38 research outputs found

    Preclinical orofacial pain assays and measures and chronic primary orofacial pain research: where we are and where we need to go

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    Chronic primary orofacial pain (OFP) conditions such as painful temporomandibular disorders (pTMDs; i.e., myofascial pain and arthralgia), idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (TN), and burning mouth syndrome (BMS) are seemingly idiopathic, but evidence support complex and multifactorial etiology and pathophysiology. Important fragments of this complex array of factors have been identified over the years largely with the help of preclinical studies. However, findings have yet to translate into better pain care for chronic OFP patients. The need to develop preclinical assays that better simulate the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical symptoms of OFP patients and to assess OFP measures consistent with their clinical symptoms is a challenge that needs to be overcome to support this translation process. In this review, we describe rodent assays and OFP pain measures that can be used in support of chronic primary OFP research, in specific pTMDs, TN, and BMS. We discuss their suitability and limitations considering the current knowledge of the etiology and pathophysiology of these conditions and suggest possible future directions. Our goal is to foster the development of innovative animal models with greater translatability and potential to lead to better care for patients living with chronic primary OFP

    eIF2α phosphorylation controls thermal nociception

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    A response to environmental stress is critical to alleviate cellular injury and maintain cellular homeostasis. Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) is a key integrator of cellular stress responses and an important regulator of mRNA translation. Diverse stress signals lead to the phosphorylation of the α subunit of eIF2 (Ser51), resulting in inhibition of global protein synthesis while promoting expression of proteins that mediate cell adaptation to stress. Here we report that eIF2α is instrumental in the control of noxious heat sensation. Mice with decreased eIF2α phosphorylation (eIF2α(+/S51A)) exhibit reduced responses to noxious heat. Pharmacological attenuation of eIF2α phosphorylation decreases thermal, but not mechanical, pain sensitivity, whereas increasing eIF2α phosphorylation has the opposite effect on thermal nociception. The impact of eIF2α phosphorylation (p-eIF2α) on thermal thresholds is dependent on the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1. Moreover, we show that induction of eIF2α phosphorylation in primary sensory neurons in a chronic inflammation pain model contributes to thermal hypersensitivity. Our results demonstrate that the cellular stress response pathway, mediated via p-eIF2α, represents a mechanism that could be used to alleviate pathological heat sensation

    TACAN is an essential component of the mechanosensitive ion channel responsible for pain sensing

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    Mechanotransduction, the conversion of mechanical stimuli into electrical signals, is a fundamental process underlying several physiological functions such as touch and pain sensing, hearing and proprioception. This process is carried out by specialized mechanosensitive ion channels whose identities have been discovered for most functions except pain sensing. Here we report the identification of TACAN (Tmem120A), an essential subunit of the mechanosensitive ion channel responsible for sensing mechanical pain. TACAN is expressed in a subset of nociceptors, and its heterologous expression increases mechanically-evoked currents in cell lines. Purification and reconstitution of TACAN in synthetic lipids generates a functional ion channel. Finally, knocking down TACAN decreases the mechanosensitivity of nociceptors and reduces behavioral responses to mechanical but not to thermal pain stimuli, without affecting the sensitivity to touch stimuli. We propose that TACAN is a pore-forming subunit of the mechanosensitive ion channel responsible for sensing mechanical pain

    Differential Regulation of 6- and 7-Transmembrane Helix Variants of μ-Opioid Receptor in Response to Morphine Stimulation

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    The pharmacological effect of opioids originates, at the cellular level, by their interaction with the μ-opioid receptor (mOR) resulting in the regulation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and inwardly rectifying K+ channels that ultimately modulate the synaptic transmission. Recently, an alternative six trans-membrane helix isoform of mOR, (6TM-mOR) has been identified, but its function and signaling are still largely unknown. Here, we present the structural and functional mechanisms of 6TM-mOR signaling activity upon binding to morphine. Our data suggest that despite the similarity of binding modes of the alternative 6TM-mOR and the dominant seven trans-membrane helix variant (7TM-mOR), the interaction with morphine generates different dynamic responses in the two receptors, thus, promoting the activation of different mOR-specific signaling pathways. We characterize a series of 6TM-mOR-specific cellular responses, and observed that they are significantly different from those for 7TM-mOR. Morphine stimulation of 6TM-mOR does not promote a cellular cAMP response, while it increases the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and reduces the cellular K+ conductance. Our findings indicate that 6TM-mOR has a unique contribution to the cellular opioid responses. Therefore, it should be considered as a relevant target for the development of novel pharmacological tools and medical protocols involving the use of opioids

    Contribution of the Trpv1 gene to the physiology of supraoptic neurons

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    The release of vasopressin (VP) from magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei is essential to hydromineral homeostasis. This release is controlled by several physiological stimuli, including changes in the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid, and in core body temperature. The osmotic control of VP release is mediated by specific and highly sensitive 'osmoreceptors'. Indeed, VP-releasing neurons in the SON are directly osmosensitive, and this osmosensitivity is mediated by stretch-inhibited cation channels. The molecular identity of these channels, however, remains unknown. The thermal control of VP release, on the other hand, is largely unexplained. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the mouse SON is a valid model for investigating the molecular basis of osmotransduction. We show that hyperosmotically-induced increases in membrane conductance are blocked by ruthenium red (RR), a non selective blocker of TRPV channels. In addition, SON neurons were found to express an N-terminal splice variant of TRPV1, but not full-length TRPV1. Unlike their wild-type counterparts, SON neurons in Trpv1 knockout (Trpv1-/-) mice could not generate RR-sensitive increases in membrane conductance and depolarizing potentials in response to hyperosmotic stimulation. Moreover, Trpv1-/-mice showed a pronounced serum hyperosmolality under basal conditions and severely compromised VP responses to osmotic stimulation in vivo. These results suggest that the Trpv1 gene may encode a central component of the osmoreceptor. Furthermore, we demonstrate that VP neurons are intrinsically thermosensitive. In these neurons, thermal stimuli spanning core body temperatures activate a RR-sensitive non selective cation current. Interestingly, VP neurons isolated from Trpv1 -/-mice are significantly less thermosensitive. These results suggest that channels encoded by the Trpv1 gene can confer thermosensitivity in the physiological range. Overall, these data suggest that products of the Trpv1 gene in VP neurons may represent a molecular point of convergence for the detection of osmotic and thermal stimuli

    Proteomic and Transcriptomic Techniques to Decipher the Molecular Evolution of Venoms

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    Nature’s library of venoms is a vast and untapped resource that has the potential of becoming the source of a wide variety of new drugs and therapeutics. The discovery of these valuable molecules, hidden in diverse collections of different venoms, requires highly specific genetic and proteomic sequencing techniques. These have been used to sequence a variety of venom glands from species ranging from snakes to scorpions, and some marine species. In addition to identifying toxin sequences, these techniques have paved the way for identifying various novel evolutionary links between species that were previously thought to be unrelated. Furthermore, proteomics-based techniques have allowed researchers to discover how specific toxins have evolved within related species, and in the context of environmental pressures. These techniques allow groups to discover novel proteins, identify mutations of interest, and discover new ways to modify toxins for biomimetic purposes and for the development of new therapeutics

    Preclinical orofacial pain assays and measures and chronic primary orofacial pain research: where we are and where we need to go

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    Chronic primary orofacial pain (OFP) conditions such as painful temporomandibular disorders (pTMDs; i.e., myofascial pain and arthralgia), idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (TN), and burning mouth syndrome (BMS) are seemingly idiopathic, but evidence support complex and multifactorial etiology and pathophysiology. Important fragments of this complex array of factors have been identified over the years largely with the help of preclinical studies. However, findings have yet to translate into better pain care for chronic OFP patients. The need to develop preclinical assays that better simulate the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical symptoms of OFP patients and to assess OFP measures consistent with their clinical symptoms is a challenge that needs to be overcome to support this translation process. In this review, we describe rodent assays and OFP pain measures that can be used in support of chronic primary OFP research, in specific pTMDs, TN, and BMS. We discuss their suitability and limitations considering the current knowledge of the etiology and pathophysiology of these conditions and suggest possible future directions. Our goal is to foster the development of innovative animal models with greater translatability and potential to lead to better care for patients living with chronic primary OFP. 2023 Sadighparvar, Al Hamed, Sharif-Naeini and Meloto.Scopu