habitat for epiphytism was the lowlands, where 84.1% of species and 48.2% of epiphytic specimens were observed

    Plantas medicinais de um remascente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Altomontana, Urupema, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Avanços nas pesquisas etnobotânicas no Brasil

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    Vitalism as an Epistemological Obstacle to Biochemical Knowledge

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    This work resulted from the study of Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology in the Logic and Philosophy of Science discipline, Biochemistry Graduate Program, UFRJ, which lead to discussions of epistemological obstacles on biochemical knowledge construction. The aim was to identify barriers to scientific knowledge development in the praxis of graduate students of biochemistry and correlated areas, emphasizing the vitalist (animist) and teleological (unitary and pragmatic obstacles) conceptions. In order to verify whether students, which never attended classes in epistemology, agree or are able to identify the vitalist conception, a questionnaire containing also selected excerpts of scientific papers in high impact factor journals was delivered to thirty graduating students from different courses at UFRJ and other Brazilian universities. Not only those conceptions were accepted or were not recognized, but it was also possible to observe a vitalist approach in the answers. We could also perceive a pragmatic and teleological vision of the evolution process, expressed in apologies of immanent purposes in organisms adaptations. Considering these facts, it is clear the necessity to emphasize the material, non-teleological character of biochemistry/biology, especially in disciplines offered in under-graduate courses