24 research outputs found

    Non Trivial Extension of the (1+2)-Poincar\'e Algebra and Conformal Invariance on the Boundary of AdS3AdS_3

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    Using recent results on string on AdS3×NdAdS_{3}\times N^d, where N is a d-dimensional compact manifold, we re-examine the derivation of the non trivial extension of the (1+2) dimensional-Poincar\'e algebra obtained by Rausch de Traubenberg and Slupinsky, refs [1] and [29]. We show by explicit computation that this new extension is a special kind of fractional supersymmetric algebra which may be derived from the deformation of the conformal structure living on the boundary of AdS3AdS_3. The two so(1,2) Lorentz modules of spin ±1k\pm{1\over k} used in building of the generalisation of the (1+2) Poincar\'e algebra are re-interpreted in our analysis as highest weight representations of the left and right Virasoro symmetries on the boundary of AdS3AdS_3. We also complete known results on 2d-fractional supersymmetry by using spectral flow of affine Kac-Moody and superconformal symmetries. Finally we make preliminary comments on the trick of introducing Fth-roots of g-modules to generalise the so(1,2) result to higher rank lie algebras g.Comment: Latex, 31 page

    D-string fluid in conifold: II. Matrix model for D-droplets on S^{3} and S^{2}

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    Motivated by similarities between Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) systems and aspects of topological string theory on conifold, we continue in the present paper our previous study (hep-th/0604001, hep-th/0601020) concerning FQH droplets on conifold. Here we focus our attention on the conifold sub-varieties S3\mathbb{S}^{3}\textbf{\}and\textbf{\}S2\mathbb{S}^{2} and study the non commutative quantum dynamics of D1 branes wrapped on a circle. We give a matrix model proposal for FQH droplets of NN point like particles on S3\mathbb{S}^{3}\textbf{\}and\textbf{\}S2\mathbb{S}^{2} with filling fraction Îœ=1k\nu =\frac{1}{k}. We show that the ground state of droplets on S3% \mathbb{S}^{3} carries an isospin j=kN(N−1)2j=k\frac{N(N-1)}{2} and gives remarkably rise to 2j+12j+1 droplets on S2\mathbb{S}^{2} with Cartan-Weyl charge ∣jzâˆŁâ‰€j| j_{z}| \leq j.Comment: 25 pages, one figur

    Algebraic Geometry Realization of Quantum Hall Soliton

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    Using Iqbal-Netzike-Vafa dictionary giving the correspondence between the H2_{2} homology of del Pezzo surfaces and p-branes, we develop a new way to approach system of brane bounds in M-theory on S1\mathbb{S}^{1}. We first review the structure of ten dimensional quantum Hall soliton (QHS) from the view of M-theory on S1\mathbb{S}^{1}. Then, we show how the D0 dissolution in D2-brane is realized in M-theory language and derive the p-brane constraint eqs used to define appropriately QHS. Finally, we build an algebraic geometry realization of the QHS in type IIA superstring and show how to get its type IIB dual. Others aspects are also discussed. Keywords: Branes Physics, Algebraic Geometry, Homology of Curves in Del Pezzo surfaces, Quantum Hall Solitons.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    A Matrix Model for Bilayered Quantum Hall Systems

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    We develop a matrix model to describe bilayered quantum Hall fluids for a series of filling factors. Considering two coupling layers, and starting from a corresponding action, we construct its vacuum configuration at \nu=q_iK_{ij}^{-1}q_j, where K_{ij} is a 2\times 2 matrix and q_i is a vector. Our model allows us to reproduce several well-known wave functions. We show that the wave function \Psi_{(m,m,n)} constructed years ago by Yoshioka, MacDonald and Girvin for the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling factor {2\over m+n} and in particular \Psi_{(3,3,1)} at filling {1\over 2} can be obtained from our vacuum configuration. The unpolarized Halperin wave function and especially that for the fractional quantum Hall state at filling factor {2\over 5} can also be recovered from our approach. Generalization to more than 2 layers is straightforward.Comment: 14 pages, minor changes in introduction and references added, published in JP

    A Matrix Model for \nu_{k_1k_2}=\frac{k_1+k_2}{k_1 k_2} Fractional Quantum Hall States

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    We propose a matrix model to describe a class of fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states for a system of (N_1+N_2) electrons with filling factor more general than in the Laughlin case. Our model, which is developed for FQH states with filling factor of the form \nu_{k_1k_2}=\frac{k_1+k_2}{k_1k_2} (k_1 and k_2 odd integers), has a U(N_1)\times U(N_2) gauge invariance, assumes that FQH fluids are composed of coupled branches of the Laughlin type, and uses ideas borrowed from hierarchy scenarios. Interactions are carried, amongst others, by fields in the bi-fundamentals of the gauge group. They simultaneously play the role of a regulator, exactly as does the Polychronakos field. We build the vacuum configurations for FQH states with filling factors given by the series \nu_{p_1p_2}=\frac{p_2}{p_1p_2-1}, p_1 and p_2 integers. Electrons are interpreted as a condensate of fractional D0-branes and the usual degeneracy of the fundamental state is shown to be lifted by the non-commutative geometry behaviour of the plane. The formalism is illustrated for the state at \nu={2/5}.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure, clarifications and references adde

    NC Effective Gauge Model for Multilayer FQH States

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    We develop an effective field model for describing FQH states with rational filling factors that are not of Laughlin type. These kinds of systems, which concern single layer hierarchical states and multilayer ones, were observed experimentally; but have not yet a satisfactory non commutative effective field description like in the case of Susskind model. Using DD brane analysis and fiber bundle techniques, we first classify such states in terms of representations characterized, amongst others, by the filling factor of the layers; but also by proper subgroups of the underlying U(n)U(n) gauge symmetry. Multilayer states in the lowest Landau level are interpreted in terms of systems of D2D2 branes; but hierarchical ones are realized as Fiber bundles on D2D2 which we construct explicitly. In this picture, Jain and Haldane series are recovered as special cases and have a remarkable interpretation in terms of Fiber bundles with specific intersection matrices. We also derive the general NC commutative effective field and matrix models for FQH states, extending Susskind theory, and give the general expression of the rational filling factors as well as their non abelian gauge symmetries.Comment: 54 pages 11 figures, LaTe

    Dualities in Quantum Hall System and Noncommutative Chern-Simons Theory

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    We discuss different dualities of QHE in the framework of the noncommutative Chern-Simons theory. First, we consider the Morita or T-duality transformation on the torus which maps the abelian noncommutative CS description of QHE on the torus into the nonabelian commutative description on the dual torus. It is argued that the Ruijsenaars integrable many-body system provides the description of the QHE with finite amount of electrons on the torus. The new IIB brane picture for the QHE is suggested and applied to Jain and generalized hierarchies. This picture naturally links 2d σ\sigma-model and 3d CS description of the QHE. All duality transformations are identified in the brane setup and can be related with the mirror symmetry and S duality. We suggest a brane interpretation of the plateu transition in IQHE in which a critical point is naturally described by SL(2,R)SL(2,R) WZW model.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum fluids in the Kaehler parametrization

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    In this paper we address the problem of the quantization of the perfect relativistic fluids formulated in terms of the K\"{a}hler parametrization. This fluid model describes a large set of interesting systems such as the power law energy density fluids, Chaplygin gas, etc. In order to maintain the generality of the model, we apply the BRST method in the reduced phase space in which the fluid degrees of freedom are just the fluid potentials and the fluid current is classically resolved in terms of them. We determine the physical states in this setting, the time evolution and the path integral formulation.Comment: 12 pages. Minor typos correcte