1,485 research outputs found

    Experimental Measurements of Binder Wave Speeds using Wavenumber Decomposition

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    Prior work has provided few wave speed measurements for the binder materials commonly used with plastic- bonded energetics. Furthermore, those measurements that have been reported are largely based upon rudimentary, \u27pitch and catch\u27 methodologies, which involve sending a pulse from one transducer to another transducer at a set distance apart and measuring the time of flight. Given this, a more rigorous method for determining longitudinal and shear wave speeds in this important class of materials was desired. In this work, material wave speeds are recovered by measuring the vibrational response of a 2D line across the surface of a beam in response to a mechanical excitation and analyzing the data in the frequency-wavenumber domain

    Dwarf Galaxy Formation Was Suppressed By Cosmic Reionization

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    A large number of faint galaxies, born less than a billion years after the big bang, have recently been discovered. The fluctuations in the distribution of these galaxies contributed to a scatter in the ionization fraction of cosmic hydrogen on scales of tens of Mpc, as observed along the lines of sight to the earliest known quasars. Theoretical simulations predict that the formation of dwarf galaxies should have been suppressed after cosmic hydrogen was reionized, leading to a drop in the cosmic star formation rate. Here we present evidence for this suppression. We show that the post-reionization galaxies which produced most of the ionizing radiation at a redshift z~5.5, must have had a mass in excess of ~10^{10.6+/-0.4} solar masses or else the aforementioned scatter would have been smaller than observed. This limiting mass is two orders of magnitude larger than the galaxy mass that is thought to have dominated the reionization of cosmic hydrogen (~10^8 solar masses). We predict that future surveys with space-based infrared telescopes will detect a population of smaller galaxies that reionized the Universe at an earlier time, prior to the epoch of dwarf galaxy suppression.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Nature; press embargo until publishe

    Stars in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We identified 46 unresolved source candidates in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, down to i775 = 29.5. Unresolved objects were identified using a parameter S, which measures the deviation from the curve-of-growth of a point source. Extensive testing of this parameter was carried out, including the effects of decreasing signal-to-noise and of the apparent motions of stars, which demonstrated that stars brighter than i775 = 27.0 could be robustly identified. Low resolution grism spectra of the 28 objects brighter than i775 = 27.0 identify 18 M and later stellar type dwarfs, 2 candidate L-dwarfs, 2 QSOs, and 4 white dwarfs. Using the observed population of dwarfs with spectral type M4 or later, we derive a Galactic disk scale height of 400 \pm 100 pc for M and L stars. The local white dwarf density is computed to be as high as (1.1 \pm 0.3) x10^(-2) stars/pc^3. Based on observations taken 73 days apart, we determined that no object in the field has a proper motion larger than 0.027"/year (3 sigma detection limit). No high velocity white dwarfs were identified in the HUDF, and all four candidates appear more likely to be part of the Galactic thick disk. The lack of detected halo white dwarfs implies that, if the dark matter halo is 12 Gyr old, white dwarfs account for less than 10% of the dark matter halo mass.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Microlensing of Globular Clusters as a Probe of Galactic Structure

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    The spatial distribution of compact dark matter in our Galaxy can be determined in a few years of monitoring Galactic globular clusters for microlensing. Globular clusters are the only dense fields of stars distributed throughout the three-dimensional halo and hence are uniquely suited to probe its structure. The microlensing optical depths towards different clusters have varying contributions from the thin disk, thick disk, bulge, and halo of the Galaxy. Although measuring individual optical depths to all the clusters is a daunting task, we show that interesting Galactic structure information can be extracted with as few as 4040--120120 events in total for the entire globular cluster system (observable with 2--5 years of monitoring). The globular cluster microlensing is particularly sensitive to the core radius of the halo mass distribution and to the scale length, surface mass density, and radial scale height variations of the thin disk.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to ApJ Letters. Uses aastex macro

    Effects of deposit-feeding bivalve (Macomona liliana) density on intertidal sediment stability

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    Effects of macrofaunal feeding and bioturbation on intertidal sediment stability (u*crit) were investigated by manipulating density (0-3 x ambient) of the facultative deposit-feeding wedge shell (Macomona liliana) on the Tuapiro sandflat in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. Sediment stability increased up to 200% with decreasing M. liliana density and this was correlated with greater sediment microalgal biomass and mucilage content. The change in stability occurred despite homogeneity of grain size amongst experimental treatments, highlighting the importance of macrofaunal-microbial relationships in determining estuarine sediment erodibility

    Spectrophotometrically Identified stars in the PEARS-N and PEARS-S fields

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    Deep ACS slitless grism observations and identification of stellar sources are presented within the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields which were obtained in the Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) program. It is demonstrated that even low resolution spectra can be a very powerful means to identify stars in the field, especially low mass stars with stellar types M0 and later. The PEARS fields lay within the larger GOODS fields, and we used new, deeper images to further refine the selection of stars in the PEARS field, down to a magnitude of mz = 25 using a newly developed stellarity parameter. The total number of stars with reliable spectroscopic and morphological identification was 95 and 108 in the north and south fields respectively. The sample of spectroscopically identified stars allows constraints to be set on the thickness of the Galactic thin disk as well as contributions from a thick disk and a halo component. We derive a thin disk scale height, as traced by the population of M4 to M9 dwarfs along two independent lines of sight, of h_thin = 370 +60/-65 pc. When including the more massive M0 to M4 dwarf population, we derive h_thin = 300 +/- 70pc. In both cases, we observe that we must include a combination of thick and halo components in our models in order to account for the observed numbers of faint dwarfs. The required thick disk scale height is typically h_thick=1000 pc and the acceptable relative stellar densities of the thin disk to thick disk and the thin disk to halo components are in the range of 0.00025<f_halo<0.0005 and 0.05<f_thick<0.08 and are somewhat dependent on whether the more massive M0 to M4 dwarfs are included in our sample

    Leaky Gut’s Contribution to Inefficient Nutrient Utilization

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    There are a variety of situations in an animal’s life when nutrient utilization is reprioritized from productive towards agriculturally unproductive purposes. Two well-known examples that markedly reduce production are heat stress and ketosis. Decreased feed intake, experienced during both disorders, is unable to fully explain production losses. Additionally, both disorders are characterized by negative energy balance, body weight loss, inflammation, and liver fat accumulation. While the metabolism of ketosis and heat stress has been thoroughly studied for the last 40 years, the initial insult in the cascade of events ultimately reducing productivity in both heat-stressed and ketotic cows has not been identified. To that end, we have generated preliminary data strongly implicating a metabolic disruptor, endotoxin, as the underlying cause in each case

    GRB as explosions with standard power

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    We show that the distribution of observed energies of GRB with known redshifts can be explained by the hypothesis of the standard energy release E_0=5 10^51 ergs. Two situations are possible, either the beaming angle differs from burst to burst, or there is a universal emssion diagram in each burst, the observed difference being due to different viewing angles.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, use A&A styl