35 research outputs found


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    Study objective was to conduct a prospective observational study to assess the effect of pharmacointerventional tactics on the outcome of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in terms of mortality.MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study included 405 patients with acute STEMI. The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Risk Score was used to assess the coronary circulation recovery in a major epicardial coronary artery (CA). Percutaneoous coronary interventions (PCIs) were undertaken either as initial interventions, or in a framework of pharmacointervantional treatment tactics.RESULTS. Among 405 patients with STEMI, 154 (38%) underwent a thrombolytic therapy (TLT). Coronarography performed within 24 h from the onset of disease clinical symptoms demonstrated a completely occluded CA that had supplied blood to the area of present infarction in 73% of patients without previous TLT and in 74% of patients after TLT. TLT proved to be effective only in 36 % of patients. A successful revascularization, compared to that of inefficient, reduced the relative all-cause mortality risk and MI-caused mortality risk in the initially high-risk patients by 74% and 78 %, respectively.concLusIons A timely myocardium revascularization using PCI is effective after successfully performed TLT. This proves the benefit of pharmacointerventional treatment tactics for the patients with STEMI in the cases when initial PCI appeared impossible for some reasons. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. В ходе выполнения проспективного обсервационного исследования оценить влияние фармакоинвазивной тактики лечения больных острым инфарктом миокарда (ИМ) с подъемом сегмента ST на летальность.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. В исследование были включены данные о 405 больных с острым ИМ с подъемом сегмента ST. Для оценки степени восстановления коронарного кровотока в крупной эпикардиальной коронарной артерии использовали классификацию TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) [7]. Чрескожное вмешательство на коронарной артерии выполняли в виде первичных вмешательств либо в рамках фармакоинвазивной тактики.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Из 405 больных с ИМ с подъемом сегмента ST тромболитическая терапия (ТЛТ) была выполнена у 154 больных (38%). По данным коронарографии, выполненной в течение 24 ч после развития клинических проявлений заболевания, полная окклюзия коронарной артерии, кровоснабжавшей зону инфаркта, в отсутствие предшествующей тромболитической терапии (ТЛТ) и после выполнения ТЛТ была выявлена у 73% и 47% больных соответственно. ТЛТ оказалась эффективной лишь у 36% больных. При успешной реваскуляризации по сравнению с неэффективной относительный риск смерти от любой причины и смерти от ИМ у больных с исходно более высоким риском снижался на 74% и 78% соответственно.ВЫВОДЫ. Своевременная реваскуляризация миокарда с помощью ЧВКА эффективна после выполнения успешной ТЛТ, что свидетельствует об обоснованности фармакоинвазивной тактики лечения больных острым ИМ с подъемом сегмента ST в случаях, когда выполнение первичного ЧВКА по каким-либо причинам оказалось невозможным.

    A New Saurolophine Dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Far Eastern Russia

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    Background: Four main dinosaur sites have been investigated in latest Cretaceous deposits from the Amur/Heilongjiang Region: Jiayin and Wulaga in China (Yuliangze Formation), Blagoveschensk and Kundur in Russia (Udurchukan Formation). More than 90% of the bones discovered in these localities belong to hollow-crested lambeosaurine saurolophids, but flat-headed saurolophines are also represented: Kerberosaurus manakini at Blagoveschensk and Wulagasaurus dongi at Wulaga. Methodology/Principal Findings: Herein we describe a new saurolophine dinosaur, Kundurosaurus nagornyi gen. et sp. nov. from the Udurchukan Formation (Maastrichtian) of Kundur, represented by disarticulated cranial and postcranial material. This new taxon is diagnosed by four autapomorphies. Conclusions/Significance: A phylogenetic analysis of saurolophines indicates that Kundurosaurus nagornyi is nested within a rather robust clade including Edmontosaurus spp. Saurolophus spp. and Prosaurolophus maximus, possibly as a sister-taxon for Kerberosaurus manakini also from the Udurchukan Formation of Far Eastern Russia. The high diversity and mosaic distribution of Maastrichtian hadrosaurid faunas in the Amur-Heilongjiang region are the result of a complex palaeogeographical history and imply that many independent hadrosaurid lineages dispersed without any problem between western America and eastern Asia at the end of the Cretaceous. © 2012 Godefroit et al.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe


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    Study objective was to conduct a prospective observational study to assess the effect of pharmacointerventional tactics on the outcome of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in terms of mortality.MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study included 405 patients with acute STEMI. The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Risk Score was used to assess the coronary circulation recovery in a major epicardial coronary artery (CA). Percutaneoous coronary interventions (PCIs) were undertaken either as initial interventions, or in a framework of pharmacointervantional treatment tactics.RESULTS. Among 405 patients with STEMI, 154 (38%) underwent a thrombolytic therapy (TLT). Coronarography performed within 24 h from the onset of disease clinical symptoms demonstrated a completely occluded CA that had supplied blood to the area of present infarction in 73% of patients without previous TLT and in 74% of patients after TLT. TLT proved to be effective only in 36 % of patients. A successful revascularization, compared to that of inefficient, reduced the relative all-cause mortality risk and MI-caused mortality risk in the initially high-risk patients by 74% and 78 %, respectively.concLusIons A timely myocardium revascularization using PCI is effective after successfully performed TLT. This proves the benefit of pharmacointerventional treatment tactics for the patients with STEMI in the cases when initial PCI appeared impossible for some reasons

    Alternative “Green” Antimicrobial Agents Obtained by Selective Sorption from Lactobacillus plantarum Culture

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    According to the world health organization report from September 2016, the development of pathogenic bacteria resistance to antimicrobial drugs is one of the most important problems of the modern medicine. In this regard, the urgent task is the search for alternative antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections. One approach to solving this problem is obtaining antimicrobial compounds synthesized by probiotic lactic acid bacteria. The probiotic strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 8P-A3, was chosen to study its antimicrobial action. This strain produces at least two bacteriocins – plantaricin EF and plantaricin NC8. The chromatographic isolation of peptide fractions from the supernatant was carried out using a polymer sorbent based on methacrylic acid and ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate. Optimal parameters for chromatographic process were determined. It is shown that all the target biologically active substances were bound with the sorbent in sorption at acidic pH values. Elution was performed in isocratic mode. The antimicrobial activity of the obtained peptide fractions against indicator culture was determined by turbidimetric method. During incubation process, the turbidity of the microbial suspension was determined by measuring the optical density at λ = 600 nm. It is revealed that the fraction obtained at rinse by eluent with pH 8 has the maximum inhibitory ability. Сhromatomass-spectrometry analysis of the peptide fraction was carried out using Shimadzu LCMS-8040.The antimicrobial activity of the fraction is comparable to the action of ampicillin against gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. To confirm the peptide nature of the antimicrobial activity of the fraction, an indicator culture was incubated with the fraction treated with proteolytic enzymes (trypsin). It is determined the fraction can be stored at −18 °C and saves antimicrobial properties after defrosting

    Electrooptical model of the first retina layers of a visual analyzer

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    An electrooptical principle of converting and transmitting optical signals is proposed and used as the basis for constructing a model of the upper layers of the retina of the visual analyzer of animals. An evaluation of multichannel fibrous optical systems, in which the conversion of optical signals is based on the electrooptical principle, to model the upper retina layers is presented. The symbolic circuit of the model and its algorithm are discussed

    Переробка мідновмісних шлаків на основі електрошлакового та дугошлакового переплаву

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    Results of the experimental melts, confirming the extraction of copper from slag, lump and dusty wastes of copper melting production in application of processes of arc and electroslag melting are given. The percentage of copper extraction, reaching 97.9% and its content in ingot – 93…99.6 %, is shown. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований, которые подтверждают возможность извлечения меди из шлаков, кусковых и пылеобразных отходов медеплавильного производства при использовании процессов  дугошлакового и  электрошлакового переплава. Показаны  коэффициент извлечения меди, достигающий 97,9 %, и ее содержание в слитке 93,0…99,6 %.Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень, які підтверджують можливість вилучення міді  зі шлаків, кускових  і пилоподібних відходів мідеплавильного виробництва при використанні процесів дугошлакового та електрошлакового переплаву. Показані коефіцієнт вилучення міді, який досягає 97,9 %, та вміст її у злитку 93,0…99,6 %