78 research outputs found

    Measuring Surface Chemical Properties of Soil Using Flow Calorimetry

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    Flow calorimetry, which is ideally suited for measuring reactions occurring at the liquid/solid interface, has been used to study the surface chemistry of many types of solids, but little use of it has been made in the study of surface reactions of soils. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the application of flow calorimetry to the study of two fundamental soil chemical processes, namely cation exchange and phosphate sorption. Surface horizon samples of a Typic Acrorthox and a Typic Tropohumult from Puerto Rico, a strong acid cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-8), and an amorphous Al(OH)3 were used. Heats for K/Ca exchange on the Dowex resin and the Oxisol, and K/Na exchange on the Ultisol, were consistent with literature values that were obtained using conventional batch calorimetry or derived from the temperature dependence of the exchange constant. Although peak areas associated with a given pair of exchange reactions were equal, peak shapes were generally not equivalent, indicating differences in the rate at which the two reactions occurred. For example, Ca displacing exchangeable K occurred more rapidly than the reverse reaction on the Dowex resin. The reaction of phosphate with the Ultisol and amorphous Al(OH)3 was exothermic. Exposure of the soil to several cycles of phosphate was sufficient to saturate the sorption sites, as evidenced by the loss of a detectable heat signal. However, phosphate reactive sites were regenerated by flushing the column with a salt solution at pH 10. Precipitation of Al-phosphate was shown to be endothermic, confirming that precipitation was not the primary mechanism for phosphate sorption in this study. The results of this study show that flow calorimetry can provide valuable information about surface chemical reactions in soils that cannot be obtained readily by other methods

    Understanding the Mechanisms of Lead, Copper, and Zinc Retention by Phosphate Rock

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    The solid-liquid interface reaction between phosphate rock (PR) and metals (Pb, Cu, and Zn)was studied. Phosphate rock has the highest affinity for Pb, followed by Cu and Zn, with sorption capacities of 131, 114, and 83.2 mmol kg-1 PR, respectively. In the Pb-Cu-Zn ternary system, competitive metal sorption occurred with sorption capacity reduction of 15.2%, 48.3%, and 75.6% for Pb, Cu, and Zn, respectively. A fractional factorial design showed the interfering effect in the order of Pb\u3eCu\u3eZn. Desorption of Cu and Zn was sensitive to pH change, increasing with pH decline, whereas Pb desorption was decreased with a strongly acidic TCLP extracting solution (pH=2.93). The greater stability of Pb retention by PR can be attributed to the fact that P-induced formation of fluoropyromorphite [Pb10(PO4)6F2] (i.e. irreversibly chemisorbed) was primarily responsible for Pb immobilization (up to 78.3%), which was confirmed by XRD and SEM. The other 21.7% of Pb retained by PR was via surface adsorption or complexation, compared to 74.5% for Cu and 96.7% for Zn. Solution pH reduction during metal retention and flow calorimetry analysis both supported the hypothesis of retention of Pb, Cu, and Zn by surface adsorption or complexation. Flow calorimetry indicated that Pb and Cu adsorption onto PR was exothermic, while Zn sorption was endothermic. Our research further demonstrated that PR could be used effectively to remove Pb from wastewater or remediate Pb-contaminated soil and sediments

    Selectivities of K/Ca and K/Pb Exchange in Two Tropical Soils

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    Measurement of cation selectivity in soils provides important information about the affinity and binding strength of a particular cation on soil surfaces. Gaines-Thomas (KGT) selectivity coefficients were determined for a variety of K/Ca and K/Pb ratios on an Oxisol and Ultisol soil from Puerto Rico. The calculated KGT values indicated a preference for K+ over Ca2+ or Pb2+. The selectivity for Pb2+ was significantly greater than that for Ca2+ due to the larger hydrated charge density of Pb2+ relative to that of Ca2+. The patterns of selectivity were independent of metal type. The selectivity of the Oxisol for Ca2+ or Pb2+ exhibited no trend/did not change with changes in divalent metal surface coverage indicating exchange sites had similar affinities for Ca2+ and Pb2+. The Ultisol displayed a decrease in selectivity for Ca2+ and Pb2+ with increasing surface coverage of these ions. This was attributed to the presence of smectite in the Ultisol which was able to partially collapse when K+ saturated. Some of the Pb sorption in the soils was due to chemisorption. The Oxisol chemisorbed ~ 3000 ppm Pb while that value for the Ultisol was ~ 1900 ppm. The differences were due to the greater quantities of Fe/Al oxides and organic matter in the Oxisol relative to the Ultisol. SEM-EDX spectroscopy detected discrete Pb-C phases in both soils. The C was from organic matter as PbCO3 was not stable under experimental conditions. It was possible Pb was associated with organic sulfhydral groups. The selectivity exhibited by soil systems for various nutrient and heavy metals is important in elucidating how available these metals will be for plant/animal uptake as well as their mobility and stability in the soil environment

    Heat and water stress induce unique transcriptional signatures of heat-shock proteins and transcription factors in grapevine

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    Grapevine is an extremely important crop worldwide. In southern Europe, post-flowering phases of the growth cycle can occur under high temperatures, excessive light, and drought conditions at soil and/or atmospheric level. In this study, we subjected greenhouse grown grapevine, variety Aragonez, to two individual abiotic stresses, water deficit stress (WDS), and heat stress (HS). The adaptation of plants to stress is a complex response triggered by cascades of molecular networks involved in stress perception, signal transduction, and the expression of specific stress-related genes and metabolites. Approaches such as array-based transcript profiling allow assessing the expression of thousands of genes in control and stress tissues. Using microarrays, we analyzed the leaf transcriptomic profile of the grapevine plants. Photosynthesis measurements verified that the plants were significantly affected by the stresses applied. Leaf gene expression was obtained using a high-throughput transcriptomic grapevine array, the 23K custom-made Affymetrix Vitis GeneChip. We identified 1,594 genes as differentially expressed between control and treatments and grouped them into ten major functional categories using MapMan software. The transcriptome of Aragonez was more significantly affected by HS when compared with WDS. The number of genes coding for heat-shock proteins and transcription factors expressed solely in response to HS suggesting their expression as unique signatures of HS. However, a cross-talk between the response pathways to both stresses was observed at the level of AP2/ERF transcription factors

    The Science Performance of JWST as Characterized in Commissioning

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    This paper characterizes the actual science performance of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), as determined from the six month commissioning period. We summarize the performance of the spacecraft, telescope, science instruments, and ground system, with an emphasis on differences from pre-launch expectations. Commissioning has made clear that JWST is fully capable of achieving the discoveries for which it was built. Moreover, almost across the board, the science performance of JWST is better than expected; in most cases, JWST will go deeper faster than expected. The telescope and instrument suite have demonstrated the sensitivity, stability, image quality, and spectral range that are necessary to transform our understanding of the cosmos through observations spanning from near-earth asteroids to the most distant galaxies

    Response of Tomatoes to Lime and Phosphorus on a Sandy Soil 1

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