10 research outputs found


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    The main aim of this research paper is to identify the different perspectives of students and teachers from two SEE countries on the case learning method in local case study competitions. This research investigates the benefits and challenges of participating in case study competitions for students and mentors. Previous research is extended to include the teachersā€™ perspectives. Qualitative research has been conducted in Serbia and Croatia to obtain a better insight into the perspectives of all parties involved. Students are found to have difficulties with time management and identifying financial and sales implications of marketing strategies. Mentors, on the other hand, emphasize that students have difficulties with negotiation skills and identifying financial and sales implications of the marketing strategy recommended.Recommendations on how to improve learning through case study competitions are made. They should serve as guidelines for both teachers and students to help them to improve the learning process using marketing case studies

    Pobuđivanje emocija kod potroÅ”ača: utjecaj kategorije proizvoda

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    Emocije su jedan od bitnih motivatora ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača, zato je njihovo pobuđivanje u procesu komunikacije od iznimne važnosti za uspjeÅ”nost poslovnog subjekta. Oglasi, kao komunikacijske platforme, moraju posjedovati određene karakteristike kako bi pobudili određene emocije kod potroÅ”ača. Međutim, pobuđivanje određenog osjećaja ovisi i o kategoriji proizvoda. Ovaj rad upozorava na potrebu uvažavanja kategorija proizvoda i imanentnih karakteristika oglasa tih kategorija proizvoda s ciljem izazivanja poželjnih emocija u potroÅ”ačima. Promatraju se kategorije mliječnih proizvoda i modne odjeće, koje, iako spadaju u potroÅ”na dobra, pokazuju značajne razlike u načinu na koji određene karakteristike njihovih oglasa izazivaju različite emocije i/ili različit intenzitet emocija bilo da se radi o pozitivnim, toplim ili negativnim emocijama. Istraživanje se temelji na Edell i Burkeovoj (1987) skali osjećaja, a za istraživanje karakteristika oglasa koriÅ”tena su istraživanja Janssensa i De Pelsmackera (2005) te Olney, Holbrook i Batre (1991). Primjena dobivenih spoznaja u formiranju oglasnih strategija može utjecati na njihovu učinkovitost, Å”to je, uz ostale implikacije, bitan doprinos rada. Također, u radu su istaknute i preporuke za marketinÅ”ke praktičare kako bi komunikacijske poruke mogle biti učinkovitije


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    Kako se digitalni krajolik nastavlja Å”iriti, rastu i prijetnje cyber sigurnosti. Tradicionalni pristupi teÅ”ko se nose s ogromnom količinom i složenoŔću podataka koje generiraju moderni sustavi. Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu tehnologija velikih podataka u revolucioniranju praksi cyber sigurnosti. Dotiče se relevantnih tema vezanih uz generiranje, prikupljanje i obrade podataka, izazovima u cyber sigurnosti, otkrivanjem prijetnji i anomalija. Pruža detaljnu analizu načina na koji tehnologije velikih podataka poboljÅ”avaju otkrivanje prijetnji, odgovor na incidente i upravljanje rizikom. Osim toga, rad se bavi etičkim pitanjima i pitanjima privatnosti povezanima s koriÅ”tenjem velikih podataka u cyber sigurnosti. UpuÅ”ta se u istraživanje budućih trendova i izazova te na taj način pokazuje kako su tehnologije velikih podataka nezamjenjive u suočavanju s izazovima cyber sigurnosti koji se stalno razvijaju.As the digital landscape continues to expand, so do cyber security threats. Traditional approaches struggle to cope with the enormous amount and complexity of data generated by modern systems. This paper explores the role of big data technology in revolutionizing the practice of cyber security. It touches on relevant topics related to the generation, collection and processing of data, challenges in cyber security, detection of threats and anomalies. It provides an in-depth analysis of how big data technologies are improving threat detection, incident response and risk management. In addition, the paper addresses ethical and privacy issues related to the use of big data in cyber security. It explores future trends and challenges and thus shows how big data technologies are irreplaceable in facing the ever-evolving cyber security challenges

    Book review: Marketing Insights from a Changing Environment Bruno Grbac, Dina Lončarić, Jasmina Dlačić, Vesna Žabkar and Marko GrĆ¼nhagen (Eds.)

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    Kako se digitalni krajolik nastavlja Å”iriti, rastu i prijetnje cyber sigurnosti. Tradicionalni pristupi teÅ”ko se nose s ogromnom količinom i složenoŔću podataka koje generiraju moderni sustavi. Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu tehnologija velikih podataka u revolucioniranju praksi cyber sigurnosti. Dotiče se relevantnih tema vezanih uz generiranje, prikupljanje i obrade podataka, izazovima u cyber sigurnosti, otkrivanjem prijetnji i anomalija. Pruža detaljnu analizu načina na koji tehnologije velikih podataka poboljÅ”avaju otkrivanje prijetnji, odgovor na incidente i upravljanje rizikom. Osim toga, rad se bavi etičkim pitanjima i pitanjima privatnosti povezanima s koriÅ”tenjem velikih podataka u cyber sigurnosti. UpuÅ”ta se u istraživanje budućih trendova i izazova te na taj način pokazuje kako su tehnologije velikih podataka nezamjenjive u suočavanju s izazovima cyber sigurnosti koji se stalno razvijaju.As the digital landscape continues to expand, so do cyber security threats. Traditional approaches struggle to cope with the enormous amount and complexity of data generated by modern systems. This paper explores the role of big data technology in revolutionizing the practice of cyber security. It touches on relevant topics related to the generation, collection and processing of data, challenges in cyber security, detection of threats and anomalies. It provides an in-depth analysis of how big data technologies are improving threat detection, incident response and risk management. In addition, the paper addresses ethical and privacy issues related to the use of big data in cyber security. It explores future trends and challenges and thus shows how big data technologies are irreplaceable in facing the ever-evolving cyber security challenges

    Budget Impact Analysis of Pharmacist-Led Medication Management in Cardiovascular and Type 2 Diabetic Patients

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    The paper aims to identify and measure the costs and savings associated with the delivery of Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) services in Croatia in patients diagnosed with hypertension accompanied by at least one additional established cardiovascular disease (CVD) and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMT2) who use five or more medicines daily. The budget impact analysis (BIA) employed in this study compares the total costs of CMM to the cost reductions expected from CMM. The cost reductions (or savings) are based on the reduced incidence of unwanted clinical events and healthcare service utilisation rates due to CMM. The BIA model is populated by data on medication therapy costs, labour, and training from the pilot CMM intervention introduced in Zagrebā€™s main Health Centre, while relevant international published sources were used to estimate the utilisation, incidence, and unwanted clinical events rates. Total direct costs, including pharmacistsā€™ labour and training (EUR 2,667,098) and the increase in the cost of prescribed medication (EUR 5,182,864) amounted to EUR 7,849,962 for 3 years, rendering the cost per treated patient per year EUR 57. CMM is expected to reduce the utilisation rates of healthcare services and the incidence of unwanted clinical events, leading to a total 3-year reduction in healthcare costs of EUR 7,787,765. Given the total CMM costs of EUR 7,849,962, CMMā€™s 3-year budget impact equals EUR 92,869, rendering per treated patient an incremental cost of CMM EUR 0.67. Hence, CMM appears to be an affordable intervention for addressing medication mismanagement and irrational drug use

    How Much Do We Know about Oral Cancer?ā€”An Online Survey

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    Introduction: Oral cancer (OC) is a disease with a high mortality rate due to its late recognition. Since the oral cavity is easily accessible for visual inspection, enabling early diagnosis, the education of healthcare workers about preventive oral examinations is critical. This research aimed to assess the level of participantsā€™ OC knowledge, as well as to raise awareness about this diagnosis. Materials and methods: The research was conducted as an online survey among students of dental medicine, students of medicine, doctors of dental medicine and doctors of medicine. The questionnaire was designed solely for the purpose of this study and consisted of 29 questions. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of general questions about the participants, whereas the questions in the second part addressed their knowledge and attitudes towards OC. Results: The surveyed population comprised of 140 dental students, 105 medical students, 159 doctors of dental medicine and 100 medical doctors. The level of knowledge about OC among the participants is not yet satisfactory. The group of dental medicine students scored highest, while medical doctors showed the weakest knowledge. Conclusion: Additional education about OC for doctors of dental medicine and medical doctors is needed. This step will improve prevention and increase chances for early detection