11 research outputs found

    A toxicokinetic study reflecting the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of deoxynivalenol in broiler chickens

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    To identify the specific biomarkers of exposure of DON in chickens, a toxicokinetic study was performed via oral or intravenous application of deoxynivalenol (DON). Doses of 0.75 and 2.25 mg DON/kg of body weight (BW) were administrated intravenously or orally to the chickens. Next, blood samples were collected at several time points and plasma was obtained. Liquid chromatography–tandem massspectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was used to quantify plasma levels of DON and its metabolite DON-3- sulphate (DON-3S). A non-compartmental analysis was performed to study the main toxicokinetic parameters after intravenous or oral application of the toxin. Regarding oral administration, DON plasma level was below the limit of detection (LOD) of the method (1.5 ng/mL) and DON-3S could not be identified. After intravenous administration of DON at 0.75 and 2.25 mg DON/kg BW, the elimination half-life was 57.1 and 47.7 min, respectively, indicating the rapid elimination of DON. The metabolite DON-3S was found in plasma of broilers exposed to DON intravenously. The absence of DON in chicken plasma after oral bolus application suggests the low absorption of this mycotoxin. The presence of DON-3S in plasma indicates that this metabolite could be the appropriate biomarker of DON exposure in chickens

    Effects of deoxynivalenol contaminated diets on productive, morphological and physiological indicators in broiler chickens

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    The present study with 1-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) was conducted to evaluate the effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) at different levels (5 and 15 mg/kg feed) on growth performance, relative weight of organs, morphology of the small intestine, serum biochemistry, and welfare parameters of broiler chickens. Forty-five broiler chicks were randomly divided into three different experimental groups with five replicates each: (1) control group received a non-contaminated diet, (2) contaminated diet with 5 mg DON/kg of feed, and (3) contaminated diet with 15 mg DON/kg of feed for 42 days. Results showed that feed artificially contaminated with DON at guidance level (5 mg/kg diet) did not affect growth performance parameters. However, 15 mg/kg reduced body weight gain and altered feed efficiency. DON at two assayed levels significantly increased the absolute and relative weight of thymus and the relative weight of gizzard and decreased the absolute and the relative weight of the colon. Compared to controls, both doses affected small intestine morphometry parameters. In terms of biochemical indicators, DON at 5 mg/kg reduced the creatine kinase level and at 15 mg/kg DON reduced the cholesterol level. Furthermore, DON at 15 mg/kg induced more fear in broilers compared to broilers fed the guidance level. It was concluded that even the guidance level of DON did not affect the chickens' performance. However, its toxic effect occurred in some organs and biochemical parameters.This research was funded by Phileo by Lesaffre Company

    Effects of deoxynivalenol-contaminated diets on metabolic and immunological parameters in broiler chickens

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    The current study was conducted to examine the effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) at different levels (5 and 15 mg/kg feed) on the metabolism, immune response and welfare parameters of male broiler chickens (Ross 308) at 42 days old. Forty-five 1 day-old broiler chickens were randomly distributed into three different dietary treatments: (1) control, (2) DON-contaminated diet with 5 mg DON/kg of feed (guidance level), and (3) DON-contaminated diet with 15 mg DON/kg of feed. Five replicated cages with three birds each were used for each treatment in a randomized complete block design. The results showed that DON was detected in excreta of birds fed contaminated diets compared with controls. The metabolite DON-3 sulphate (DON-3S) was detected in plasma and excreta in both treated groups, as well as in the liver (but only at 15 mg/kg feed). The increase in the level of DON decreased the hemoglobin concentration (p < 0.001), whereas the erythrocyte counts were only decreased at 15 mg DON/kg feed. No effect of DON on the responses to common vaccines was observed. In plasma, interleukin 8 levels in both contaminated groups were significantly higher than in the control group. The expression of interleukin 6, interleukin 1β and interferon-γ increased in jejunum tissues of broilers fed 5 mg/kg of DON compared with controls. The stress index (heterophil to lymphocyte ratio) was not affected by DON-contaminated diets compared with controls. The plasma corticosterone level was significantly lower in both DON groups compared with controls. In conclusion, DON-3S could be used as a specific biomarker of DON in different biological matrices, while the immune response in broiler chickens is stimulated by the presence of DON at the guidance level, but no adverse effect was observed on physiological stress parameters.This research was funded by the Phileo by Lesaffre Company

    Effect of a Mycotoxin Binder (MMDA) on the Growth Performance, Blood and Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Ochratoxin A and T-2 Mycotoxin Contaminated Diets

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    The contamination of feed with mycotoxins is a global concern, resulting in adverse effects on productivity and animal health and, therefore, a great economic loss. Ochratoxin A and T-2 mycotoxins are among the mycotoxins that contaminate animal feed. These mycotoxins could adversely affect the health of broilers, and the most effective method to mitigate the toxic effects of mycotoxins is the use of detoxifying agents. In the present experiment, broiler chickens were allotted into five groups. Group 1 received a non-contaminated diet; group 2 received a non-contaminated diet + 3 g/kg of a mycotoxin binder (MMDA); group 3 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin; group 4 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin + 1 g/kg MMDA; and group 5 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin + 3 g/kg MMDA for 35 days. The results revealed that OTA and T-2 toxin negatively affected the productive parameters and some blood and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. The addition of the detoxifying agent (MMDA at 1 or 3 g/kg feed) to contaminated diets alleviated the adverse effects observed on productivity and the broilers heath related parameters.This research was funded by Patent Co., Vlade Ćetkovića 1A, 24 211 Mišićevo, Serbia

    Biomarkers of deoxynivalenol toxicity in chickens with special emphasis on metabolic and welfare parameters

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON), a trichothecene mycotoxin produced by Fusarium species, is the most widespread mycotoxin in poultry feed worldwide. Long term‐exposure from low to moderate DON concentrations can produce alteration in growth performance and impairment of the health status of birds. To evaluate the efficacy of mycotoxin‐detoxifying agent alleviating the toxic effects of DON, the most relevant biomarkers of toxicity of DON in chickens should be firstly determined. The specific biomarker of exposure of DON in chickens is DON‐3 sulphate found in different biological matrices (plasma and excreta). Regarding the nonspecific biomarkers called also biomarkers of effect, the most relevant ones are the impairment of the productive parameters, the intestinal morphology (reduction of villus height) and the enlargement of the gizzard. Moreover, the biomarkers of effect related to physiology (decrease of blood proteins, triglycerides, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, and lymphocytes and the increase of alanine transaminase (ALT)), immunity (response to common vaccines and release of some proinflammatory cytokines) and welfare status of the birds (such as the increase of Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and the stress index), has been reported. This review highlights the available information regarding both types of biomarkers of DON toxicity in chickens.This research was funded by PHILEO BY LESAFFRE

    Prevention of deoxynivalenol toxicity in broiler chickens by means of detoxifying agents

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    Les micotoxines es consideren un problema de salut pública molt important a causa dels seus efectes adversos en animals i humans. El deoxinivalenol (DON) és la micotoxina més freqüent en els cereals a tot el món. La contaminació per DON provoca grans pèrdues econòmiques a la indústria avícola degut a les seves dietes a base de cereals. El mètode més utilitzat per a contrarestar l'impacte negatiu de les micotoxines en els animals és l'addició d'agents detoxificants de micotoxines als pinsos. Aquests additius per a pinsos, els anomenats adsorbents o modificadors de micotoxines, adsorbeixen o biotransformen les micotoxines en el tracte gastrointestinal, respectivament. Aquests agents detoxificants han de provar-se en funció de la seva capacitat per unir-se o modificar micotoxines in vivo. De moment, no es disposa de models in vivo fiables en pollastres per a avaluar l'eficàcia dels detoxificants de micotoxines basats en biomarcadors específics. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser, en primer lloc, desenvolupar un model in vivo, i després, investigar l'eficàcia dels agents detoxificants, basats en indicadors específics i no específics, en pollastres d'engreix. La introducció general d'aquesta recerca doctoral comença amb una descripció general de la micotoxina DON. A continuació, s'han reportat biomarcadors específics i inespecífics de toxicitat per DON en pollastres. Finalment, s'ha realitzat una descripció general dels agents adsorbents i biotransformadors davant el DON. El primer capítol mostra els resultats d'un estudi toxicocinètic de DON en plasma de pollastres d'engreix, realitzat mitjançant bolus oral o injecció intravenosa amb 0.75 o 2.25 mg de DON / kg de pes viu. Aquest estudi toxicocinètic es va realitzar amb l'objectiu d'identificar en quin compartiment biològic era més probable que arribés el DON i especificar en quina forma ho fa (compost inicial o metabòlits). L'anàlisi de plasma per LC-MS / MS va revelar que el DON no es va poder quantificar després de l'aplicació de bolus oral, el que indica la molt baixa biodisponibilitat del DON en pollastres d'engreix. L'avaluació dels paràmetres toxicocinètics després de la injecció intravenosa va revelar la metabolització del DON al DON-3 sulfat, la seva ràpida eliminació i excreció en pollastres d'engreix. Els capítols 2 i 3 mostren un model in vivo per a estudiar l'efecte d'una dieta contaminada amb DON sobre paràmetres específics i no específics en pollastres d'engreix. Es van alimentar quaranta-cinc pollastres d'engreix mascles d'1 dia (Ross 308) durant 42 dies, distribuidos en 3 grupos experimentales: grupo control (T1),, pinso contaminat amb DON (5 mg/kg pinso) (T2) o pinso contaminat amb DON (15 mg/kg pinso) (T3). Les concentracions plasmàtiques, hepàtiques o en excretes de DON i DON-3 sulfat es van utilitzar com indicadors específics (capítol 3). Els paràmetres inespecífics avaluats van ser: paràmetres productius, pes relatiu d'òrgans, morfologia i histologia de l'intestí prim, perfil bioquímic sèric, comportament en front de la por i color de les potes (capítol 2), hematologia sanguínia, resposta a vacunes comuns, IL-8 plasmàtica, expressió gènica relativa d'IL-6, IL-1β, IFN-γ i IL-10 en jejú, índex d'estrès (proporció d’heteròfils a limfòcits) i corticosterona plasmàtica (capítol 3). El DON només es va quantificar en les excretes, el que suggereix una baixa biodisponibilitat, una acumulació limitada i una ràpida excreció. El DON-3S es va quantificar en totes les matrius biològiques, el que indica que el DON-3S és el metabòlit més adequat d'exposició al DON en pollastres d'engreix. Amb 5 mg de DON/kg pinso, la creatina quinasa va disminuir i la IL-1β, IL-6 i IFN-γ es van regular positivament. Amb 15 mg de DON/kg pinso, l’índex de transformació alimentària es va alterar negativament i el colesterol en sang i els glòbuls vermells van disminuir. A ambdós nivells assajats van augmentar els pesos relatius del pedrer i del timus, la longitud de l'intestí prim i la IL-8 plasmàtica. No obstant això, es va reduir el pes relatiu de l'intestí prim, el còlon i la borsa de Fabrici, la densitat (pes/longitud) de l'intestí prim, l'hemoglobina i la corticosterona plasmàtica. Es pot concloure que els paràmetres específics i no específics afectats pel pinso contaminat podrien ser adequats per avaluar l'eficàcia dels agents detoxificants de micotoxines en pollastres d'engreix. El capítol 4 mostra el model d'eficàcia in vivo utilitzat per provar 3 detoxificants de micotoxines (MFA, IMP i MDE) basats en biomarcadors seleccionats en els capítols 2 i 3, així com en altres biomarcadors (DOM-3 sulfat i DOM-1 en excretes, triglicèrids sèrics, expressió relativa d'IL-8 i TNF-α en teixits de jejú i corticosterona en plomes). Es van alimentar 384 pollastres d'engreix mascles (Ross308) d'1 dia d'edat, durant 42 dies, amb dietes formulades com a pinso no contaminat (control), pinso contaminat, control + 0.2% MFA, pinso contaminat + 0.2% MFA, control + 0,0125% IMP, pinso contaminat + 0,0125% IMP, control + 0,15% MDE, o pinso contaminat + 0,15% MDE. El DON va ser la principal micotoxina del pinso contaminat i les concentracions van variar al voltant dels 7 mg/kg pinso. Els biomarcadors estudiats es van avaluar als 10 i 42 dies. Es van detectar DON, DON-3S i DOM-3S a les excretes dels grups amb pinso contaminat. L'addició de MDE a la dieta contaminada va augmentar l'excreció de DON però va disminuir l'excreció de metabòlit DOM-3S. L'addició de MFA a la dieta contaminada va augmentar l'excreció de DON, la qual cosa suggereix que aquest producte és eficaç per a detoxificar aquesta micotoxina. Al dia 10, el DON va perjudicar l'índex de transformació alimentària, i va augmentar els nivells de colesterol i triglicèrids en sèrum. L'efecte sobre l'índex de transformació alimentària es va evitar mitjançant l'addició d'IMP a la dieta contaminada. L'efecte sobre el nivell de colesterol sèric es va revertir mitjançant la suplementació amb MFA o IMP a la dieta contaminada. A més, al dia 10, el DON va reduir els nivells d'hematòcrit, hemoglobina, glòbuls vermells i monòcits. L'addició d'IMP a la dieta contaminada va contrarestar l'efecte observat sobre els nivells d'hematòcrit i monòcits en sang. Als 42 dies, el DON va millorar l'índex de transformació alimentària, va reduir el pes relatiu del fetge i el nivell de limfòcits en sang. Als 42 dies, a més, el DON va augmentar els recomptes de glòbuls blancs, l'índex d'estrès (proporció d’heteròfils a limfòcits) i corticosterona en plomes. L'efecte sobre l'índex d'estrès va ser contrarestat per l'addició de MFA a la dieta contaminada. Es pot concloure que els paràmetres específics seleccionats són adequats per a avaluar l'eficàcia dels agents detoxificants de DON en pollastres d'engreix, i que el producte MFA va contrarestar parcialment els efectes negatius de DON.Las micotoxinas representan un peligro para la salud animal y humana. El deoxinivalenol (DON) es la micotoxina que más frecuentemente contamina los cereales tanto en países desarrollados como en vías de desarrollo. Debido a sus dietas a base de cereales, la presencia del DON en el alimento de las aves genera serias pérdidas económicas. El método más utilizado para detoxificar las micotoxinas presentes en los piensos es el tratamiento con adsorbentes o la biotransformación de las micotoxinas en el tracto gastrointestinal. Su eficacia real, más allá de los posibles resultados prometedores observados en ensayos in vitro, debe ser siempre evaluada en ensayos in vivo, poniendo de manifiesto su efecto protector mediante la observación de la evolución de biomarcadores específicos relacionados con la toxicidad de las micotoxinas. El objetivo de esta tesis fue desarrollar un modelo in vivo, y luego evaluar in vivo la eficacia de productos detoxificantes de DON, en base a biomarcadores específicos y no específicos, en pollos de engorde. La introducción general de esta Tesis comienza con una descripción general del DON. A continuación, se han reportado los biomarcadores específicos y no específicos de toxicidad por DON en pollos. Por último, se ha realizado una descripción general de los productos detoxificantes de DON. El primer capítulo muestra los resultados de la cinética del DON en plasma de los pollos broilers, realizada mediante bolo oral o inyección intravenosa de 0.75 o 2.25 mg de DON/kg de peso vivo. Este estudio de toxicocinética se realizó con el objetivo de identificar a qué compartimento biológico era probable que llegara el DON y especificar en qué forma lo hace (compuesto inicial o metabolitos). El análisis de plasma por LC-MS/MS reveló que el DON no se pudo cuantificar después de la aplicación de bolo oral, indicando la muy baja biodisponibilidad del DON en pollos de engorde. La evaluación de los parámetros toxicocinéticos después de la inyección intravenosa reveló la metabolización del DON en DON-3-sulfato, su rápida eliminación y excreción en pollos de engorde. Los capítulos 2 y 3 muestran el desarrollo de un modelo in vivo en pollos de engorde, que permite evaluar los efectos tóxicos del DON, e identificar los biomarcadores más relevantes (específicos y no específicos). Se realizó un ensayo con 45 pollos broiler machos Ross 308 de un día de vida durante 42 días, distribuidos en 3 grupos experimentales: grupo control (T1), grupo alimentado con 5 mg/kg de DON (T2) y grupo alimentado con 15 mg mg/kg de DON (T3). El DON y el DON-3 S en plasma, hígado y excretas fueron como biomarcadores específicos (capítulo 3). Los parámetros no específicos evaluados fueron: parámetros productivos, peso relativo de órganos, morfología e histología del intestino delgado, bioquímica de sangre, reacción frente al miedo y el color de las patas (capítulo 2), hematología de sangre, respuesta a las vacunas comunes, IL-8 en plasma, expresión relativa de los genes IL-6, IL-1β, IFN-γ e IL-10 en yeyuno, índice de estrés (proporción de heterófilos a linfocitos) y corticosterona en plasma (capítulo 3). El DON solo se cuantificó en las excretas, lo que sugiere una baja biodisponibilidad, una acumulación limitada y una rápida excreción. El DON-3S fue cuantificado en todas las matrices biológicas, indicando que el DON-3S es el metabolito más adecuado como biomarcador de exposición al DON en pollos de engorde. Con 5 mg de DON/kg de alimento, la creatina quinasa disminuyó y la IL-1β, IL-6 e IFN-γ aumentaron. Con 15 mg de DON/kg de alimento, el índice de conversión se alteró negativamente, el colesterol en sangre y los glóbulos rojos disminuyeron. A ambos niveles ensayados, los pesos relativos de molleja y timo, la longitud del intestino delgado y la IL-8 plasmática aumentaron. Sin embargo, el peso relativo del intestino delgado, el colon y la bolsa de Fabricius, la densidad del intestino delgado (peso/longitud), la hemoglobina y la corticosterona plasmática disminuyeron. Así, se puede considerar que los parámetros específicos y no específicos afectados significamente por el pienso contaminado podrían ser relevantes para evaluar la eficacia de los agentes detoxificantes de micotoxinas en pollos de engorde. En el capítulo 4 se evaluó in vivo la eficacia de diferentes productos detoxificantes de DON (MFA, IMP y MDE), en base a los biomarcadores previamente seleccionados en los capítulos 2 y 3, así como otros biomarcadores añadidos (DOM-3 sulfato, DOM-1 en excretas, triglicéridos en suero, expresión relativa de los genes IL-8 y TNF-α en yeyuno y corticosterona en plumas). Se realizó un ensayo con 384 pollos de engorde machos (Ross 308) de 1 día de edad que recibieron dietas durante 42 días, formuladas como: alimento no contaminado (control), alimento contaminado, control + 0.2% MFA, alimento contaminado + 0.2% MFA, control + 0.0125% IMP, alimento contaminado + 0.0125% IMP, control + 0.15% MDE, o alimento contaminado + 0.15% MDE. El DON fue la principal micotoxina presente en el alimento contaminado y las concentraciones analizadas variaron alrededor de 7mg/kg de alimento. Los biomarcadores se evaluaron a los 10 y 42 d. Se detectaron DON, DON-3S y DOM 3S en las excretas de grupos con pienso contaminado. La adición de MDE al pienso contaminado aumentó la excreción de DON, pero disminuyó la excreción del metabolito DOM-3S. La adición de MFA a la dieta contaminada aumentó la excreción de DON, lo que sugiere la eficacia de este producto para desintoxicar esta micotoxina. A los 10 d, el DON perjudicó el índice de conversión, y aumentó los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos en suero. La adición de IMP a la dieta contaminada contrarrestó el efecto negativo sobre el índice de conversión. El efecto sobre el nivel de colesterol en suero se revirtió mediante la suplementación con MFA o IMP a la dieta contaminada. Además, a los 10 d, el DON redujo los niveles de hematocrito, hemoglobina, glóbulos rojos y monocitos en sangre. La adición de IMP a la dieta contaminada contrarrestó el efecto observado sobre los niveles de hematocrito y monocitos en sangre. A los 42 días, el DON mejoró el índice de conversión, redujo el peso relativo del hígado y el nivel de linfocitos en sangre, mientras que aumentó el recuento de glóbulos blancos, el índice de estrés (relación heterófilos/linfocitos) y el nivel de corticosterona en plumas. La adición de MFA a la dieta contaminada contrarrestó el efecto sobre el índice de estrés. En conclusión, los parámetros específicos selecionados son adecuados para evaluar la eficacia de agentes desintoxicantes del DON en pollos de engorde, y el producto MFA contrarrestó parcialmente los efectos negativos de DON.Mycotoxins are considered a very important public health issue because of their adverse effects on animals and humans. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is the most frequent mycotoxin in cereals worldwide. DON contamination leads to great economic losses in poultry industry due to their cereal-based diets. The most commonly used method to counteract the negative impact of mycotoxins on animals is the addition of mycotoxin detoxifying agents (mycotoxin detoxifiers) to feed. These feed additives, so-called mycotoxin binders or mycotoxin modifiers, either adsorb or biotransform mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract, respectively. These detoxifying agents should be tested not only in vitro, but also in vivo on their ability to bind or modify mycotoxins. At the time being, no reliable in vivo models in chicken are available to evaluate the efficacy of mycotoxin detoxifiers based on specific biomarkers. The aim of this thesis was first to develop an in vivo model then to investigate the efficacy of detoxifying agents, based on specific and nonspecific indicators, in broiler chickens. The general introduction of this doctoral research starts with an overview of DON mycotoxin. Next, specific and nonspecific biomarkers of DON toxicity in chickens have been reported. Finally, an overview of binding and biotransforming agents against DON has been carried out. The first chapter shows the results of a DON toxicokinetic study in broiler chickens’ plasma, performed via oral bolus or intravenous injection of 0.75 or 2.25 mg DON/kg of body weight (BW). This toxicokinetic study was done with the objective to identify which biological compartment the DON was likely to reach and to specify in what form (initial compound or metabolites) it does so. The analysis of plasma by LC-MS/MS revealed that DON could not be quantified after oral bolus application, indicating the very low bioavailability of DON in broiler chickens. The evaluation of toxicokinetics parameters after the intravenous injection revealed the metabolization of DON in DON-3 sulphate, its rapid clearance and excretion in broiler chickens. Chapter 2 and 3 show an in vivo model set-up to study the effect of a DON contaminated diet on specific and nonspecific relevant biomarkers on broiler chickens. Forty-five 1-day-old male broiler chickens (Ross 308) were fed diets during 42 d, distributed into 3 experimental groups:distribuidos en 3 grupos experimentales: control group (T1), DON contaminated feed (5 mg/kg feed) (T2), or DON contaminated feed (15 mg/kg feed) (T3). Plasma, liver or excreta concentrations of DON and DON-3 sulphate were used as specific indicators (chapter 3). The nonspecific parameters evaluated were performance parameters, relative organ weights, morphology and histology of small intestine, serum biochemistry profile, fear behavior and leg color (chapter 2), blood hematology, response to common vaccines, plasma IL-8, relative gene expression of IL 6, IL-1β, IFN-γ and IL-10, stress index (heterophil to lymphocyte ratio), and plasma corticosterone (chapter 3). DON was only quantified in excreta, suggesting low bioavailability, limited accumulation and rapid excretion of DON. DON-3S was quantified in all biological matrices, indicating that DON-3S is the most suitable metabolite of exposure of DON in broiler chickens. At 5 mg DON/kg feed, creatine kinase decreased and IL-1β, IL-6, and IFN-γ were upregulated. At 15 mg DON/kg feed, feed conversion ratio was impaired and blood cholesterol and red blood cells decreased. At both levels assayed relative weights of gizzard and thymus, the length of small intestine, and plasma IL-8 increased. However, the relative weight of small intestine, colon, and bursa of Fabricius, the density (weight/length) of small intestine, hemoglobin and plasma corticosterone were reduced. It can be concluded that specific and unspecific parameters affected by the contaminated feed could be suitable to evaluate the efficacy of the mycotoxin detoxifying-agents in broiler chickens. Chapter 4 shows the in vivo efficacy model used to test 3 mycotoxin detoxifiers (MFA, IMP and MDE) based on biomarkers selected on chapters 2 and 3, as well as other biomarkers (DOM-3 sulphate and DOM-1 in excreta, serum triglycerides, relative expression of IL-8 and TNF-α in jejunum tissues, and corticosterone in feathers). Three hundred eighty four 1-d-old male broiler chickens (Ross308) were fed for 42 d with diets formulated as non-contaminated feed (control), contaminated feed, control+0.2% MFA, contaminated feed+0.2% MFA, control+0.0125% IMP, contaminated feed+0.0125% IMP, control+0.15% MDE, or contaminated feed+0.15% MDE. DON was the main mycotoxin of the contaminated feed and concentrations varied around 7 mg/kg feed. Studied biomarkers were evaluated at 10 and 42 d. DON, DON-3S, and DOM-3S were detected in excreta from contaminated groups. The addition of MDE to contaminated feed increased the excretion of DON but decreased the excretion of the metabolite (DOM-3S). The addition of MFA to contaminated diet increased the excretion of DON, suggesting that this product is effective to detoxify this mycotoxin. At d 10, DON impaired feed conversion ratio, increased serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels. The effect on feed conversion ratio was prevented by IMP addition to the contaminated diet. The effect on serum cholesterol level was reversed by MFA or IMP supplementation to the contaminated feed. At d 10, moreover, DON reduced hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cells, and monocytes levels. The addition of IMP to the contaminated diet counteracted the effect observed on blood hematocrit and monocytes levels. At 42 d, DON improved the feed conversion ratio, reduced the relative weight of liver, and blood lymphocytes level. At 42 d, furthermore, DON increased white blood cells counts, stress index (heterophils to lymphocytes ratio) and feather corticosterone. The effect on stress index was counteracted by the addition of MFA to the contaminated diet

    Effects of Deoxynivalenol-Contaminated Diets on Metabolic and Immunological Parameters in Broiler Chickens

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    The current study was conducted to examine the effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) at different levels (5 and 15 mg/kg feed) on the metabolism, immune response and welfare parameters of male broiler chickens (Ross 308) at 42 days old. Forty-five 1 day-old broiler chickens were randomly distributed into three different dietary treatments: (1) control, (2) DON-contaminated diet with 5 mg DON/kg of feed (guidance level), and (3) DON-contaminated diet with 15 mg DON/kg of feed. Five replicated cages with three birds each were used for each treatment in a randomized complete block design. The results showed that DON was detected in excreta of birds fed contaminated diets compared with controls. The metabolite DON-3 sulphate (DON-3S) was detected in plasma and excreta in both treated groups, as well as in the liver (but only at 15 mg/kg feed). The increase in the level of DON decreased the hemoglobin concentration (p &lt; 0.001), whereas the erythrocyte counts were only decreased at 15 mg DON/kg feed. No effect of DON on the responses to common vaccines was observed. In plasma, interleukin 8 levels in both contaminated groups were significantly higher than in the control group. The expression of interleukin 6, interleukin 1&beta; and interferon-&gamma; increased in jejunum tissues of broilers fed 5 mg/kg of DON compared with controls. The stress index (heterophil to lymphocyte ratio) was not affected by DON-contaminated diets compared with controls. The plasma corticosterone level was significantly lower in both DON groups compared with controls. In conclusion, DON-3S could be used as a specific biomarker of DON in different biological matrices, while the immune response in broiler chickens is stimulated by the presence of DON at the guidance level, but no adverse effect was observed on physiological stress parameters

    Effects of a Multi-Component Mycotoxin-Detoxifying Agent on Oxidative Stress, Health and Performance of Sows

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    This in vivo study aimed to investigate the effects of a multi-component mycotoxin-detoxifying agent, containing clays (bentonite, sepiolite), phytogenic feed additives (curcumin, silymarin) and postbiotics (yeast cell wall, hydrolyzed yeast) on the antioxidant capacity, health and reproductive performance of pregnant and lactating sows challenged by mycotoxins. Eighty (80) primiparous sows (mean age 366 ± 3 days) per each of the two trial farms were divided into two groups in each farm: a) T1 (control group): 40 sows received the contaminated feed and b) T2 group (experimental group): 40 sows received the contaminated feed plus the mycotoxin-detoxifying agent, one month before farrowing until the end of the lactation period. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyls (CARBS) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were evaluated as biomarkers of oxidative stress. Clinical and reproductive parameters were recorded. Our results indicate that the administration of a multi-component mycotoxin-detoxifying agent’s administration in sow feed has beneficial effects on oxidative stress biomarkers and can improve sows’ health and performance