1,212 research outputs found


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    Entomofauna asociada a Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier, 1795) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)

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    Durante el penodo 1988-1992 se llevó a cabo en el Valle de Arán (Pirineos Orientales), un estudio sobre la entomofauna asociada a la feromona de T. lineatum. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: confeccionar un inventario entomológico y estudiar la dinámica poblacional de los principales insectos de la fauna asociada capturados. Los resultados obtenidos pueden resumirse como sigue: a) la inmensa mayoria de los insectos capturados fueron Coleoptera, los cuales pueden clasificarse en depredadores y floemófagos-xilófagos-micetófagos-saprófago b) entre los depredadores destacaron T. formicarius, Rhizophagus spp., Rhinosimus spp. y Cryptolestes sp.; c) durante los años de seguimiento, la captura de T. formicarius se mantuvo estable, mientras que la de Rhizophagus spp. disminuyó, y d) ambos depredadores mostraron un vuelo con una curva acumulativa mis retrasada que las del resto de insectos de la fauna asociada.During the period 1988-1992, in Valle de Arán (East Pyrenees), a study on insect associated to T.lineatum pheromone was canied out. The aims of the study were: to draw up an cheklist of species, and to describe the population dynamics of the main associated insects. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: a) the vast majority of the insects captured were Coleoptera, and they can be classified into predators and floemophagousxylophagous-mycetophagous-saprophagous; b) among the predators, T. formicarius, Rhizophagus spp., Rhinosimus spp. and Cryptolestes sp. were abundant; c) throughout the sampling period, capture rates of T. formicarius were stable, whereas those of Rhizophagus spp. were decreasing, and d) both predators showed an accumulative curve of flight that was delayed with respect to other associated insects

    Presentació del segon número dels Quaderns del MEV

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    Consistencia y rigidez de las minorías : reinterpretación

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    A partir de las aportaciones teóricas de estos últimos años sobre el tema de la influencia de las minorías, se ha vuelto a analizar una experiencia realizada por MUGNY en 1975 relativa a la influencia de discursos concordantes o discordantes con las actitudes de los sujetos, según que la fuente presentara un estilo de comportamiento consistente o inconsistente. En este trabajo se ha conceptualizado la variable concordancia/discordancia en términos de fuente mayoritaria/minoritaria; el análisis de la influencia ejercida por dichas fuentes, teniendo en cuenta su estilo consistente/ inconsistente, se ha realizado a dos niveles: directo/indirecto. Asimismo se ha analizado el efecto de las variables experimentales sobre la imagen de la fuente elaborada por los sujetos, no solo en lo que concierne a las dimensiones consistencia/inconsistencia,sino también sobre las dimensiones flexibilidad/rigidez. Los resultados confirman los efectos mayoritarios/minoritarios, al obtener la mayoría una influencia directa pero no indirecta, contrariamente a lo que sucede con la fuente minoritaria que solamente obtiene influencia indirecta. Por otra parte, se perfila el rol de la consistencia minoritaria como elemento mediador de la situación de influencia, al incidir directamente sobre la aprehensión de la imagen de la fuente, percibiéndose en términos de rigidez. Diversos datos convergen para que se explique la influencia de las minorías en base a un conflicto de identidad psicosocial.Starting from the theoretical contribution of the last few years on the subject of minority influence, an experiment carried out by MUGNY in 1975 has been reanalysed. This dealt with the influence of concordant or discordant discourses with the attitudes of the subjects, according to which the source showed a consistent or inconsistent behavioral style. In this new analysis, the variable concordance/discordance has been expressed in terms of majority/minority source. The influence that the said sources exert on the four experimental conditions has been analysed at two levels, direct and indirect, as well as the effect of the experimental variables on the image of the source generated by the subjects, not only that wich concerns the dimensions of consistency/inconsistency, but also those of flexibility/rigidity. The results confirm the majority/minority effects; the majority obtains a direct influence but not indirect, contrary to what happens with the minority source that only obtains an indirect influence. On the other hand, minority consistency is outlined as a mediating element of the influence situation,since it acts directly on the apprehension of the image of the source and is perceived in terms of rigidity. Severa1 facts converge in order to interpret the influence of minorities based on a conflict of psychosocial identity

    Evidence for power-law frequency dependence of intrinsic dielectric response in the CaCu3_{3}Ti4_{4}O12_{12}

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    We investigated the dielectric response of CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} (CCTO) thin films grown epitaxially on LaAlO3_3 (001) substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). The dielectric response of the films was found to be strongly dominated by a power-law in frequency, typical of materials with localized hopping charge carriers, in contrast to the Debye-like response of the bulk material. The film conductivity decreases with annealing in oxygen, and it suggests that oxygen deficit is a cause of the relatively high film conductivity. With increase of the oxygen content, the room temperature frequency response of the CCTO thin films changes from the response indicating the presence of some relatively low conducting capacitive layers to purely power law, and then towards frequency independent response with a relative dielectric constant ϵ102\epsilon'\sim10^2. The film conductance and dielectric response decrease upon decrease of the temperature with dielectric response being dominated by the power law frequency dependence. Below \sim80 K, the dielectric response of the films is frequency independent with ϵ\epsilon' close to 10210^2. The results provide another piece of evidence for an extrinsic, Maxwell-Wagner type, origin of the colossal dielectric response of the bulk CCTO material, connected with electrical inhomogeneity of the bulk material.Comment: v4: RevTeX, two-column, 9 pages, 7 figures; title modified, minor content change in p.7, reference adde

    Complex Tasks Force Hand Laterality and Technological Behaviour in Naturalistically Housed Chimpanzees: Inferences in Hominin Evolution

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    Clear hand laterality patterns in humans are widely accepted. However, humans only elicit a significant hand laterality pattern when performing complementary role differentiation (CRD) tasks. Meanwhile, hand laterality in chimpanzees is weaker and controversial. Here we have reevaluated our results on hand laterality in chimpanzees housed in naturalistic environments at Fundació Mona (Spain) and Chimfunshi Wild Orphanage (Zambia). Our results show that the difference between hand laterality in humans and chimpanzees is not as great as once thought. Furthermore, we found a link between hand laterality and task complexity and also an even more interesting connection: CRD tasks elicited not only the hand laterality but also the use of tools. This paper aims to turn attention to the importance of this threefold connection in human evolution: the link between CRD tasks, hand laterality, and tool use, which has important evolutionary implications that may explain the development of complex behaviour in early hominins

    Wine Intake in the Framework of a Mediterranean Diet and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases: A Short Literature Review of the Last 5 Years

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    Dietary habits are a determining factor of the higher incidence and prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In the aim to find a possible preventive and intervention strategy, the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) has been proposed as an effective approach. Within the MedDiet, moderate wine consumption with meals is a positive item in the MedDiet score; however, recent studies have reported a dose-response association between alcohol consumption and higher risk of a large number of NCDs. This review aimed to evaluate the association between NCDs and wine consumption in the framework of the MedDiet, with a simple review of 22 studies of the highest-level literature published over the last five years. We found that the information regarding the effects of wine in different health outcomes has not varied widely over the past five years, finding inconclusive results among the studies evaluated. Most of the literature agrees that light to moderate wine intake seems to have beneficial effects to some extent in NCDs, such as hypertension, cancer, dyslipidemia and dementia, but no definitive recommendations can be made on a specific dose intake that can benefit most diseases