2,685 research outputs found

    Automated urinalysis technique determines concentration of creatine and creatinine by colorimetry

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    Continuous urinalysis technique is useful in the study of muscle wastage in primates. Creatinine concentration in urine is determined in an aliquot mixture by a color reaction. Creatine is determined in a second aliquot by converting it to creatinine and measuring the difference in color intensity between the two aliquots

    Detection of Extremely Broad Water Emission from the molecular cloud interacting Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.2

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    We performed Herschel HIFI, PACS and SPIRE observations towards the molecular cloud interacting supernova remnant G349.7+0.2. An extremely broad emission line was detected at 557 GHz from the ground state transition 1_{10}-1_{01} of ortho-water. This water line can be separated into three velocity components with widths of 144, 27 and 4 km/s. The 144 km/s component is the broadest water line detected to date in the literature. This extremely broad line width shows importance of probing shock dynamics. PACS observations revealed 3 additional ortho-water lines, as well as numerous high-J carbon monoxide (CO) lines. No para-water lines were detected. The extremely broad water line is indicative of a high velocity shock, which is supported by the observed CO rotational diagram that was reproduced with a J-shock model with a density of 10^4 cm^{-3} and a shock velocity of 80 km/s. Two far-infrared fine-structure lines, [O~I] at 145 micron and [C~II] line at 157 micron, are also consistent with the high velocity J-shock model. The extremely broad water line could be simply from short-lived molecules that have not been destroyed in high velocity J-shocks; however, it may be from more complicated geometry such as high-velocity water bullets or a shell expanding in high velocity. We estimate the CO and H2O densities, column densities, and temperatures by comparison with RADEX and detailed shock models. Detection of Extremely Broad Water Emission from the molecular cloud interacting Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.

    Discovery of Broad Molecular lines and of Shocked Molecular Hydrogen from the Supernova Remnant G357.7+0.3: HHSMT, APEX, Spitzer and SOFIA Observations

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    We report a discovery of shocked gas from the supernova remnant (SNR) G357.7+0.3. Our millimeter and submillimeter observations reveal broad molecular lines of CO(2-1), CO(3-2), CO(4-3), 13CO (2-1) and 13CO (3-2), HCO^+ and HCN using HHSMT, Arizona 12-Meter Telescope, APEX and MOPRA Telescope. The widths of the broad lines are 15-30 kms, and the detection of such broad lines is unambiguous, dynamic evidence showing that the SNR G357.7+0.3 is interacting with molecular clouds. The broad lines appear in extended regions (>4.5'x5'). We also present detection of shocked H2 emission in mid-infrared but lacking ionic lines using the Spitzer IRS observations to map a few arcmin area. The H2 excitation diagram shows a best-fit with a two-temperature LTE model with the temperatures of ~200 and 660 K. We observed [C II] at 158um and high-J CO(11-10) with the GREAT on SOFIA. The GREAT spectrum of [C II], a 3 sigma detection, shows a broad line profile with a width of 15.7 km/s that is similar to those of broad CO molecular lines. The line width of [C~II] implies that ionic lines can come from a low-velocity C-shock. Comparison of H2 emission with shock models shows that a combination of two C-shock models is favored over a combination of C- and J-shocks or a single shock. We estimate the CO density, column density, and temperature using a RADEX model. The best-fit model with n(H2) = 1.7x10^{4} cm^{-3}, N(CO) = 5.6x10^{16} cm^{-2}, and T = 75 K can reproduce the observed millimeter CO brightnesses.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Blackbeards of the Twenty-First Century: Holding Cybercriminals Liable under the Alien Tort Statute

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    This Comment explores whether cybercrime constitutes a violation of the law of nations under the ATS. It argues that certain acts of cybercrime may be actionable, but cybercrime as a whole has not yet reached the level of a customary international norm. Part I presents Sosa\u27s approach for recognizing a customary international norm as a private right of action under the ATS. Part II discusses the rising significance of cybercrime and international efforts to thwart it. Part III analogizes cybercrime to one of Sosa\u27s paradigm offenses against the law of nations-piracy-and argues that cyberspace should be viewed as the modern high seas. This analogy demonstrates why cybercrime is suitable for international recognition, but it also indicates where cybercrime law lacks the requisite specificity. Finally, part IV concludes by presenting other methods of prohibiting violations of international law under federal domestic law and foreshadowing the future international status of cybercrime

    Chandra Observations of SN 2004et and the X-ray Emission of Type IIp Supernovae

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    We report the X-ray detection of the Type II-plateau supernova SN 2004et in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The position of the X-ray source was found to agree with the optical position within ~0.4 arcsec. Chandra also surveyed the region before the 2004 event, finding no X-ray emission at the location of the progenitor. For the post-explosion observations, a total of 202, 151, and 158 photons were detected in three pointings, each ~29 ks in length, on 2004 October 22, November 6, and December 3, respectively. The spectrum of the first observation is best fit by a thermal model with a temperature of kT=1.3 keV and a line-of-sight absorption of N_H=1.0 x 10^{22} cm^{-2}. The inferred unabsorbed luminosity (0.4-8 keV) is ~4x10^{38} erg/s, adopting a distance of 5.5 Mpc. A comparison between hard and soft counts on the first and third epochs indicates a softening over this time, although there is an insufficient number of photons to constrain the variation of temperature and absorption by spectral fitting. We model the emission as arising from the reverse shock region in the interaction between the supernova ejecta and the progenitor wind. For a Type IIP supernova with an extended progenitor, the cool shell formed at the time of shock wave breakout from the star can affect the initial evolution of the interaction shell and the absorption of radiation from the reverse shock. The observed spectral softening might be due to decreasing shell absorption. We find a pre-supernova mass loss rate of (2-2.5)x 10^{-6} M_{\odot} /yr for a wind velocity of 10 kms, which is in line with expectations for a Type IIP supernova.Comment: total 19 pages including 7 figures. ApJ, in press. See http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/rho/preprint/SN2004etms.ps for the paper including full resolution image

    Accurate and instant frequency estimation from noisy sinusoidal waves by deep learning

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    We used a deep learning network to find the frequency of a noisy sinusoidal wave. A three-layer neural network was designed to extract the frequency of sinusoidal waves that had been combined with white noise at a signal-to-noise ratio of 25 dB. One hundred thousand waves were prepared for training and testing the model. We designed a neural network that could achieve a mean squared error of 4 x 10(-5) for normalized frequencies. This model was written for the range 1 kHz <= f <= 10 kHz but also shown how to easily be generalized to other ranges. The algorithm is easy to rewrite and the final results are highly accurate. The trained model can find frequency of any previously-unseen noisy wave in less than a second.11Ysciescopu

    Fabrication of three-dimensional suspended, interlayered and hierarchical nanostructures by accuracy-improved electron beam lithography overlay

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    Nanofabrication techniques are essential for exploring nanoscience and many closely related research fields such as materials, electronics, optics and photonics. Recently, three-dimensional (3D) nanofabrication techniques have been actively investigated through many different ways, however, it is still challenging to make elaborate and complex 3D nanostructures that many researchers want to realize for further interesting physics studies and device applications. Electron beam lithography, one of the two-dimensional (2D) nanofabrication techniques, is also feasible to realize elaborate 3D nanostructures by stacking each 2D nanostructures. However, alignment errors among the individual 2D nanostructures have been difficult to control due to some practical issues. In this work, we introduce a straightforward approach to drastically increase the overlay accuracy of sub-20 nm based on carefully designed alignmarks and calibrators. Three different types of 3D nanostructures whose designs are motivated from metamaterials and plasmonic structures have been demonstrated to verify the feasibility of the method, and the desired result has been achieved. We believe our work can provide a useful approach for building more advanced and complex 3D nanostructures.114sciescopu

    Designing nanophotonic structures using conditional deep convolutional generative adversarial networks

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    Data-driven design approaches based on deep learning have been introduced in nanophotonics to reduce time-consuming iterative simulations, which have been a major challenge. Here, we report the first use of conditional deep convolutional generative adversarial networks to design nanophotonic antennae that are not constrained to predefined shapes. For given input reflection spectra, the network generates desirable designs in the form of images; this allows suggestions of new structures that cannot be represented by structural parameters. Simulation results obtained from the generated designs agree well with the input reflection spectrum. This method opens new avenues toward the development of nanophotonics by providing a fast and convenient approach to the design of complex nanophotonic structures that have desired optical properties.11Ysciescopu

    Medium Dependence of the Vector-Meson Mass: Dynamical and/or Brown-Rho Scaling?

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    We discuss the similarities and differences for the theories of Rapp, Wambach and collaborators (called R/W in short) and those based on Brown-Rho scaling (called B/R), as applied to reproduce the dileptons measured by the CERES collaboration in the CERN experiments. In both theories the large number of dileptons at invariant masses \sim~mρ/2m_\rho/2 are shown to be chiefly produced by a density-dependent ρ\rho-meson mass. In R/W the medium dependence is dynamically calculated using hadronic variables defined in the matter-free vacuum. In B/R scaling it follows from movement towards chiral symmetry restoration due to medium-induced vacuum change, and is described in terms of constituent (or quasiparticle) quarks. We argue that the R/W description should be reliable up to densities somewhat beyond nuclear density, where hadrons are the effective variables. At higher density there should be a crossover to constituent quarks as effective variables scaling according to B/R. In the crossover region, the two descriptions must be ``dual''.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, incl. 5 eps-figures and appb.sty; Talk given at the Workshop on 'The Structure of Mesons, Baryons and Nuclei', Cracow, May 1998, in honor of J. Speth's 60th birthday, to be published in Acta Physica Polonica