11 research outputs found

    Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy to Increase Vocabulary Mastery

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    This research focused on increasing vocabulary mastery by using of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy. This research used CAR as the design which conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of plan, implementation, observation and reflection. This research has 20 students (15 female and 5 male) as the subject research.  They are the ESP (English as Specific Purpose) students of Indonesian language and literature education in the second semester. The result showed that mean score of the first cycle was 67 while in the second cycle was 94.3. There is 27.3 improvement from cycle one to cycle two. In short, the application of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy can be applied as the strategy to improve vocabulary mastery to the students


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa metode efektif guru dalam mengajarkan kosakata bahasa Inggris padasantri Pondok Pesantren Denanyar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptifkualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA di Pondok Pesantren Denanyar. Kuisioner penelitian menghasilkan65,2% suka menggunakan gambar, 26,1% menggunakan hafalan, dan 8,7% menggunakan terjemahan. Dari Hasilpenelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan kartu bergambar atau kertas dapat meningkatkan kosakatabahasa Inggris di kelas


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    The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants.


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    Students get difficulty in speaking because they are nervous to express their ideas or thoughts directly and experience mispronunciations. The teacher should choose the best method to make the students improve their speaking ability. Therefore, the researchers focused their study on improving students’ speaking ability by implementing Two Stay Two Stray method. Collaborative classroom action research was used as the research design in this research whose purposes were to describe the teacher’s and the students’ activities in the implementation of TSTS method and the supporting and obstructing factors found by the teacher when implementing TSTS method as well as to know whether or not TSTS could improve the student’s speaking ability. The subjects of this research were 15 students at class VII A of MTs Al- Washoya. Meanwhile, the data were taken from the students’ speaking test and the observation. Data analysis showed that the teacher’s and the students’ activities were as what was written in the lesson plan. The supporting factors were the students’ enthusiasm and motivation in joining speaking class and the obstructing factors were that TSTS spent much time and caused the students’ confusion in the first meeting. Then, the students’ speaking ability got significant improvement in cycle two. Thus, it could be concluded that the implementation of TSTS method could improve the students’ speaking ability


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    Writing learning using P.O.W.E.R. strategy that occurs in the eight class of MTs Mahwil Ummiyah make innovative and inspiring learning, the students innovatively to creative study and independent, the strategy is  involving students to evaluate and revise independently who crated students in writing. The goal is the POWER method to be achieved in the writing learning effectively, to descript the students of result in the writing learning using the POWER method. The technique data analysis data reduction the researcher observe  in the field, data display to descript the result, conclusion is the verification. The result of this research can be seen in the 4 cycles of learning process. 20,5% is the students learning result  from first cycle in the second cycles out 72% in the third cycles 85% in the fourth 91%. Can conclude that students writing learning was drastic  increase. this shows that the learning process using the POWER method of students in MTs Mahwil Ummiyah successfully. Keyword: Teaching Writing Using P.O.W.E.R Metho


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    Ketergantungan anak terhadap gadget dapat disebabkan karena waktu yang diberikan orangtua untukbermain gadget terlalu lama durasinya. Bermain gadget dengan durasi yang cukup panjang dandilakukan setiap harimenimbulkan efek anak menjadi antisosial atau tidak mau bersosial dengantemannya atau lingkungan sekitar. Mayoritas penduduk Desa Spanyul Kecamatan Gudo KabupatenJombang disibukkan dengan aktivitasnya sebagai petani dan pekerja ladang (buruh tani) sehingga tidakbisa mengawasi anak-anaknya saat menggunakan gadget. Hasil pemaparan permasalahan mitra darianalisis situasi di Desa Sepanyul Kecamatan Gudo Jombang menunjukkan bahwa para orangtuamembutuhkan pelatihan pendidikan psikologi untuk menghadapi anaknya yang gemar bermain gadget diera revolusi industry 4.0. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dikemas denganmenggunakan pendekatan workshop. Pelaksanaannya menggunakan metode ceramah dengan teknikpresentasi, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi, tanya jawab dan latihan sebagai bentuk evaluasi dari kegiatanworkshop. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi dan juga pengisi angket yang dilakukan oleh para peserta, makadapat diperoleh temuan bahwa anak bisa kecanduan gadget itu disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yangmenjadi dasar penyebab anak kecanduan, yakni orangtua kurang mengontrol anak dalam menggunakangadget, orangtua sering melalikan bahwa anak butuh pendampingan, orangtua juga menganggap bahwamereka sudah memberikan kasih sayang dengan cara membiarkan anak-anak mereka bermain gadget,tanpa mereka sadari kasih sayang mereka tidak sesuai porsinya karena justru menyebabkan anak merekakecanduan gadget. Berdasarkan hasil pemberian materi dan diskusi kelompok dengan pesertapengabdian, maka dapat terbentuk ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang bahayaradiasi gelombang elektromagnetik akibat penggunaan gadget pada anak. Hasil PKM juga dapatmembentuk karakter ibu-ibu yang bijak dan tegas dalam menerapkan kiat-kiat penggunaan gadget

    Matchmaking in Jane Austen’s Emma: A Psychological approach viewed from Skinner’s theory

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    ABSTRACT Novel Emma that was published in 1815 is written by Jane Austen. Generally, this novel talked about a beautiful, smart, rich and independent woman, named Emma. Her hobby is being a matchmaker. To know why Emma likes to do it, a researcher tries to analyze the psychological condition of Emma. The objectives of the study are to describe Emma’s matchmaking portrayed in novel and to describe Emma’s motivation in doing matchmaking in Jane Austen’s Emma. In answering those, the theory that is used is in Skinner’s Theory. Many data will be analyzed of this study in many steps. Start from underlining the sentence that is related to the research, then identify the data whether it is right or not, next is analyzing the data that has close relation with the research problem, and the last is simplify the data. Emma has such belief in matchmaking. Emma believes in her ability to match make. It has been applied to her sister, governess, best friend, etc. After Emma’s succession, named Miss Taylor, Emma gets brave and believes that she can be a matchmaker for others and do matchmaking again. Emma’s motivation in doing matchmaking are Emma had successes to be a matchmaker before, so that she wants to apply it again to her close friend and Emma also had some background why she does it. They are the quest for marriage and financial security. The condition that made Emma does it. At that time, women are allowed to have friends from the same genre. Women’s friend was woman and man’s friend is man. The purpose of marriage was for economic and social status. Skinner discovered two basic reinforcement strategies for increasing the frequency of behavior. First is positive reinforcement the behavior increases because it is followed by reward. It is such Emma does. Because she had success doing matchmaking, she doing it again and again. Then, second is the frequency of a behavior can increase with the negative reinforcement or with the removal or lessening of an unpleasant stimulus. It is done when she fail to match make Harriet and Mr. Elton. She felt she had fail and not do it anymore


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    SMP Ainul Ulum Mojoagung adalah SMP yang terletak di daerah pelosok Jombang. Kemampuan teknologi dari para guru SMP ini masih rendah sehingga sangat terkendala sekali dengan adanya peraturan pemerintah tentang pembelajaran daring karena pandemi COVID-19 ini. Mereka sangat memerlukan pelatihan penggunaan teknologi untuk mengelola kelas pembelajaran daringnya. Sehingga tim PkM prodi pendidikan bahasa Inggris UNHASY memutuskan untuk meberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi Zoho, GoogleClassroom, GoogleMeet, dan Faststone Capture untuk membantu mereka dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran daring. Hasil pretes dan postes dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan kemajuan yang sangat signifikan yakni dari hanya 20% saja yang bisa menjawab soal pretes menjadi 100% peserta mampu menjawab soal postes. Dari kuesioner testimoni yang dibagikan kepada peserta setelah pelatihan berakhir diketahui bahwa pelatihan pembelajaran online yang diberikan oleh tim PkM prodi pendidikan bahasa Inggris UNHASY ini sangat bermanfaat dan membantu mereka untuk mengajar di kelas daringnya. Pelatihan yang semacam ini sangat diperlukan bagi guru yang berada di daerah pelosok untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berteknologinya dalam era pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi seperti saat ini

    The Influence of Students' Creativity to Construct Sentences toward Their Speaking Skill

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    One of the obligated English materials studied by all students of Indonesian universities is speaking English because English is one of the international languages used to communicate in the world. Moreover, many work fields offered from abroad to Indonesian scholars obligate them to speak English well. Having capability to speak English well is not an easy task. There are some factors influencing the ability of speaking. One of the factors is creativity. Therefore, this research is concerned on investigating the influence of students’ creativity to create sentences toward their speaking skill. This article only discusses one of the three objectives of this quasi experimental research. It is whether or not the students having high creativity have high speaking skill. The data of this research consisted of the scores of creativity test and speaking test. The data of speaking scores were categorized into two, scores of the students having high and low creativity. After those data were normal and homogeneous, then, analyzed using F-test ANOVA. The difference between rows is significant because Fo between rows (1125.64) is higher than Ft (4.11) at the level of significance α= 0.05. The mean score of B1 (78.9) is higher than that of B2 (60.85), it can be said that the speaking skill of students having high creativity is higher than those having low creativity. Thus, it can be concluded that students’ creativity influences their speaking skill.Keywords: Influence; Students’ Creativity; Speaking Skil