88 research outputs found

    Laminar Flame Combustion Diagnostics Using Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

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    Laminar flames are an important tool in combustion diagnostics with a host of pre-existing experimental research methods. Currently, however, no method captures time-resolved scalar profile estimates of temperature, and major species concentrations with a single measurement. This work provides IFTS with the capability to measure time-resolved 3D imaging of scalar values in laminar axisymmetric flames. This will make IFTS a useful tool for understanding combustion phenomenon, validating chemical kinetic models, verifying numerical simulations, and system performance estimate. Two algorithms are presented. The first reconstructs spectra as a function of flame period. Through selectively averaging over an ensemble of measurements, interferograms representing the scalar fields at t0 can be created. The second improves on traditional tomographic inversion methods to radially resolve multiple scalar values simultaneously in an axisymmetric flame. The combination of these two algorithms was applied to measurements of an unsteady laminar hydrogen flame. Temperature and water concentrations were successfully resolved radially at eight different snapshot times in the period of the flames harmonic motion. Measured results compared favorably with previously reported values and CFD simulations. Temperatures agree to within 11% and water concentration values agree to within 19%. This work demonstrates the ability of IFTS to make time-resolved 3-D maps of scalar values of harmonic laminar flame

    Application of an Imaging Fourier-Transform Spectrometer for the Means of Combustion Diagnostics

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    A passive remote sensing technique for accurately monitoring the combustion efficiency of petrochemical flares is greatly desired. A Phase II DOE-funded SBIR lead by Spectral Sciences, Inc. is underway to develop such a method. This paper presents an overview of the progress of AFIT\u27s contribution. A Telops Hyper-Cam Mid-wave infrared imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer is used to examine a flame produced by a Hencken burner. Ethylene fuel was burned at four different equivalency ratios φ = 0:80; 0:91; 1:0 and 1:25. Presented is qualitative spectrally-resolved visualization of a Hencken burner flame and the spatial distribution of combustion by-products. The flame spectra were characterized by structured emissions from CO2, H2O and CO. A single-layer model is developed to estimate the temperature and H2O and CO2 concentrations using spectrally-resolved flame emissions between 3100 cm-1 ≤ ν ≤ 3500 cm-1. At the flame center 10 mm above the burner, temperature was estimated as T = 2172 ± 28 K, this compares favorably with recently reported OH-absorption measurements (T = 2226 ± 112 K) and equilibrium calculations (T = 2302 K). H2O and CO2 mole fractions at the same height of 10 mm were measured to be 13:7 ± 0:6% and 15:5 ± 0:8%, respectively

    Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond

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    The present book, the first collective volume entirely devoted to aspects of Byzantine epigraphy, mainly comprises papers delivered at two international meetings (Vienna 2010, Sofia 2011). The book is divided into four sections and includes contributions on the history of Byzantine epigraphy, on the definition of Byzantine inscriptions, on the methodoly of editing and on case studies of inscription of specific regions and eras


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    Tobacco is considered as one of the indonesia’s main commodities which is has a significant contribution in the national’s economic condition. Mostly production of tobacco leaf used for domestic cigarette production and export purposes. The regulation states that the tobacco moisture conditions have a very important role in a cigarette production activity. Industrial process control system in the modern era is usually refers to the automation system controller, where the role of man is no longer dominant . The automation system has many functions one of them as the tobacco moisture sorter which runs automatically . The program was created by the tobacco sorting CodeVisionAVR to operate the system. Programs that have been saved then transfered to the ATmega16 Microcontroller hardware, with the hope of operation can succeed. This sorting using conveyor controller in an automated process. Based on the experimental results of the tool shows the system is running successfully. This process is due to the level of humidity on the sensor electrode when the humidity is at a value of humidity 10-20 % then passes dc motor turns on and when the humidity is beyond the value of moisture 10-20 % then reject the motor on Keyword : Tobacco, Mikrokontroler ATMega16, CodeVisionAVR, Conveyo

    Byzantine Greek Words in English Vocabulary?

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    A scoping review of spine surgeries between specialties: comparing neurosurgeons versus orthopedic surgeons

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    Spine surgeries are both performed by neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. However, there remains controversy whether surgeon specialty affects spine surgery outcomes and complications. The objective of this scoping review was to map the existing knowledge comparing the outcomes and complications of spine surgeries between neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. Eligible studies are any English-written or -translated published journals written from year 2000 onwards that compared outcomes and/or complications of spine surgeries between neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. Excluded papers are those which do not dichotomize or specify the surgeon specialty to either neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon. Medline database was used to systematically search for papers that compare the two specialties. Ten studies were selected which directly compared spine surgery outcomes of the two specialties, all of which are retrospective studies and most of it relied on the national database. Specific spine surgeries were varied between all studies. Overwhelmingly, these studies showed no significant differences between neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons in short term outcomes while there were some significant differences in complications. Based on this scoping study, surgeon specialty, whether neurosurgery or orthopedics, has no significant association in spine surgery outcomes. This may imply that despite the differences in training, patients may have good outcomes if treated by either specialty. However, questions remain whether the effect of further training after residency or fellowship, length of experience and number of cases of both surgeon specialties have a causal effect in outcomes of spine surgeries

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Program Studi Diploma III Akuntansi Perpajakan di Politeknik Telkom

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    Pajak merupakan sumber pemasukan bagi Negara, maka dibutuhkan pengelolaan yang baik dan benar. Tidak hanya itu, pengelolaan yang baik juga berlaku pada perusahaan. Mengingat perusahan merupakan obyek pajak. Hal ini sesuai dengan jumlah lowongan pekerjaan pada bidang tersebut yang mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2007 sampai 2009. Dari keseluruhan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, terdapat 30 perguruan tinggi yang membuka Program Studi Perpajakan, dengan daya tampung sebesar 4.924 orang dari keseluruhan peminat sebesar 218.776 orang. Politeknik Telkom adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta melihat peluang dari besarnya pasar yang ada dari program studi tersebut, tertarik untuk melakukan riset kelayakan sebagai langkah awal implementasi Program Studi D3 Akuntansi Perpajakan di Politeknik Telkom. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan besar pasar potensial untuk Program Studi D3 Akuntansi Perpajakan Politeknik Telkom sebesar 6.844 siswa. Besar pasar tersedia yang berdasarkan pada tingkat kemampuan dan daya beli terhadap program studi ini sebesar 3.490 siswa. Sedangkan untuk pasar sasaran sebesar 200 siswa. Dari aspek teknis dibutuhkan rancangan kegiatan operasional, rancangan tersebut disusun berdasarkan estimasi permintaan dan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku. Selain itu, dari perhitungan parameter keuangan menghasilkan nilai NPV sebesar Rp, IRR 28%, dan PBP selama 4,39 tahun. Proyeksi perhitungan dilakukan selama 7 periode. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut, maka Program Studi D3 Akuntansi Perpajakan Politeknik Telkom layak direalisasikan. program studi, studi kelayakan, Politeknik Telko

    Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond

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    The present book, the first collective volume entirely devoted to aspects of Byzantine epigraphy, mainly comprises papers delivered at two international meetings (Vienna 2010, Sofia 2011). The book is divided into four sections and includes contributions on the history of Byzantine epigraphy, on the definition of Byzantine inscriptions, on the methodoly of editing and on case studies of inscription of specific regions and eras.Das vorliegende Buch, der erste zur Gänze Aspekten der byzantinistischen Epigraphik gewidmete Sammelband, umfasst in erster Linie Beiträge von zwei internationalen Konferenzen (Wien 2010, Sofia 2011). Das Buch besteht aus vier Abschnitten und bietet Artikel zur Geschichte der byzantinischen Epigraphik, zur Definition von byzantinischen Inschriften, zur Methodik der Editionen und zu Fallstudien zu Inschriften bestimmter Regionen und Epochen

    Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung. Band 3, Teil I

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    In Byzantium the epigram as a genre was highly appreciated. Their analysis is the aim of the four planned volumes of the project “Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung” [“Byzantine epigrams on objects”]. More than 300 and such epigrams preserved on stone, which are treated in the present third volume, are known from the project period 600 AD to 1500 AD

    Mid-IR Hyperspectral Imaging of Laminar Flames for 2-D Scalar Values

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    This work presents a new emission-based measurement which permits quantification of two-dimensional scalar distributions in laminar flames. A Michelson-based Fourier-transform spectrometer coupled to a mid-infrared camera (1.5 μm to 5.5 μm) obtained 256 × 128pixel hyperspectral flame images at high spectral (δν̃ = 0.75cm−1) and spatial (0.52 mm) resolutions. The measurements revealed line and band emission from H2O, CO2, and CO. Measurements were collected from a well-characterized partially-premixed ethylene (C2H4) flame produced on a Hencken burner at equivalence ratios, Φ, of 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3. After describing the instrument and novel calibration methodology, analysis of the flames is presented. A single-layer, line-by-line radiative transfer model is used to retrieve path-averaged temperature, H2O, CO2 and CO column densities from emission spectra between 2.3 μm to 5.1 μm. The radiative transfer model uses line intensities from the latest HITEMP and CDSD-4000 spectroscopic databases. For the Φ = 1.1 flame, the spectrally estimated temperature for a single pixel 10 mm above burner center was T = (2318 ± 19)K, and agrees favorably with recently reported laser absorption measurements, T = (2348 ± 115)K, and a NASA CEA equilibrium calculation, T = 2389K. Near the base of the flame, absolute concentrations can be estimated, and H2O, CO2, and CO concentrations of (12.5 ± 1.7) %, (10.1 ± 1.0) %, and (3.8 ± 0.3) %, respectively, compared favorably with the corresponding CEA values of 12.8%, 9.9% and 4.1%. Spectrally-estimated temperatures and concentrations at the other equivalence ratios were in similar agreement with measurements and equilibrium calculations. 2-D temperature and species column density maps underscore the Φ-dependent chemical composition of the flames. The reported uncertainties are 95% confidence intervals and include both statistical fit errors and the propagation of systematic calibration errors using a Monte Carlo approach. Systematic errors could warrant a factor of two increase in reported uncertainties. This work helps to establish IFTS as a valuable combustion diagnostic tool