40 research outputs found

    Modelação acoplada dos estuários do Tejo e do Sado e padrões de mesoescala associados

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    Mestrado em Ciências do Mar e das Zonas CosteirasGiven the close proximity between the Tagus and Sado estuaries, it is understandable that these two hydrodynamic systems have their discharges on the same coastal region. Several studies focus on the investigation of the complex circulation at the mouth of Tagus or Sado estuaries, however, the interaction between these two systems is not taken into account and there are no studies which contemplate the interaction between the two estuaries. With this objective, the three-dimensional model Delft3D-Flow was implemented in order to investigate the complex flows in Tagus and Sado estuaries and adjacent shelf. The numerical model was calibrated and validated using sea surface height, currents, salinity and water temperature data, and then applied to research the role of river discharge and wind effects under mesoscale currents and coastal dynamics at open ocean boundaries on the plumes interaction. The chosen period was the winter of 2009-2010. To examine the response of the estuarine plumes to different wind directions, five scenarios of moderate winds were considered blowing from each of the main four compass points, and with the absence of wind. Through the use of two distinct tracers, three different idealized scenarios were chosen: low, moderate and high Tagus and Sado river discharges. The results showed an evidence of estuarine plumes, filaments and mesoscale eddies caused by the interactions between the estuaries and the nearby coastal region. The obtained results also reveal a intrusion caused by the Sado plume in Tagus estuary after a 10-day simulation. This pattern was not observed for Tagus plume. It was also observed that the Sado estuarine water propagates to Tagus estuary in just 36 hours with coastal dynamics, when compared to the mesoscale currents forcing took around 120 hours. In summary, the model application developed in this study contributed to the characterization and understanding of the interaction between Tagus and Sado estuary’s, and in which conditions these occur.Dada a proximidade entre os estuários do Tejo e do Sado, é reconhecido que as descargas destes estuários ocorrem na mesma região costeira. O conhecimento atual relativo à hidrodinâmica dos estuários do Tejo e do Sado resulta maioritariamente da exploração de resultados de modelos numéricos, que descrevem as propriedades físicas e padrões gerados pelas correntes de maré e descargas fluviais. Não obstante, verificou-se que a interação entre estes dois sistemas não é considerada, não havendo esforços no sentido de estudar os dois sistemas simultaneamente, bem como de descrever as relações que partilham e identificar as mútuas influências a nível dinâmico. Com este objetivo, foi implementado o modelo numérico tridimensional Delft3D-Flow, de forma a investigar a dinâmica do estuário do Tejo, do Sado e da região costeira adjacente. O modelo numérico foi calibrado e validado com a altura de maré, correntes, salinidade e temperatura da água, sendo aplicado para a investigação do efeito das descargas fluviais e do efeito do vento na interação das plumas destes estuários. O período escolhido para as simulações foi o Inverno de 2009-2010. Foram impostos dois tipos de forçamentos na fronteira aberta oceânica, um que comtempla as correntes de mesoescala e outro apenas a dinâmica costeira. Foram considerados cinco cenários para ventos moderados nos quatro principais quadrantes e para a ausência deste. Através do uso de dois traçadores distintos, foram escolhidos três cenários idealizados com descargas baixas, moderadas e altas dos rios Tejo e Sado. Os resultados evidenciaram a presença de plumas estuarinas, filamentos e eddies causados pela interação entre os estuários e a região costeira. Os resultados obtidos revelam ainda uma intrusão da pluma estuarina do Sado no estuário do Tejo após descargas fluviais significativas durante dez dias, contudo, este padrão não foi observado na pluma estuarina do Tejo. Foi ainda observado que a água estuarina do Sado se propaga para o estuário do Tejo em apenas 36 horas com apenas a dinâmica costeira, ao passo que com as correntes de mesoescala só se observou a intrusão após 120 horas. Sumariamente, o modelo desenvolvido para este estudo contribuiu para a caracterização e compreensão da interação entre os estuários do Tejo e Sado, e definição das condições em que esta ocorre

    Aprovechamiento de la energía undimotriz a lo largo de la costa gallega

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]Se ha calculado el recurso undimotriz a lo largo de la costa gallega (noroeste de España) durante el periodo 2014-2021 usando datos horarios de alta resolución espacial procedentes del modelo Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN). Además, se analizó la potencia eléctrica (PE) y el rendimiento que puede obtenerse del conversor de energía undimotriz (WEC) Wave Dragon. El rendimiento del Wave Dragon se calculó atendiendo a dos parámetros: el factor de carga de potencia (ε) y el ancho de captura normalizado respecto a la geometría del WEC (eficiencia). Los resultados muestran que el recurso undimotriz es menor que 10 kWm-1 cerca de la costa, pero aumenta hasta 55 kWm-1 en mar abierto. Wave Dragon presenta valores de PE menores a 500 kW en el interior de las rías y ~2200 kW en mar abierto. Además, alcanza valores de 25−30% en la costa noroeste y la eficiencia alcanza hasta el 40% en la costa oeste. Debido a su profundidad óptima de operación y a los resultados obtenidos, Wave Dragon parece ser una buena opción para aprovechar la energía undimotriz en la costa gallega.[EN]The wave power resource (WP) has been calculated along the Galician coast (NW Spain) over the period 2014-2021 using high spatial resolution hourly data from the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model. In addition, the electrical power energy (PE) that can be extracted for the Wave Dragon wave energy converter (WEC) was analyzed. The performance of Wave Dragon has also been calculated attending to two parameters: the power load factor (ε) and the normalized capture width with respect to the WEC’s geometry (efficiency). Results show that the WP resource is lower than 10 kWm-1 onshore but it increases to about 55 kWm-1 offshore. Wave Dragon presents PE values less than 500 kW inside the estuaries and ~2200 kW offshore. Additionally, ε reaches values of 25−30% on the Northwest Coast and the efficiency reaches up to 40% on the West Coast. Due to its optimum operating depth and the results obtained, Wave Dragon seems to be a good option to implement wave energy on the Galician coast

    Resiliência e utilização sustentável das infraestruturas portuárias da costa oeste Ibérica: desafios climáticos

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    Ports have a significant impact on the economic activity in coastal areas and are linked with several port-related emissions sources of local pollution. Future climate change projections indicate that the frequency and intensity of extreme sea levels (ESL), a combination of the mean sea level, astronomical tide, and storm surge, as well as waves and river discharges, will increase with impacts on the port’s reliability and operability. In the last decades, various efforts have been made to take climate action by pursuing affordable and clean energy to ports to counter the high demands on fossil energies. The port activities and structures make the ports challenging to be inclusive and promote sustainable development with resilient infrastructure and innovation. The Northwest Iberian Coast (NWIC) is crossed by one of the most important and busiest shipping lanes of the Atlantic Ocean and features several ports that provide an essential gateway for Europe. The ports of Aveiro, Lisbon, Vigo and A Coruña Outer Port are considered in this work due to their location in different environments, namely the Aveiro lagoon, Tagus estuary, Ria de Vigo and the A Coruña coast, respectively, which brings distinct challenges related to climate change local impact. Drawing on the above, this study is based on the conceptual analysis of historical, present and future climate, aiming to assess the climate change impact on West Iberian Coast port structures and the feasibility of new energy resources to reduce the ports carbon footprint. In this context, high-resolution hydrodynamic models were developed for the northwest Iberian coast (NWIC) and for each port area under study, based on the DELFT3D model suite, in order to accurately research the impact of climate change in the ports' structures and assess the marine energy resources available in the NWIC to promote the low- or zero-carbon port activities. The energy resource assessment was performed by applying a Delphi method based on physical point of view indices to facilitate the classification of the viability of exploiting the hybrid wind-wave energy and wave energy resource along with the NWIC. A study of the efficiency and cost of energy over the life-cycle of two wave energy devices (WEC) to exemplify a planned wave energy farm was also performed. This approach allowed the identification of the offshore areas with the highest energy surrounding a port and showed the variability between WECs to exploit the wave energy resource available. The local models were used to assess the risk of flooding at the port facilities for the current and future climate, under climate change scenarios for return periods of 10, 25 and 100 years. In the case of the Outer Port of A Coruña, overtopping in extreme weather conditions was also studied through the application of the non-hydrostatic XBeach model. Based on this implementation, a local operational model was developed, which constitutes a risk analysis tool for predicting infrastructure overtopping in conditions of high energetic waves, and consequently, to prevent and overcome losses of property and human safety. In general, conditions for the exploitation of wave and hybrid wind-wave energy will decrease by the end of the century due to the increase in energy variability. The risk factor will also increase due to the major frequency of extreme ocean waves. Despite this, the energy resource is classified as excellent along the NWIC where Aveiro and Lisbon Ports are located, and as outstanding in the NW extreme of the NWIC, close to Vigo and A Coruña Outer Ports. In addition, the ports can use WECs to exploit wave energy close to their facilities, even when the available resource is low. The flood pattern varies significantly according to the location of the ports. Lagoons and estuaries are more prone to floods by the ESL due to the low and flat topography. Ria de Vigo, with irregular topography and sheltered by the Cíes Islands, makes the Vigo port resilient to floods by the climate drivers. This resilience is more evident for the A Coruña Outer port, where no floods occurred. However, this port relies on a breakwater to protect the facilities from hazardous weather, which may cause overtopping under high energetic waves.Os portos têm um forte impacto na atividade económica das regiões costeiras onde estão inseridos, constituindo também fontes locais de poluição associados a várias fontes de emissões. As projeções de alterações no sistema climático indicam que a frequência e a intensidade nos níveis extremos do mar (ESL), compostos pela combinação do nível médio do mar, da maré astronómica e da maré meteorológica, juntamente com a agitação marítima e os caudais fluviais irão aumentar, afetando a fiabilidade e operabilidade dos portos. Nas últimas décadas, vários esforços têm sido feitos de forma a serem tomadas ações para contrariar as alterações climáticas, através do uso de energias limpas e viáveis para os portos de forma a contrariar o elevado uso de energias fósseis. As atividades e estruturas portuárias tornam os portos um desafio para serem inclusivos e promoverem um desenvolvimento sustentável através de infraestruturas resilientes e inovação. A costa Noroeste Ibérica (NWIC) é atravessada por uma das rotas marítimas mais importantes e movimentadas do Oceano Atlântico, tendo vários portos que constituem uma porta de entrada essencial para a Europa. Os portos de Lisboa, Aveiro, Vigo e o Porto Exterior da Corunha são analisados neste trabalho devido a estarem localizados em diferentes ambientes costeiros, nomeadamente a Ria de Aveiro, o Estuário do Tejo, a Ria de Vigo e a Costa da Corunha, respetivamente, o que traz desafios distintos relacionados com o impacto local das alterações climáticas. Com base no exposto, este estudo assenta na análise conceptual do clima histórico, presente e futuro, com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto das alterações climáticas nas estruturas portuárias da Costa Oeste Ibérica e a viabilidade de novos recursos energéticos para reduzir a pegada de carbono dos portos. Neste âmbito foram desenvolvidos modelos hidrodinâmicos de elevada resolução para a NWIC e para cada zona portuária em estudo, baseados no DELFT3D model suite, visando analisar o impacto das alterações climáticas nas estruturas portuárias e avaliar os recursos de energia marinha disponíveis na NWIC, de forma a promover atividades portuárias com emissões de carbono baixas ou nulas. Esta avaliação foi realizada através da aplicação do método Delphi, que se baseia em índices de parâmetros físicos, de forma a facilitar a classificação da viabilidade de exploração da energia das ondas e da energia híbrida eólica-ondas na NWIC. Foi ainda analisada a eficiência e o custo da energia no ciclo de vida de dois dispositivos que usam a energia das ondas (WEC) de forma a exemplificar um parque de energia das ondas. Os modelos locais foram utilizados para avaliar o risco de inundação nas instalações portuárias para o clima atual e futuro, em cenários de alterações climáticas para períodos de retorno de 10, 25 e 100 anos. No caso do Porto Exterior da Corunha foi ainda estudado o galgamento em condições climáticas extremas através da aplicação do modelo não hidrostático XBeach. Com base nesta implementação foi desenvolvido um modelo operacional local, que constitui uma ferramenta de análise do risco para previsão do galgamento de infraestruturas em condições de regime de ondas muito energéticas, e consequentemente, para prevenir e suprir danos humanos e materiais. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a identificação das zonas marinhas com maior potencial energético nas regiões circundantes dos portos, mostrando a variabilidade dos WECs na exploração da energia das ondas. De uma forma geral, as condições de exploração da energia das ondas e do recurso híbrido eólica-ondas irão diminuir até ao final do século devido ao aumento da variabilidade da disponibilidade do recurso. O risco de exploração irá aumentar devido à maior frequência de ocorrência das ondas extremas. Apesar destas condições, o recurso energético é classificado como excelente na NWIC onde se situam os portos de Aveiro e Lisboa, e como excecional nas proximidades do Porto Exterior da Corunha e do porto de Vigo, no extremo noroeste da NWIC. Adicionalmente, os portos podem usar WECs para explorar a energia das ondas perto das suas instalações, mesmo quando o recurso disponível é baixo. Relativamente aos padrões de inundação, verifica-se que variam significativamente de acordo com a localização dos portos. De facto, as lagunas e os estuários são mais propensos a inundações pelo ESL devido à sua topografia plana e com cotas baixas. A Ria de Vigo, que apresenta uma topografia irregular e é protegida pelas ilhas Cíes, propicia condições naturais para que o porto de Vigo seja resiliente a inundações. Esta resiliência é ainda mais evidente no Porto Exterior da Corunha, onde não ocorrem inundações devido à existência de um dique de proteção contra tempestades. No entanto, podem ocorrer inundações causadas por galgamentos quando ocorrem ondas caracterizadas por elevada energia. Os resultados do modelo XBeach revelam que o galgamento poderá aumentar no futuro perante ondas mais energéticas.Programa Doutoral em Ciência, Tecnologia e Gestão do Ma

    Estado da arte sobre a interacção de microorganismos com o sistema do plasminogénio

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    Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas.Tem-se verificado que uma vasta gama de microorganismos tem aumentado as suas capacidades invasivas ao usar vários componentes do sistema do plasminogénio do hospedeiro. De facto, a interacção entre diferentes microorganismos e o sistema do plasminogénio tem sido descrito desde 1930. As observações iniciais, feitas por Tillet e Garner em 1933, mostraram a capacidade dos Streptococcus gerarem actividade fibrinolítica levando estes investigadores a sugerir que esta estivesse correlacionada com a extensão da infecção. De facto, esta hipótese foi posteriormente confirmada com vários microorganismos. Assim, diversos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de interpretar estas interacções com os vários componentes do sistema do plasminogénio. Vários tipos de bactérias, parasitas, fungos e vírus afectam a regulação do sistema do plasminogénio interagindo com o plasminogénio/plasmina e seus reguladores, de forma a aumentar a concentração de plasmina nas suas imediações. A interacção com este sistema pode promover o dano dos componentes da matriz extracelular, bem como aumentar a capacidade de disseminação, dos microorganismos, por diferentes tecidos e órgãos e assim aumentar a sua invasividade. It has been reported that a wide range of microorganisms increase their invasive ability by using multiple components of the plasminogen system of the host. In fact, the interaction between different microorganisms and the plasminogen system has been described since 1930. The initial observations made by Tillet and Garner in 1933, showed the ability of Streptococcus to generate fibrinolytic activity leading these researchers to suggest that this fact was correlated with the extent of infection. Indeed, this hypothesis was later confirmed by several microorganisms. Thus, several studies have been developed in order to interpret these interactions with the components of the plasminogen system. In this way, it has been described that several types of bacteria, parasites, fungus and virus affect the regulation of the plasminogen system. The pathogens interact with plasminogen/plasmin and its regulators in order to acquire a surface proteolitic plasmin-like activity. Generation of pathogen-bound plasmin, not regulated by physiological inhibitors, can be targeted to fibrin clots and increasing adhesion to basal membranes and extracellular matrices. This increased adhesion promotes the damage of extracellular matrix components and increases the capacity to spread through tissue barriers enhancing their invasiveness

    Estado da arte sobre a interacção de microorganismos com o sistema do plasminogénio

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    Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas.Tem-se verificado que uma vasta gama de microorganismos tem aumentado as suas capacidades invasivas ao usar vários componentes do sistema do plasminogénio do hospedeiro. De facto, a interacção entre diferentes microorganismos e o sistema do plasminogénio tem sido descrito desde 1930. As observações iniciais, feitas por Tillet e Garner em 1933, mostraram a capacidade dos Streptococcus gerarem actividade fibrinolítica levando estes investigadores a sugerir que esta estivesse correlacionada com a extensão da infecção. De facto, esta hipótese foi posteriormente confirmada com vários microorganismos. Assim, diversos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de interpretar estas interacções com os vários componentes do sistema do plasminogénio. Vários tipos de bactérias, parasitas, fungos e vírus afectam a regulação do sistema do plasminogénio interagindo com o plasminogénio/plasmina e seus reguladores, de forma a aumentar a concentração de plasmina nas suas imediações. A interacção com este sistema pode promover o dano dos componentes da matriz extracelular, bem como aumentar a capacidade de disseminação, dos microorganismos, por diferentes tecidos e órgãos e assim aumentar a sua invasividade. It has been reported that a wide range of microorganisms increase their invasive ability by using multiple components of the plasminogen system of the host. In fact, the interaction between different microorganisms and the plasminogen system has been described since 1930. The initial observations made by Tillet and Garner in 1933, showed the ability of Streptococcus to generate fibrinolytic activity leading these researchers to suggest that this fact was correlated with the extent of infection. Indeed, this hypothesis was later confirmed by several microorganisms. Thus, several studies have been developed in order to interpret these interactions with the components of the plasminogen system. In this way, it has been described that several types of bacteria, parasites, fungus and virus affect the regulation of the plasminogen system. The pathogens interact with plasminogen/plasmin and its regulators in order to acquire a surface proteolitic plasmin-like activity. Generation of pathogen-bound plasmin, not regulated by physiological inhibitors, can be targeted to fibrin clots and increasing adhesion to basal membranes and extracellular matrices. This increased adhesion promotes the damage of extracellular matrix components and increases the capacity to spread through tissue barriers enhancing their invasiveness

    Flooding conditions at Aveiro Port (Portugal) within the framework of projected climate change

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    Ports constitute a significant influence in the economic activity in coastal areas through operations and infrastructures to facilitate land and maritime transport of cargo. Ports are located in a multi-dimensional environment facing ocean and river hazards. Higher warming scenarios indicate Europe’s ports will be exposed to higher risk due to the increase in extreme sea levels (ESL), a combination of the mean sea level, tide, and storm surge. Located on the west Iberia Peninsula, the Aveiro Port is located in a coastal lagoon exposed to ocean and river flows, contributing to higher flood risk. This study aims to assess the flood extent for Aveiro Port for historical (1979–2005), near future (2026–2045), and far future (2081–2099) periods scenarios considering different return periods (10, 25, and 100-year) for the flood drivers, through numerical simulations of the ESL, wave regime, and riverine flows simultaneously. Spatial maps considering the flood extent and calculated area show that most of the port infrastructures’ resilience to flooding is found under the historical period, with some marginal floods. Under climate change impacts, the port flood extent gradually increases for higher return periods, where most of the terminals are at high risk of being flooded for the far-future period, whose contribution is primarily due to mean sea-level rise and storm surges.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BD/114919/2016Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. CEECIND/00459/2018Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi | Ref. UIDP/50017/2020European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) | Ref. H2020, CA1710

    Circulation and Transport Processes during an Extreme Freshwater Discharge Event at the Tagus Estuary

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    During the winter of 2013, the Tagus estuary was under the influence of intense winds and extreme freshwater discharge that changed its hydrodynamics and, consequently, the salt and heat transport. Moreover, the dynamics of the estuary may change due to climate change which will increase the frequency of heat waves and increase the mean sea level. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to study the impact of the future increase in air temperature and mean sea level under extreme events, such as that in the winter of 2013, to ascertain the foreseen changes in water properties transport within the estuary and near coastal zone. Several scenarios were developed and explored, using the Delft3D model suite, considering the results of the CMIP6 report as forcing conditions. Before the event, the mixing region of the estuary presented well-mixed conditions and its marine area a slight stratification. During the event, the estuary was filled with freshwater and the mixing region migrated toward the coast, leading to lower water temperature values inside the estuary. SLR has a higher impact on the salinity and stratification patterns than the air temperature increase. The response of water temperature is directly related to the increase in air temperature. The estuary mouth and the shallow regions will be more prone to changes than the upstream region of the estuary. The projected changes are directly linked to the future CO2 emissions scenarios, being intensive with the highest emission scenario

    Harnessing of different WECs to harvest wave energy along the Galician Coast (NW Spain)

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    The wave power resource (WP) was calculated along the Galician coast (NW Spain) over the period 2014–2021 using high spatial resolution hourly data from the SWAN model. In addition, the electrical energy (PE) that can be extracted for a particular wave energy converter (WEC) was analyzed for four different WECs (Oyster, Atargis, Aqua Buoy, and Pelamis). The performance of every WEC was also calculated attending to two parameters: the power load factor (ε) and the normalized capture width with respect to the WEC’s geometry (efficiency). Results show that the WP resource is lower than 10 kWm−1 onshore, but it increases to about 50 kWm−1 offshore. Atargis obtained the highest PE, and it is the most efficient device (ε ~40% and efficiency ~45%). Pelamis showed the lowest performance in offshore areas (ε ~15%, efficiency < 10%). A different type of WEC should be considered for every location along the coast depending on its size, performance parameters, and coexistence with other socio-economic activities and protected environmental areas.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-113245RB-I00Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. LA/P/0094/2020Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. IJC2020-043745-

    The Importance of Soil Elevation and Hydroperiods in Salt Marsh Vegetation Zonation: A Case Study of Ria de Aveiro

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    Salt marshes are among the most valuable ecosystems on earth; however, previous research has reported global losses in their extent accompanied by an impairment of their ecological processes. Nonetheless, investigations on salt marsh vegetation ecology are still lacking in many sites, including in Ria de Aveiro. As such, this study aimed to (1) monitor, characterize, and understand the evolution of salt marsh vegetation communities at three different study sites with different environmental conditions and stages of degradation, where we also sought to (2) identify the main delimiting abiotic factors associated with the distribution of the main species. To do so, a multidisciplinary approach that involved the survey of vegetation from permanent transects and the collection of ecological, physicochemical, and hydrodynamic data at sampling points within the monospecific stands of the main species was reported. The results showed that, of the abiotic factors deemed as the main delimiting forces of salt marsh vegetation, the soil elevation and hydroperiod were the most restrictive factors, as they ultimately influenced species composition at the different study sites and explained most of the variation observed between the studied monospecific stands