16,949 research outputs found

    Second-order weak lensing from modified gravity

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    We explore the sensitivity of weak gravitational lensing to second-order corrections to the spacetime metric within a cosmological adaptation of the parameterized post-Newtonian framework. Whereas one might expect nonlinearities of the gravitational field to introduce non-Gaussianity into the statistics of the lensing convergence field, we show that such corrections are actually always small within a broad class of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. We show this by first computing the weak lensing convergence within our parameterized framework to second order in the gravitational potential, and then computing the relevant post-Newtonian parameters for scalar-tensor gravity theories. In doing so we show that this potential systematic factor is generically negligible, thus clearing the way for weak lensing to provide a direct tracer of mass on cosmological scales for a wide class of gravity theories despite uncertainties in the precise nature of the departures from general relativity.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor edits to match the PRD accepted versio

    Method for retarding dye fading during archival storage of developed color photographic film

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    Dye fading during archival storage of developed color photographic film is retarded by placing the film in a sealed, opaque vault, introducing a dry, pressurized inert gas into the vault while the latter is vented, and sealing the vault after the air within the vault has been purged and replaced by the inert gas. Preferably, the gas is nitrogen; and the vault is stored at a temperature below room temperature to preserve the color photographic emulsions on the film contained within the vault. For short-term storage, sodium thiocyanate pads charged with water are placed within the vault. For long term storage, the interior of the vault is kept at a low relative humidity

    Electrophoresis device

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    A device for separating cellular particles of a sample substance into fractionated streams of different cellular species includes a casing having a distribution chamber, a separation chamber, and a collection chamber. The electrode chambers are separated from the separation chamber interior by means of passages such that flow variations and membrane variations around the slotted portion of the electrode chamber do not enduce flow perturbations into the laminar buffer curtain flowing in the separation chamber. The cellular particles of the sample are separated under the influence of the electrical field and the separation chamber into streams of different cellular species. The streams of separated cells enter a partition array in the collection chamber where they are fractionated and collected

    Japan's Monetary Policy Transition, 1955-2004

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    This paper surveys the postwar evolution of Bank of Japan (BOJ) monetary policy. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, we describe the changes in the money supply process in response to changing institutional constraints. We focus on the transition from quantitative to qualitative control mechanisms, illuminating, in particular, the important role of the BOJ=s lending guidance (Awindow guidance@) in the early periods and financial liberalization in subsequent periods. Monetary policy reaction functions are estimated and used to identify major changes in policy instruments, targets, and indicators. We analyze the historical behavior of the money multipliers and their components, highlighting reasons for their current depressed state. We conclude with comments on current challenges facing the monetary authorities.Monetary policy, Bank of Japan

    A Scanning laser-velocimeter technique for measuring two-dimensional wake-vortex velocity distributions

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    A rapid scanning two dimensional laser velocimeter (LV) has been used to measure simultaneously the vortex vertical and axial velocity distributions in the Langley Vortex Research Facility. This system utilized a two dimensional Bragg cell for removing flow direction ambiguity by translating the optical frequency for each velocity component, which was separated by band-pass filters. A rotational scan mechanism provided an incremental rapid scan to compensate for the large displacement of the vortex with time. The data were processed with a digital counter and an on-line minicomputer. Vaporized kerosene (0.5 micron to 5 micron particle sizes) was used for flow visualization and LV scattering centers. The overall measured mean-velocity uncertainity is less than 2 percent. These measurements were obtained from ensemble averaging of individual realizations

    Description of economic data collected with a random sample of commercial reef fish boats in the Florida Keys

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    This study summarizes the results of a survey designed to provide economic information about the financial status of commercial reef fish boats with homeports in the Florida Keys. A survey questionnaire was administered in the summer and fall of 1994 by interviewers in face-to-face meetings with owners or operators of randomly selected boats. Fishermen were asked for background information about themselves and their boats, their capital investments in boats and equipment, and about their average catches, revenues, and costs per trip for their two most important kinds of fishing trips during 1993 for species in the reef fish fishery. Respondents were characterized with regard to their dependence on the reef fish fishery as a source of household income. Boats were described in terms of their physical and financial characteristics. Different kinds of fishing trips were identified by the species that generated the greatest revenue. Trips were grouped into the following categories: yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus); mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci), or red grouper (Epinephelus morio); gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus); deeper water groupers and tilefishes; greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili); spiny lobster (Panulirus argus); king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla); and dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus). Average catches, revenues, routine trip costs, and net operating revenues per boat per trip and per boat per year were estimated for each category of fishing trips. In addition to its descriptive value, data collected during this study will aid in future examinations of the economic effects of various regulations on commercial reef fish fishermen.(PDF file contains 48 pages.

    Deformation processes in forging ceramics Progress report, 19 Jun. - 19 Sep. 1969

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    Deformation processes involved in forging of polycrystalline oxide ceramic

    High temperature compounds for turbine vanes

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    Fabrication and microstructure control studies were conducted on SiC, Si3N and composites based on Si3N. Charpy mode impact testing to 2400 F established that Si3N4/Mo composites have excellent potential. Attempts to fabricate composites of Si3N4 with superalloys, both by hot pressing and infiltration were largely unsuccessful in comparison to using Mo, Re, and Ta which are less reactive. Modest improvements in impact strength were realized for monolithic Si3N4; however, SiC strengths increased by a factor of six and now equal values achieved for Si3N4. Correlations of impact strength with material properties are discussed. Reduced MgO densification aid additions to Si3N4 were found to decrease densification kinetics, increase final porosity, decrease room temperature bend strength, increase high temperature bend strength, and decrease bend stress rupture properties. The decrease in bend strength at high temperature for fine grain size SiC suggested that a slightly larger grain size material with a nearly constant strength-temperature relation may prove desirable in the creep and stress rupture mode