25 research outputs found

    The Possibility and Necessity of the Human-Centered AI in Legal Theory and Practice

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    Objective: the paper aims to define the problems juridical theory and practice face with the progress of AI technologies in everyday life and correlate these problems with the human-centered approach to exploring artificial intelligence (Human-Centered AI).Methods: the research  critically analyzes  the relevant literature from various disciplines: jurisprudence, sociology, philosophy, and computer sciences.Results: the article articulates the prospects and problems the legal system confronts with the advancement of digital technologies in general and the tools of AI specifically. The identified problems are correlated with the provisions of the human-centered approach to AI. The authors acknowledge the necessity for AI inventors, as well as the owners of companies participating in the race to develop artificial intelligence technologies, to place humans, not machines, into the focus of attention as a primary value. In particular, special effort should be directed towards collecting and analyzing high-quality data for the organization of artificial intelligence tools development, taking into account that nowadays, the tools of AI are as practical as the data on which they are trained are effective.The authors formulate three principles of human-centered AI for the legal sphere: 1) a human as a necessary link in the chain of making and executing legal decisions; 2) the need to regulate artificial intelligence at the international law level; 3) formulating “a taboo” for introducing the artificial intelligence technologies.Scientific novelty: the article manifests one of the first attempts in the Russianlanguage scientific literature to outline the prospects of developing humancentered AI methodology in jurisprudence. Based on an analysis of special literature, the authors formulate three principles of including artificial intelligence into juridical theory and practice according to the assumptions of a human-centered approach to AI.Practical significance: the principles and arguments the article advances can be helpful in the legal regulation of artificial intelligence technologies and their harmonious inclusion into legal practices

    В поисках механизмов социальных изменений в современной Украине

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    Book Review: Savelyev Y. Multidimensional modernity: social inclusion in assessment of social development: monograph / Yuriy Savelyev. – K. : VPC "The University of Kyiv", 2017. – 447 p. [in Ukrainian]Рецензия на книгу: Савельєв Ю. Б. Багатовимірна сучасність: соціальне включення в оцінці суспільного розвитку : монографія / Ю. Б. Савельєв. – К. : ВПЦ "Київський університет", 2017. – 447 с

    ChatGPT and AI in the Universities: An Introduction to the Near Future

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    The paper aims to present the theoretical and methodological foundations for developing and implementing artificial intelligence (AI) instruments in higher education within the HumanCentered AI framework and considers ChatGPT as a specific case. It is oriented toward critically analyzing scholarly literature from various disciplines to support a-disciplinary approach to utilizing AI research in higher education. The authors begin by outlining the foundations of the research, then by analyzing the implications of the “lessons” of the COVID-19 pandemic for the development of higher education in the age of AI. This is followed by an analysis of technologies such as ChatGPT that have the potential to radically change higher education in the near future. After that, the authors move on to general remarks about the prospects and challenges of using AI technologies in higher education. The relevance of the research is characterized by the analysis of the latest developments in the field of AI and their possible impact on higher education. The main results of the paper are characteristics of areas in which AI technologies can be implemented in higher education – accreditation and licensing of universities, student recruitment, teaching and learning – as well as areas in which AI technologies should not be used. In conclusion, two hypotheses are formulated, and three general and five specific conclusions about the use of AI technologies in higher education are made

    Соціологія в Канаді як наукова та академічна дисципліна

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    The paper addresses questions concerning the place and role of Canadian sociology in the larger global context. In what ways can Canadian sociology complementglobal sociology? What challenges face Canadian sociology in universities today? The authors review trajectories and paradigms of Canadian sociology, its history, and recent developments. The institutional structures of Canadian sociology are observed in the framework of 'sociology as a scientific and academic discipline' (SaSAD). The article provides a brief historical account to the Anglo/French division in Canadian sociology, examines its relationship with the country's legacy and complex interplay between social movements, political parties and social science. The case of Canada helps to address principal questions concerning the place of sociology as a scientific and academic discipline in the contemporary university.Стаття пропонує результати історико – порівняльного аналізу розвитку соціології в Канаді і розглядає питання про місце і роль канадської соціології в глобальному соціальному пізнанні. Мета дослідження полягає в тому, щоб показати основні контури канадськоїсоціології в глобальній порівняльній перспективі. Проаналізовано інституціональні структури, історію і сучасний стан канадської соціології як науки та академічної дисципліни (SaSAD). У статті досліджується історичний контекст виникнення канадської соціології під впливом англійської та французької традицій, вплив на її розвиток таких факторів, як історична спадщина, соціальні рухи і політична динаміка. Результати дозволяють по-новому поглянути на принципові питання про місце соціології в структурі сучасного університету, її обмеженнях і перспективи як науки, а також сформулювати низку критичних спостережень щодо домінуючих поглядів на соціальну науку та її місце в суспільстві. Така перспектива відкриває можливість для більш адекватної формулювання традиційних питань соціології знання та історії соціології

    From Uncertainty to Trust: COVID-19 Pandemic Responses of South Korea and Sweden

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    Received 3 September 2021. Accepted 24 March 2022. Published online 11 April 2022.Epidemiological situations, such as the pandemic of COVID-19, pose a clear and significant problem for the states in their efforts to construct and to control their population. The widespread introduction of a lockdown as a regulatory method during the current pandemic could be associated with the need to preserve an understandable, quantifiable, and predictable management object. This paper considers, analyses, and compares two deviant cases of COVID-19 pandemic responses: South Korea and Sweden. In South Korea, the pandemic regulations were dominated by large-scale testing and contact tracing, while lockdown policies have played a supplementary role. Sweden’s attempt to develop population immunity by introducing less stringent measures that its neighbours has attracted much attention worldwide. The authors conduct desk research and analyse secondary data on pandemic regulations and their effects in these two countries in 2020. Similarities and differences between Swedish and South Korean cases are formulated regarding trust inside and between the states.The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 20-04-60033)