81 research outputs found

    The Use of Semantic Word Mapping in Vocabulary Teaching

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    The research investigated the use of semantic word mapping technique in vocabulary teaching. The research investigated the evidence that this technique was useful to use in vocabulary teaching. The researcher formulated two hypotheses, namely null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The research method was a pre experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of the research was 32 out of 40 students of class VIII E. The data were collected by objective tests and analyzed by paired t-test and effect size formula using Cohen's index. After analyzing the research data, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, while alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. The t absolute (4.16) was bigger than t critical (1.697) by degree of freedom 31. The effect size is categorized as large effect since the r value was 0.95 that was bigger than 0.80. The conclusion was the use of semantic word mapping in vocabulary teaching, a pre-experimental study on the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Pontianak in Academic Year 2015/2016 was significant and has large effect

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengenal Ukuran di Taman Kanak-kanak Dharma Wanita Kecamatan Nanga Pinoh

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    This research is motivated by the child'slack of ability to know about quantity for example children cannot show many and few objects, children may not beable to classify objects in number of many and few, the child may not be able to measure themselves which objects categorized as many and few. This research is conducted in a form of class room action research with descriptive method. The research subjects were teachers and children in number 15 children. Based on the research that has been done and through the results obtained after the analysis of the data, in general it can be concluded that: 1) The lesson plan has been designed in appropriate with the aspects to be improved. 2) The steps of learning is done in accordance with the plans made. 3) Edutainment method improves the ability to distinguish the number of many and few objects that can entertain children in learning. 4) Edutainment method can improve the ability to classify many and few objects for 4-5 years old children. 5) Edutainment method can improve the ability to measure themselves the objects categorized as many and few

    Diskriminasi Sosial Dalam Novel Orang Cacat Dilarang Sekolah Karya Wiwid Prasetyo

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    The purpose of this study was (1) to describe a form of social discrimination contained in novel Orang Cacat Dilarang Sekolah by Wiwid Prasetyo and (2) Describe the causes of social discrimination in the novel Orang Cacat Dilarang Sekolah by Wiwid Prasetyo . The data source of this research is novel Orang Cacat Dilarang Sekolah by Wiwid Prasetyo . Data collected by descriptive methods. The findings of the research that forms and causes of social discrimination in the novel Orang Cacat Dilarang Sekolah by Wiwid Prasety

    Pengaruh Latihan Front Split Terhadap Ekstensi Tungkai Pada Klub Beladiri Kempo Dojo Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru

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    The problem raised in this research is the effect of the training Front Split for Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru . The research aims to determine the effect of Front Split training for Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru.These research is pra experimental, the one group pretest – posttest design. The research was conducted in club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru. The sample of this study of 15 people. Research data collected through the initial pretest and posttest with the Leg Extension test. The data were analyzed descriptive, then further research is done to test the hypothesis that has been asked in the problem, namely : there are Front Split training effect on Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru.Based on t test analysis produces large thitung 16,97 and as much as 1,761 ttabel . Means thitung > ttabel. It can be concluded that Ho denied and H1 accepted. It can be concluded that there is significant effect of the training Front Split (X) and Leg Extension (Y) self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru

    Family Independence in Implementing Family Health Tasks to Reduce the Risk of Fall in East Pentadio Village, Gorontalo Regency

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    Independence is a condition in which a person who has the will and ability tries to fulfill the demands of his life in a legal, reasonable and responsible manner for everything he does. The family has a very big role in the safety of the elderly, especially in preventing falls. The purpose of this study is that the public can find out the importance of family independence in carrying out family health tasks to reduce the risk of falling. There are five family health tasks that must be considered, including being able to recognize family health problems, being able to make appropriate action decisions, being able to provide care to sick family members, being able to modify the environment, and being able to take advantage of public health service facilities. It can be concluded that after counseling the family and the elderly have understood the task of family health, once a day the family teaches tandem walking to the elderly to reduce the risk of falling in the elderly in Pentadio Timur Village, Gorontalo Regenc

    Connecting DNA Origami Structures Using the Biotin-Streptavidin Specific Binding

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    This work made use of the strong interaction between biotin and streptavidin to connect designed DNA origami structures. The caDNAno software was used to design a 6 layer 3D origami cross-like structure. Selected DNA strands at the engineered attachment sites on the DNA origami structure were biotinylated. After folding of the origami structures, the biotinylated strands stick out of the attachment sites. Purified samples of origami structures were then mixed with streptavidin and the mixture purified. After characterization, we see that attachment only occurs at the biotinylated sites. Agarose gel electrophoresis, UV-vis spectroscopy and TEM were used to characterize the structure.Key words: DNA Origami, Interaction, Biotin-Streptavidin, Nanomaterials, TEMAbbreviation: EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; TEM, Transmission electron microscop

    Aplikasi Petani Pintar dalam Monitoring dan Pembelajaran Budidaya Padi Berbasis Android

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    Petani adalah suatu pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan menanam tanaman dan kemudian memanen hasil tanaman untuk dijual atau dikonsumsi. Petani harus memiliki pengetahuan mengenai tanaman yang akan ditanam untuk mendapatkan hasil panen yang baik. Aplikasi Petani pintar dibuat untuk menjadi media bantu Petani muda yang belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup dalam melakukan kegiatan bertani. Aplikasi Petani pintar dibuat dengan menyajikan informasi penting seperti teknik budidaya, penyakit, hama, dan manfaat yang berkaitan pada tanaman padi. Tanaman padi dipilih menjadi pokok materi dikarenakan padi merupakan pilihan makanan utama yang dibutuhkan manusia yang berada di Indonesia, dan pada saat ini juga Petani sudah berkurang jumlahnya
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