13 research outputs found

    Indonesia's Engagement Strategy Towards Australia : The Strengthening of Interdependence, 1983-1996

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    Relations between Indonesia and Australia before 1983 were not very cordial due to a number of factors. Soeharto, who was the President of Indonesia at that time, however felt that for Indonesia’s own national interests and for regional considerations, a healthier climate of relations between the two neighbours was vital and should be developed. President Soeharto therefore initiated a policy of Engagement Strategy with Australia from 1983 to 1996 which eventually ushered in a period of highly strengthened relations between the two countries between 1992-1996. The problem statement of the thesis is what were the considerations that prompted President Soeharto to launch the policy of Engagement Strategy with Australia, what were its underlying elements and why was it highly successful. The main objective of this study therefore is to examine the key elements and the underlying dynamics of the Engagement Strategy initiated by Indonesia’s President Soeharto with the Australian government from 1983-1996 and its achievements which led to heightened cooperation between the two countries. This research employs the qualitative method using the historical approach relying strongly on documents issued by the governments of Indonesia and Australia, as well as supported by in-depth interviews with experts on the subject. Findings show that the Engagement Strategy was not so successful in the initial period from 1983 to 1987 but Soeharto persisted in his initiative and launched re-engagement in 1988. This new initiative was very productive and brought in its wake a period of greatly enhanced and strengthened relations between the two countries in the political, economic and military fields. Some of the high points of this increased cooperation were the Timor Gap Treaty of 1991, the APEC Summit of 1994, and the Agreement of Mutual Security of 1995. The period of 1992-1996 can therefore be described as an exceptionally high point in the history of Indonesia-Australia relations. The significance of the study is that it hopes to shed more light on Indonesia’s relations with Australia which were rather strained most of the time, but significantly improved during a short period, 1992-1996. It also hopes to reveal some of the Dynamics of Regional Cooperation

    Pendampingan Komunitas Karang Taruna dalam Mengurangi Tingkat Kenakalan Remaja di Era New Normal

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    Remaja adalah usia yang sangat riskan sekali dalam mengenal kehidupan sosial diluar rumah karena banyak hal baru yang akan ditemukan dalam kehidupan sosial di luar rumah, dan jika kontrol yang rendah dari orang tua maka dapat memicu tindakan kenakalan remaja, sehingga akan terjadi tindakan yang berbeda. Tindakan kenakalan remaja seperti berbohong kepada orang tua, merokok di luar rumah, suka mengeluarkan kata-kata kotor/cemoohan kepada teman lainnya. Sejak merebaknya virus Covid-19 di Indonesia awal tahun 2020 memaksa pemerintah merubah metode pendidikan menjadi online, dab hal ini memaksa orang tua untuk memenuhi kelengkapan belajar online dipenuhi, namun fasilitas belajar tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk belajar online, karena sebagian besar waktu kosongnya untuk permainan online. Hal ini merupakan tindakan kenakalan remaja dan perlu dicari jalan keluarnya. Seperti yang terjadi di RW 14 Kampung Babakan Cikeruh Cimekar Cileunyi dan bersama komunitas karang taruna dirangkulah anak-anak remaja dalam kegiatan positif, seperti 1). Menarik iuran sampah, 2). Membantu dalam mengkordinir penjadwalan dan pengumpulan sampah, 3). Mensosilisasikan pentingnya protokol kesehatan dan penyemprotan disinfektan. Kegiatan diatas dapat mengurangi tindakan kenakalan remaja, dan mereka dapat belajar secara langsung mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan dalam bermasyarakat dan bagaimana melakukannya agar dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata bagi masyaraka


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    Public diplomacy is one of the instruments commonly used in international political activities. More precisely, public diplomacy discusses diplomatic activities carried out by state and non-state actors towards foreign publics in order to fulfill the interests of the relevant state. Various instruments can be used in public diplomacy activities such as books, television programs, brands, festivals, products, and films. In fact, information obtained by the public regarding a country comes from non-government actors. If uncontrolled, information circulating, especially from non-government actors, can cause problems for the national interest of a country. The problem is related to the influence of information on the image of the country in question. As stated by Leonard (2002) that the ideal public diplomacy activity can be formed if there is a synergistic effort between government and non-government actors. This study seeks to discuss public diplomacy activities that use the film industry as an instrument. The actor chosen as the main object in this research is the Indonesian Film Agency (BPI). This study will use the theory of public diplomacy developed by Mark Leonard with descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection method used in this research is through interviews and literature studies through various sources, both primary and secondary. In general, this research will provide an overview of the understanding of Mark Leonard’s theory of public diplomacy based on what has been done by BPI. In the end, this understanding will show the gap between theory and reality regarding Indonesian public diplomacy activities that use the film industry as an instrument. When referring to Leonard’s theory of public diplomacy, BPI has the potential to produce an ideal public diplomacy effort. Therefore, efforts to build a more integrated relationship between BPI and the Indonesian government are deemed necessary in order to maximize the role of BPI as both an actor in public diplomacy

    Higher education integration in ASEAN: ASEAN university network case

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    Higher education has an important role in the region's economic growth, with talents and ideas developing in the process. ASEAN University Network (AUN) is the institution that facilitates cooperation among ASEAN universities and beyond. This research attempts to describe the role of AUN in enhancing regional integration in the higher education sector in ASEAN. This research uses qualitative method to get depth information and the bigger picture in the governance of AUN’s role and mechanism in regional integration of higher education system. The results of this research showed that AUN helped enhancing regional cooperation


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    Fenomena radikalisme di Indonesia menjadi perhatian serius bagi keamanan dan stabilitas nasional. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang bahaya radikalisme di Indonesia dari perspektif intelejen dan keamanan nasional. Radikalisme di Indonesia memiliki dampak negatif bagi masyarakat dan sering kali diikuti dengan aksi teror yang dapat merugikan banyak orang. Intelejen berperan penting dalam mencegah dan mengatasi radikalisme dengan mengumpulkan informasi dan data terkait dengan kelompok-kelompok radikal. Keamanan nasional juga memiliki peran penting dalam mencegah radikalisme, dengan menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat serta mengatasi aksi teror yang dilakukan oleh kelompok-kelompok radikal. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan study literatur tentang peran intelejen dan keamanan nasional dalam mencegah dan mengatasi ancaman radikalisme di Indonesia

    Indonesia - Russia Bilateral Relations: Efforts To Enhance Digital Economy And Tourism Investment Cooperation

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    Indonesia and Russia's bilateral relations still need to be improved and strengthened in all sectors. Both countries agreed in Jakarta in 2021 to enhance and strengthen bilateral cooperation in politics, law, and security. The commitment to further cooperation made by the two major countries in the Asia Pacific aimed at creating peace and maintaining regional and global security stability. This study aims to elaborate how Indonesia's bilateral relations with Russia enhanced are related to the efforts of both generating digital economic cooperation and attracting foreign investment in Indonesia's leading tourist destinations. This study utilizes the concept of dynamic bilateral relations and the implementation of foreign economic policies. The researchers use qualitative research methods with explanatory writing techniques analyzing the data and information obtained. The liberal approach to mutually beneficial international cooperation is further elaborated and analyzed, particularly in understanding how each country's strategic decisions have an impact on sustaining regional economic growth. The digital economy cooperation built by the two countries still needs to be strengthened to attract more incoming Russian investors in the tourism industry. This research reveals that international cooperation has been carried out by the Indonesian government and stakeholders related to tourism management destinations is done through bilateral cooperation, regional cooperation, and multilateral cooperation. It still needs clear strategies that should be implemented tactically as a strategic effort by the Indonesian government and related stakeholders to sharpen the construction of the national digital economy in the sustainable, inclusive, and quality tourism sector in driving and supporting national economic growth

    Politik luar negeri indonesia antara idealisme dan praktek

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    Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers and Sustainable Development Goals: Feasible Policy and Practices

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    The issue of Indonesian migrant domestic workers is still a homework that need to be prioritized by the government. The problematic management, include the lack of legal-based protection, have resulted in many unfortunate cases and conditions of migrant workers. Many of them are prone to unequal treatments, mental and physical abuse, even human trafficking. The Indonesian government currently addresses a policy of zero migrant worker roadmap, which has brought up many critics mentioning how the policy is discriminatory and violates the rights to economy of the workers. By using a qualitative approach of method, this paper aims to discuss the possibility of solutions that will generate an inclusive framework of to eradicate inequalities posed by Indonesian migrant domestic workers, by briefly highlighting the case of Sumba Barat Daya as the second largest migrant workers sender in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Under the Sustainable Development Goals framework, from policy approach, this paper suggests the government of Indonesia to focus more on the skill and capacity building of migrant workers, by also imposing the social protection approach towards them

    Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers and Sustainable Development Goals: Feasible Policy and Practices

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    The issue of Indonesian migrant domestic workers is still a homework that need to be prioritized by the government. The problematic management, include the lack of legal-based protection, have resulted in many unfortunate cases and conditions of migrant workers. Many of them are prone to unequal treatments, mental and physical abuse, even human trafficking. The Indonesian government currently addresses a policy of zero migrant worker roadmap, which has brought up many critics mentioning how the policy is discriminatory and violates the rights to economy of the workers. By using a qualitative approach of method, this paper aims to discuss the possibility of solutions that will generate an inclusive framework of to eradicate inequalities posed by Indonesian migrant domestic workers, by briefly highlighting the case of Sumba Barat Daya as the second largest migrant workers sender in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Under the Sustainable Development Goals framework, from policy approach, this paper suggests the government of Indonesia to focus more on the skill and capacity building of migrant workers, by also imposing the social protection approach towards them

    Feel the Rhythm of Korea: Upaya Nation Branding Korea Selatan dalam Promosi Pariwisata di Indonesia

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    The tourism sector for South Korea is playing important roles  in supporting the country's economy. The South Korean Government pays special attention to the development and promotion of its country's tourism by forming a special organization, namely the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO). This study aims to determine the process of image building and promotion of South Korean tourism through descriptive qualitative analysis using the concept of nation branding. The data collection process was carried out through interviews with the KTO and also the Indonesian public who were the audiences of the 'Feel the Rhythm of Korea' campaign. This research shows that KTO has succeeded in identifying its market so that the implementation of nation branding is carried out efficiently through digital media and brings up elements of music and dance as unique selling points in its promotion. In addition, KTO has also succeeded in attracting public interest by using a nation-brand ambassador. The conclusion of this study is that KTO's innovation in using digital media to carry out nation branding and tourism promotion is the right decision, so that it succeeds in creating a positive image and encouraging the desire of the Indonesian public to travel to South Korea.Sektor pariwisata bagi Korea selatan merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang menyokong perekonomian negaranya. Sehingga, Pemerintah Korea Selatan menaruh perhatian khusus dalam pengembangan dan promosi pariwisata negaranya dengan membentuk organisasi khusus, yaitu Korea Tourism Organization (KTO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses upaya pembentukan citra  dan promosi pariwisata Korea Selatan melalui analisis kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan konsep nation branding.  Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan pihak KTO dan juga publik Indonesia yang menjadi  penonton dari kampanye ‘Feel the Rhythm of Korea’ yang dilakukan oleh KTO.  Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa   KTO berhasil mengidentifikasi pasarnya sehingga implementasi   nation brandingnya dilakukan secara efisien melalui media digital serta memunculkan elemen musik dan tarian sebagai unique selling points dalam  promosinya. Selain itu, KTO juga berhasil menarik minat masyarakat dengan penggunaan nation-brand ambassador. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah  inovasi KTO dalam menggunakan media digital untuk melakukan upaya nation branding dan promosi pariwisatanya merupakan langkah yang tepat, sehingga berhasil memunculkan citra positif serta mendorong keinginan publik Indonesia untuk berwisata ke Korea Selatan.   &nbsp